
Sustainable Tourism in Travel and Tourism Sector


Added on  2023-05-31

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Leadership ManagementLanguages and CultureEnvironmental ScienceEconomicsPolitical Science
Sustainable Tourism in Travel and Tourism Sector
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Sustainable Tourism in Travel and Tourism Sector_1

Assignment 3: Current Issues and Tourism Planning
It has been under notice that over the last 30 years, the coral reeves on the world have
been lost worldwide. Although half of the population is unaware of the issue since it is kind of
out of sight, out of heart problem, the social and economic impacts are unimaginable. It is
leading the world towards destruction. According to the environmental science studies, corals
serve the purpose of functioning as the base of marine ecosystem. They serve equal to the
essential work of how the trees work for the forests as well as the cities. They do it for the
oceans. The corals are extremely vital for the entire planet in spite of covering only 1% of the
whole earth’s surface (Abelson et al., 2016). They contribute a good deal to the formation of
oxygen that is taken in. The coral reefs also help to compose millions of animals called polyps.
With the fast destruction of the coral reefs, many animals which are essential part of the marine
life are losing their homes and heading towards extinction.
The climate of the sea is gradually becoming warmer with the passage of time, thereby
making the sea level unsuitable for the coral reefs to sustain. The first global mass-bleaching
happened in the year 1997/98. Again after 12 years happened the same incident. Such mass
bleaching affects the political stability, induce hunger and poverty ratios. Almost 29% of the
corals in the Great Barrier Reef died in a single year (Chavanich et al., 2015). However, the good
aspect is that, even after having the maximum of coral reefs devastated, there is still chance to
recover and protect the existing coral reefs. The present report will elaborate the development of
a campaign to save the coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef with specific focus on the evaluation
of the methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing
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tourism destination. It will also analyze the implications of balancing supply and demand. The
report will further evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism.
Current Issues related to the Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef water is constantly getting maligned by human activities. It is
quite obvious and there is no wonder that the reefs are heading towards extinction. One such
incident is spilling of more than 7,000 gallons of wastewater in the waters of Great Barrier Reef
by a Carnival Cruise Line ship in August 2018 (Dredge & Jamal, 2015). It is undoubtedly a
catastrophic event that harmed the rest of the Coral Reefs. Studies suggest that over the next
coming few decades, there will be no sign of the existence of the coral reefs or coral islands.
During the last ice age, the sea levels had considerably arisen that helped the coral islands grow
much larger without any hurdles.
The expansion has stretched itself nearly 1,500 miles along the Australian Coast in such a way
that it is visible even from the space (Edgell Sr, 2016). As published by a study in the Nature
Climate Change last year, it has been found that even a little amount of warming which is in the
current situation and will be continuing can finish the complete Great Barrier Reef. The coral
reefs suffer from bleaching at least once or twice a year increasing their damage levels.
However, after evaluating then current scenario, the climate scientists have predicted that there is
still tine before all the corals die completely. The Australian Marine Park Authority tries their
best to change the scenario in the best possible way.
Role and Importance of developing campaigns
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It is known that the coral reefs are most important undersea ecosystems which are also
homes of millions of plants and animal species. The well-being of these beautiful creation is
highly threatened by human interruption which includes pollution, excessive fishing and
subsequently global warming. The biodiversity of the tropical reefs is being distorted by
excessive trade in coral and fishes. There are various fishing techniques that are used in the
modern culture. The destructive method of fishing by bottom trawl nets, cyanide and dynamite
are harming the other creatures under the sea up to greater extent. In order to save the world from
devastation, many marine protecting campaigns can be developed (Gohar & Kondolf, 2016). The
campaigns are important as they spread the awareness among people regarding the importance of
the coral reefs and how to save them for a sustainable future. The campaigns prohibit the trade
of any coral made ornaments at least at the coastal area. The campaigns aim at reducing the use
of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which are the key factors accelerating the end of the oceans.
The trash materials especially the un –dissolving materials such as plastics are strictly prevented
by the campaigns. As a whole. the campaigns help to generate an eco-friendly environment so
that the world sustain in future.
Current conflicts of interest related to tourism development planning
Since the Great Barrier Reef is located in Queensland and stretches 2,300 km along the
coast that covers 348,000 km square, the focus country is inevitably Australia. The country has
high impact regarding the economic, socio-cultural as well as environmental (Karr et al., 2015).
The economic influence of the country is raising the income of the country by the foreign
exchange and also enhancing the employment level. However, there are considerable issues that
are related to aspects such as conflicts between the planner, tour operator, tourists, government,
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developer, local community, economic, social, and environmental and many others. The detailed
discussion of the issues are as follows:
Conflict between the Planner
Although the tourism industry has rapidly become one of the most expanding industries
of the world, it is a clean and non-polluting industry. The impact of tourism on the social,
environmental world is highly varied (Robinson. & Luck. 2013). On the one hand, it strengthens
the economic stability of the country, supports employment as well as modernizes the destination
countries. On the other hand, there are complaints from the tourist places regarding the un-
