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Holipets Pet Care Database System


Added on  2020/06/04

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This assignment details the implementation of a database system at Holipets Pet Care Centre. The centre, previously relying on manual record keeping, adopted a database system to streamline operations, particularly during peak periods with numerous bookings and customer service requests. This shift has significantly improved efficiency and prevented potential issues associated with manual data management.

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TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Use Case Diagram for Holipets Pet Care Scenario.....................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
Use Case Description..................................................................................................................6
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10
Class Diagram...........................................................................................................................10
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
Sequence Diagram....................................................................................................................13
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System Analysis can be categorised as an act or a procedure for studying the activity. In
the development of any new system, various activities are required, whether it may be similar or
different (Siau and Rossi, 2011). When all the facts of the issue are reviewed, system analysis is
then effective the most. The report is about the scenario of the Holipets Pet Care. It is a pet acre
centre which offers various services to the cats and the dogs. Also, it gives them extra comfort
and help when any pet is ill or is suffering from some issue. The care centre is managing the
record keeping manually which is a very haphazard process in case of more customers or
services. So, the pet acre centre wants to adopt a computerisation process which can help them in
managing the record keeping efficiently.
Use Case Diagram for Holipets Pet Care Scenario
A use case can be considered as a set of activities that describes the level of interaction
between the system and the specific actors. The character playing as actor can be external as well
as internal. For the identification of a use case, some factors that need to keep in mind are the
proper identification of the actors, goals, candidates, start and end points of each specific case.
The Holipets Pet Care centre provides both the facilities for the pets, boarding as well as the
home visit facilities (Chaudron, Heijstek and Nugroho, 2012). They take extra charges on home
delivery. Whenever the owner of a pet is not available, the members of the pet care comes to
visit them, provide them proper food and water. They also take them out on walks and play with
them. They come for regular visits when any pet is ill or undergoing frequent injections. The pet
care has a boarding capacity of 30 dogs and 40 cats. Dogs are residing in their boarding kennels
while the cats resides in the cattery. Both the kennels and the cattery are separate from each
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The class diagram for specific details of both the pets and customers are as under :
In the class diagram, characteristics that are essential for the pet care are the particular ID
of the pet as well as of the customer. The identity of the customer, which means the owner of the
pet, their address, specific breed of the pet, whether it is a cat or a dog. All these details are
essential for the Holipets Pet Care centre. They have to keep the records. For maintaining the

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records properly, they need appropriate details of all the customers along with the pets also. They
keep it because if the pet have some further complications, they can easily refer to the previous
details and search for the preventions.
In case the pet owner is away or in any situation when the pet is ill and having any problem, the
Holipets Pet care provides proper care and support to them as represented in the use case
diagram below :
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The pet care provides proper care to the pets when their owners are not at home. They
provides them proper food and water from time to time, take them out for walks, provide them
proper medications and play with them. For any home delivery of the pets, the centre charges an
extra amount. The home visits are being done by one those people of the staff whose reliability is
the most trusted and who have vehicles for travelling there. All the owners handles the
management tasks. There is a couple of senior management staff that replaces them in case of
any higher level of project (Thalheim, 2013).
The pet Care centre comprises of a few staff members and the whole procedure of
managing the records is being done manually. It results in haphazard many times when the
number of customers or services to be provided increases. So, the pet care centre is now focusing
on adopting a new computerisation system which can help the centre in managing all the record
keeping efficiently.
For representing it, representing a Class Computerisation is essential, which includes all the
methods and techniques for a faster record keeping and in efficient management of all the data
and services.

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The Holipets Pet Care Centre can adopt a database system for handling all the records. It can
help the centre in various ways. Bookings, payments and cancellations can be made easy by the
system. Also, the pet care can be able to manage all the data and services efficiently. Along with
that, if any new customer is interested and booking for a stay or a home visit, they may be
automatically added up in the system. Also, if some person cancels the booking or stay, they may
be automatically deleted from the system. The data will be updated automatically. The database
system in the pet care centre can help them in fast bookings of the residential stays and home
visits, thus managing the faster record keeping.
Use Case Description
Currently, the Pet care centre manages the recording and all the booking process
manually. The centre complies of only ten staff members and a few more who work as a part
time. The owners generally handles the whole management process. Some of the staff is assigned
for attending the phone calls, while some for dealing with the enquiries and bookings. Whenever
a booking is made, the whole process of record keeping is done manually. It makes the process
haphazard because of the last minute bookings and cancellations (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden,
2015). So, the pet care centre wants to adopt a computerisation process that can help in an
efficient record keeping. The centre can adopt database system for managing the whole process.
By the means of it, they can be able to do bookings faster, also it will automatically help them in
adding, removing and modifying the changes. If some customer cancels their booking, the
system will automatically update it.
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The customer can first check for the availability. After it has been confirmed by the
representatives or the management at the Holipets Pet Care, the system asks for confirmation
about the booking. The user after completing the booking procedure, pays the specific amount
that has to be paid and then they have to fill in the required details. Then, the whole process of
booking is completed (Chaudron, Heijstek and Nugroho, 2012). Then, in any case if the
customer wants to cancel the booking, they can again contact the management or the
representative for cancellation and after the cancellation is approved by the management, the
user can ask for a refund.
The use case diagram for home visits is represented as under :
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For booking the home stay, the pet owner first have to make an appointment from the
representative. After confirming the appointment, the owner can request for medications from
the doctor. After the whole procedure of booking, the pet owner can pay the specified amount.
Then, home visits can be done efficiently (Thalheim, 2013).
Class including the details of preliminary home visit , record of all the customers and pets is
represented as following :

