
Java Patient Appointment System Subsystem


Added on  2020-05-16

12 Pages2024 Words77 Views
Running head: JHC SYSTEM DESIGNJHC System DesignName of the student:Name of the University:Author note:
Java Patient Appointment System Subsystem_1

1JHC SYSTEM DESIGN Table of ContentsGeneral Authorship Description................................................................................................2Subsystem Description...............................................................................................................2The Object Oriented Approach..................................................................................................2Header Files imported................................................................................................................3Data Dictionary..........................................................................................................................3Methods Used.............................................................................................................................4Program Component Description...............................................................................................5Storage Mechanism....................................................................................................................7Future Improvement...................................................................................................................8Testing and Output.....................................................................................................................8
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2JHC SYSTEM DESIGN General Authorship Description/*@author: Rohit *@version: 1.0* Date: 02/02/2018 */Subsystem DescriptionJames Healthcare Centre is building their IT base health care system. In this report,the design of one of the most crucial subsystems of the JHC is to be validated through theobject-oriented approach and documented accordingly. The code has been written using theJAVA programming language.The subsystem is known as the JHC Appointment Reminder. The purpose of thisprogram is to store the appointment details of several patients. The admin can create newpatient records at any time. Each patient record would include patient name, their contactdetail, their appointment date, appointment time and finally the provider’s name. The adminwho logs into the system can add these patient details at any time and save these detailsaccordingly. A huge number of such records can be entered into the system. The mainoperation of the system is to display the details of all those patients whose appointment dateis coming up within the next 2 days. This would give the admin, a chance to contact therespective patients and remind them about their next appointment.This system would help the patients not to miss any appointment having forgotten theschedule details. Special care has been taken to design the system with keen details tocalculating the difference of days and displaying content as per the requirements.The Object Oriented ApproachThe object-oriented approach has been adapted in the following development process.The system is designed with the help of class, objects and methods. The program uses
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3JHC SYSTEM DESIGN encapsulation to bind the data members and member methods of the class as a single unitwhenever an object of that class is created. Certain member variables and member methodsof the class are kept protected so as to provide a boundary for their accessibility. Thesevariables and methods shall be discussed with keen details towards their usage, data types,accessibilities and purpose in the following paragraphs.Header Files imported1.java.text.ParseException2.java.text.SimpleDateFormat3.java.util.Locale4.java.util.Date5.java.util.ScannerData DictionaryVariable NameVariable typeBrief descriptionpatientNameStringStores the name of patientproviderNameStringStores the provider name forpatientappDateStringStores the appointment dateof patientappTimeStringStores the appointment timeof patienttelephonelongStores the contact number ofpatientcountintegerKeeps track of the numberof patient objects creatediintegerLoop counter to traverse theobject arraychoiceintegerTakes user input for menuoption choiceflagintegerKeeps track of return valuefrom called methoddateTodayStringStores the current dateentered by userpatient [ ]Class: JHCreminder typeThe array of objects thatstore each patient recordstempintegerTemporary usagediffintegerCalculates difference of
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