
Critical Evaluation - Coginitive Psychology


Added on  2022-09-09

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Critical Evaluation
Critical Evaluation - Coginitive Psychology_1

Working memory also known as recent or short term memory, created for the very short
period during the learning process, short memory is created and used with the pre-storage
long term memory for some task in the present time. Baddeley and Hitch presented the theory
of Short-Term Memory in 1974 to support the Multi-Store Ideal developed by the Atikinson
and Shiffirn in 1968, STM is one-time supporting memory defining human psychology to
give value what one needs in the present instead of storing may types of learning in mind
because multiple storage have high risk of getting confused at the time of evaluation of
proper knowledge (Chein & Weisberg, 2014). This essay will evaluate the findings, uses and
application of STM concept in the human life and impact of STM and MSM on their learning
process. This essay will review many articles discussing the role of STM in the human
psychology in different ages and in different stages of challenges from his childhood to his
young age. A human never stop learning and this process keep them eager to sharpen their
memory about the new things hence with the development and changes human psychology
towards learning and memorising is also changing and this can be understood from the
following discussion based on deep analysis of pieces of literature and articles.
“Working Memory: Challenges in application, positive and negative”
Working memory is linked to interface between learning, attention, perception and procedure
to perform a task and many target-oriented activities. Model of working memory include
multitasking activities and learning components, developed to remove the hurdles occurred
due to simple process of MSM, there is very few but very strong empirical research evidence
available in the articles and literature that support the most useful elements of the working
memory model first is the Central Executive (CE) and other is the Episodic Buffer. An
enhanced approach of the MSM model is the working theory model. After identification of
the STM model working memory becomes diversified into four factors, they were
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phonological loop, the visual-spatial sketchpad, the central executive and the episodic buffer
(De Dreu, Nijstad, Baas, Wolsink, & Roskes, 2012).
Third and new concept, central executive holds the super functioning position in the model
and it holds the phonological loop, the visual-spatial sketchpad under slavery concept,
Baddeley support his model by arguing upon better arrangement by the co-ordination among
other parts and elements of the cognitive system, but he failed to provide and concise and
detailed explanation of the central executive elements and system. Although this model
separately clarifies the roles and importance of all four elements they all are assumed the
same during their investigation of the whole working memory (Eysenck & Keane, 2015).
Baddeley introduced the central executive as the major element but it fails to define the most
driving and supporting element in the whole framework. In the learning of detailed and deep
analysis, STM model found unable to meet the multiple demands of human psychology in the
task and long-run workings (Korbmacher, 2019).
Amygdala in a human responses the emotional attachment with the learning and a person
involved in the motivational learning is critical to manage and control by STM model,
Baddeley failed to include the cognitive and motivational emotions in the framework
(Korbmacher, 2019). This is a most serious issue because human have a natural phenomenon
to get attracted towards better learning if it is emotionally attracted to them. Loss to the
amygdala can affect the learning involvement and attachment and furthermore, amygdala
have a magnetic energy to attract and distract human’s emotional attachment towards
something hence to neuropsychological development in a person is essential to apply the
working memory in his behaviour (Leopold & Backenstrass, 2015). Baddeley support the
emotional support but emotion in brain are not enough to learn but a man needs to interact
and apply the emotional attachment with the challenges and working culture to get the better
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outcomes in the activities theory of the emotion is not useful until applied in the basic
attachment and interaction (Logie, 2014).
Verbal short term memory is a temporary storage and is supported by many supporters
advocating verbal memory as the active rehearsal system working to improve phonological
storage through regular active involvement in world listing and many kinds of speech affect
the short memory (Stenbäck, 2016). Arguments are presented in the support of multi-
component model because it includes a clear difference between storage and processing with
distinct structures, a clear relation between the central executive and other elements is
difficult to identify in the STM model (Chein & Weisberg, 2014).
Working memory model is found more authentic in theoretical learning process, it faces
challenges in verbal learning because length of words is sometimes high and
neuropsychological element of human in phonological loop and the visual-spatial sketchpad
allows the learning in the verbal with the short length words, expect these MTM model has
more psychologically developed features that supports memory storage and uses (De Dreu,
Nijstad, Baas, Wolsink, & Roskes, 2012).
Many studies are available which are purely related to the phonological loop and storage and
assuming the phonological loop as the centre of the Working Memory model but the visual-
spatial sketchpad is seemed as the under-investigated, visual imaginary and Visio spatial
information can be stored in a place and used for a long time to interact with the spot in
neuropsychological literature and learning. Moreover any damage to the human brain and
memory directly affect the visual imaginary storage as well (Stenbäck, 2016). Use of the
visual interface by application of the visual-spatial sketch as the necessity with two
supporting elements of the Working Memory model in reaching to the stage of learning and
storage but Baddeley had not included the use and importance of visual-spatial sketchpad for
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