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Class Diagram
In a UML (Unified Modified Language), it is considered as a structured diagram that
reports the whole structure of the system by including all its classes, operations and attributes.
Class diagram is a static diagram. It illustrates the static view of an application. This diagram
consists of a combination of interfaces, classes, constraints and associations.
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An entity class can be considered as a POJO (Plain Old Java Object). The class has the ability to
represent the objects in the database. The process is quite similar to serializable classes. The
entity classes here are Services, Pets and Customers.
The Service class consists of the ID and amount the pet care will require in its servicing
of boarding and home visits. They visit the pets more often when they are ill or suffering from
any issue (Chaudron, Heijstek and Nugroho, 2012). They provide them proper care, food, water,
take them out for walks and also play with them. There is an arrangement for the boarding
facility and the home visits. Along with these services, they offer many other smaller services
also to their customers and pets, they all have been assigned a specific id. In their database, they
have entered each service id with the respective amount. For any home delivery, they charges an
extra amount.

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The pet care centre have to maintain all the records regarding the pets, that is their names,
assigned ID's, age, specific breeds and the respective owners of them. It is important for them to
maintain all the record keeping as in case of any further complications, it remains easy for the pet
care to evaluate the health conditions on the basis of previous records. They assign a specific ID
to the pets so as to avoid any type of confusion between the similar breeds. This is so because
many times, they need to provide proper medications to the ill pets, so to ensure that they have
not given any medications to some other pet, they assigns them specific ID's.
Along with the information about the pet, it is equally necessary to keep the owner's
information as well (Albert and, 2011). The Holipets Pet Care centre manages all the
records about the owners and customers, their name, ID's, age, proper address in case their pet is
suffering from any illness, the members of the pet acre centre can be able to reach as fast as they
can. It will help the pets from any further suffering.
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Sequence Diagram
The simple use case diagram for the cancellation of the bookings is represented as under :
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The actor first enter the surname of any customer in the system. The system then provides the
user, a complete list of all the names consisting that surname. After that, the actor chooses a
specific customer from the whole list (Siau and Rossi, 2011). The server provides the list to the
system having all the start and end dates of all the future bookings. After reaching it to the
system, it is being provided to the actor itself. The user then selects an entry for cancellation, in
reply to which, the system asks for confirmation from the actor. After confirming the
cancellation of the booking from the actor's end, it is being properly cancelled. Hence the system
is automatically updated about the new and the cancelled bookings.
The sequence diagram for the same can be as following :

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This is the sequence diagram for the whole scenario given. While drawing the sequence diagram,
lifeline notations are being placed at the top of the diagram. Either, they presents the roles or the
objects that are involved in the sequence. These are categorised as specific lifelines with a box,
having a dashed line moving downwards.
From the report, it has been concluded that the Holipets Pet Care provides various
services to the pets. Various use case , class and sequence diagrams have been used for the
proper implementation of these cases. The pet acre centre also provides boarding and home visit
facilities for the pets. Whenever the pet owner is away, their members come to visit the pets.
Also, provide proper care and food to them. Before, the centre was managing all the record
keeping manually which is a very hard process, specially at the time of more number of
bookings. The Holipets Pet Care centre have adopted a database system which helps them in a
faster record keeping process. This prevents any haphazard situation in the centre at the time of
increasing number of bookings and services required by the customers.
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Books and Journals
Albert, M. and, 2011. Generating operation specifications from UML class diagrams: A
model transformation approach. Data & Knowledge Engineering. 70(4). pp.365-389.
Artale, A., Calvanese, D. and Ibáñez-García, A., 2010, November. Full satisfiability of UML
class diagrams. In International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (pp. 317-331).
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Budgen, D. and, 2011. Empirical evidence about the UML: a systematic literature
review.Software: Practice and Experience. 41(4). pp.363-392.
Chaudron, M. R., Heijstek, W. and Nugroho, A., 2012. How effective is UML
modeling?. Software & Systems Modeling. 11(4). pp.571-580.
De Lucia, A. and, 2010. An experimental comparison of ER and UML class diagrams for
data modelling. Empirical Software Engineering. 15(5). pp.455-492.
Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H. and Tegarden, D., 2015. Systems analysis and design: An object-
oriented approach with UML. John Wiley & Sons.
Ma, Z. M., Yan, L. and Zhang, F., 2012. Modeling fuzzy information in UML class diagrams
and object-oriented database models. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 186(1). pp.26-46.
Ma, Z. M., Zhang, F. and Yan, L., 2011. Fuzzy information modeling in UML class diagram and
relational database models. Applied Soft Computing. 11(6). pp.4236-4245.
Siau, K. and Rossi, M., 2011. Evaluation techniques for systems analysis and design modelling
methods–a review and comparative analysis. Information Systems Journal. 21(3). pp.249-
Thalheim, B., 2013. Entity-relationship modeling: foundations of database technology. Springer
Science & Business Media.

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