fulfillment of the expectations and nit maintaining the environmental beauty come into view. On
the one hand, it creates better opportunities for broader cultural understanding by the help of
spreading awareness among the citizens regarding the historical value or heritage of a place
(Paige,2009) . This has given rise to the demand of a sustainable development in the industry of
Conflict between the tour operator
It is suggested that the tourism industry itself can develop the campaigns of a sustainable
tourism. The major issue is the lack of common understanding of the importance of ‘ecotourism’
and the degrading effect of human activities on the environment and the marine ecosystem. Since
the aim of the campaign would be to protect the coral reefs by clearing the trash harming the
coastal areas, it will definitely bring conflicts between the planners. The tourism planners will
focus on their business and at the same time would lead to the traffic in the coastal areas. The
massive influx of the tourists sometimes leaves a huge impact on the sustainability of nature.
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The more the number of tourists will grow, the more it will pollute area disposing waste
Conflict between the local community
The local inhabitants and the local infrastructure also will be affected. Taken for instance,
almost 85% of the people who visit the Great Barrier Reef concentrate in two particular areas.
These are Cairns and the Whitsunday Islands. These two places have their human population of
more than 130, 000 or so. It has been found that in many areas, there are massive tourist
development such as airports, golf courses, resorts, marinas and many others. The most essential
mangrove forests are being removed in order to create beaches. However, the damage is not
finished with the development of tourist facilities. There are evidence of resorts draining their
sewage waste directly into the water and thereby harming the corals and other sensitive
creatures. The recreational works also have a huge impact. The abundance in the number of
tourist people increases the percentage of boating, fishing, snorkeling that damages the coral
reefs in an unexpected way.
The guest-host relationship
With the growth of tourism in such areas, the tendency of the local people to generate
revenues from the tourists. In order to serve the purpose of better commercialization and
employment among the local people, they tend to do overfishing and other sea foods as well as
extract the beautiful corals of different colors and other marine souvenirs and sell them to the
tourists. In this way the marine resources have reached a situation of ‘bottom line’ and heading
to become emptied completely. The Australian government which received a considerable
amount of the revenues that come from the foreign travelers might get disturbed by the
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sustainable campaign because the campaign would inevitably prune the abundance of visitors
every day and limit them and save the reef ultimately.
Conflict with the tourists
The conflict with the tour operators and the tourists is also equally obvious because they
would try their best to make the best out of their tour to the Great Barrier Reef but the activities
and regulations of the campaign would impose limitation on their desires and expectations.
Campaign will measure the carbon emission rates of the travelers who visit the reef every year
and take necessary actions. A sustainable tourism system is required to support the tourism
industry a long continuing field, otherwise it would perish soon since the special attraction of the
place, and the coral reefs will be no more existing. Hence, the implementation of the campaign
will face difficulties after disturbing the legal, operational, governmental factors. One of the most
essential component of tourism planning management is effective collaborative partnership
between the stakeholders or the relationship between the guest and the host. The campaign will
strictly limit the human activities.
The economic and environmental Impact
The limitation imposed on the reef adjacent tourism by the campaign might have a
serious impact on the economic factors of the country especially the local areas such as Cairns
and Whitsunday Inlands. The Great Barrier Reef has been a center place and a strong basis of the
economic development of the country. However, although the country will face a decline in the
number of tourists, the environmental aspect will be kept strong. A healthy environment is
always the basis of a healthy industry. Therefore, the campaign would be helpful for developing
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a long –term benefit for the tourism industry and subsequently the economic condition of the
country by saving the ‘coral reef ‘.
How the conflicts of interest can be resolved?
In order to solve the conflicts of interest and help the ‘save the coral reef’ campaign
flourish properly, people who are solely related to the coral reef surroundings or the tourism
associates have to be concerned enough. The local government have to be cooperative in
developing strategic plans and projects in the local area. In order to improve the awareness
among the staffs and the local inhabitants, the tourism businesses must be streamlined. The
tourism organizations have to identify new heritage based tourism development opportunities
and examine the sustainable tourism policies are being properly advanced in their areas. The
park managers must develop strong communication links and efficient partnerships with the
interests of tourism.
The other measures that can be used to resolve the conflicts of interest are tourism and
environmental protection an establishing effective partnership with the stakeholders. It is obvious
that the campaign would earn the wrath of many people especially those who are intricately
related with the reefs. Balancing the needs of the visitors and the environment is also necessary
in order to manage the stakeholders’ interest and their preferences. The partnership relationships
can be established by an acknowledgement of all the stakeholders regarding the mutual benefits
of working together to achieve the sustainable outcomes. In the decision making process all the
stakeholders have to be fully engaged. There must be some activities designed to allow the
partnership to participate in the decision making of the campaign. The scope for mutual learning
and information must be enhanced for better management and planning decisions. The legislative
Sustainable Tourism in Travel and Tourism Sector_8

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