performance of the mid-sized organizations so that the awareness among the mid-sized
organizations in UAE can be developed which improves the overall performance of the company
that directly contribute towards the overall performance of the company. The primary research is
conducted through questionnaire and semi-structured interview in order to collect the first-hand
information. The secondary data is collected from the annual reports, interim reports and other
reports of the company. The aim of the research is to determine the impact of learning and
development initiatives on the overall performance of the mid-sized organization in the UAE.
The primary research is oriented towards the employee’s performance. The training and
development initiatives by the organization help to improve the efficiency and skills of
employees which directly contributes towards the organizational performance within the specific
period of time.
Negotiation of Access and research ethics
The access of information was granted by the owners of the company as they understood that the
research would benefit the company. The company is mainly interested in determining the
findings of survey related to the impacts of training and development on the overall performance
of the company. The owners of the company found time in participating the semi-structured
interview, and they allow to conduct the survey among the employees within the organization
who has already gone through the training and development programs within an organization.
The issue which was the deal at the time of research was researched ethics that refers to the right
behavior toward