
Developing Business Cases Project for BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management


Added on  2022-10-19

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Details of Assessment
Term and Year 3, 2019 Time allowed 8 weeks
Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Assessment Type Developing Business Cases Project
Due Date Week 8 Room 613
Details of Subject
Qualification BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
Subject Name Business Plan
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and
Names PSPMGT006 Develop a business case
Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my
own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person
or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements
to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my
right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and
reassessment procedure were explained to me.
Signature: ____________________
Date: _____/_____/_________
Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name SHIBLEE AHMED
Assessment Outcome
Result Competent Not Yet Competent Marks /100
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted
a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
Student attended the feedback session.
Student did not attend the feedback session.
Signature: ___________________
Date: _____/_____/________
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Purpose of the Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following
learning outcomes:
Not Yet
PSPMGT006 Develop a business case
1.1Identify and confirm business problem.
1.2 Analyse key stakeholder requirements to clarify objectives.
1.3 Consider a range of factors to identify opportunities and constraints.
1.4 Conduct market analysis.
2.1 Analyse and document business and technical impacts and risks.
2.2 Analyse community, environmental and human resource impacts.
2.3 Canvas for alternative solutions and their financial implications and discuss
with senior management and business case originator.
3.1Develop options and determine and document impacts, risks, costs and
3.2 Make and justify recommendations.
4.1Present business case and explain recommendations.
4.2 Obtain approvals and management endorsement.
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.
Resources required for this Assessment
Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet
Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
This assessment has to be completed In class At home
The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other
feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps
in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be
deemed competent for this unit of competency.
If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).
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TASK 1 10
TASK 2 5
TASK 3 6
TASK 4 4
TASK 5 5
TASK 6 4
TASK 7 15
TASK 8 10
TASK 9 6
TASK 10 5
TASK 11 5
TASK 12 5
TASK 13 15
TASK 14 5
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Total 100
Instructions to Student
A business case is a proposal for a project. It is a potential improvement
opportunity to implement a new product or service that will last and provide
opportunity to improve a project or the business.
This task will allow you to demonstrate your understanding about the
development of business cases. The questions below will assess your knowledge
of the overall topic. To provide a context for this assessment task case studies
have been prepared for you to review. Please speak to your assessor if you need
to have clarification or require more information about the context of the case
By completing this assessment task, you will be able to demonstrate why
program managers need to develop business cases and present them to
stakeholders. Questions below are designed to provide a generic overview of the
process of developing business cases and demonstrate your theory knowledge
what are business cases
why would project or program managers develop a business case
theory behind developing business cases
examining business solutions
structures and process that will assist with contracting a business case
finalising a business case
At this level of study, the Advanced Diploma level, the assessment outcome
should demonstrate that you are able to research independently and produce
good quality work. You are required to demonstrate the following skills and
knowledge so that you are at the level expected by the industry:
Answers to questions should be very detailed and report form type of answers
and should be extensive.
Project activities are detailed and well-developed, suitable for senior
management positions.
Design research conduct analysis and report on the outcomes are provide with
good suggestions and implementation process and ideas.
Develop strategies for the business and the organisation.
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Activities for Section A
Case Study 1 – “Tasty Products”
Read case study 1 below and ensure you understand the case study well prior to
attempting to complete questions and activities below. Speak to your assessor if
you require clarification about the case study.
Case Study 1
Roman Solomon is a Programs Manager at “Tasty Products PTY LTD” (Tasty
Products). His responsibilities include the management of a small project team
who look after various projects for Tasty Products. His team members include,
Timothy, the junior engineer, Rob, responsible for plant site repairs and grounds,
administrator Rebecca and then Roman, an engineer and the Programs Manager.
Roman was invited to a meeting held by his Director, Bill Compton, and Tasty
Product’s Financial Controller, Tomas Trumper.
The meeting held discussions about the new Central Coast Council’s
Environmentally Sustainable Solutions Project, which the Director, Bill Compton,
attended and learned that the Council has recently approved a new
environmental initiative project for Central Coast businesses in the aim to:
minimise the ecological footprint for the Central Coast area;
provide more work for local businesses;
improve the local economy.
Central Coast businesses who wish to participate must develop a good business
case about their environmentally sustainable project and present it to the
Central Coast Council’s Environmental Manager, Bethany Hopkins, who will
evaluate each project and approve funding of the project.If the project is
successful and approved, Tasty Products can receive up to $10,000 financial
contribution from the Council to enable Tasty Products to implement the project.
Tasty Products are located on a large acreage property, surrounded by large
gardens, grassy areas and bushland; and as managers regularly host clients the
gardens must be well maintained. For ages now, Tamas has been sending emails
to employees asking them to be more conscious when using the taps in the
bathrooms. In the past, he implemented competition for all employees to
encourage minimising water usage, which resulted that Tasty Products now has
a new policy when purchasing new toilets and taps to ensure that they all have
water reduction capabilities. The new purchasing policy also specifies that
employees, prior to purchasing new items, are to check if they can be sourced
locally. Another policy implemented also included staff to reuse, repair and
resell. The overall business plans and strategic direction for Tasty Products is to
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minimise their ecological footprint and this coincides with the local Government
Policy, which is being strongly endorsed by the Central Coast Council.
Knowing the company’s preferences and business direction and Council’s
initiative, Bill, Tomas and Roman want increase Tasty Product’s water saving
capabilities and hence reduce the company’s ecological footprint. Roman, as he
is the Program Manager, has a great overview of the company policies and
procedures and will be developing the business case for the Council. Ronan has
three (3) weeks to develop the business case draft and present it to Bill and the
management team for comment prior to being submitted and presented to
Bethany at the Council.
TASK 1: It is important that a program manager understands the
business well to develop a business case. Answer the following based
on Case Study 1. (5X2 Marks each = 10 Marks)
1A: Explain how Roman is able to identify business issues, problem or a goal and
list strategies and information or tools that would be available to him so he can
confirm that the business issue, problem or the business goal is legitimate.(2
When Roman gathering data, Roman will presumably hear every one of
the four sorts of data, and all can be significant. Theory and feeling can
be particularly significant in measuring general supposition. On the off
chance that popular conclusion on Romans issue depends on flawed
suppositions, some portion of Roman answer procedure will most likely
incorporate a type of enlightening effort.
t's not tied in with finding the most intricate issues to illuminate, yet
about discovering normal needs inside the association and in reality
and thinking of arrangements that fit those necessities. When Roman
taking care of business issues, this applies as in you're searching for
arrangements that address hidden issues—Roman taking a gander at
the comprehensive view.
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1B: How can Roman obtain information so he is able to clarify stakeholder
requirements and business (project) objectives prior to developing the business
case?(2 Marks)
Recognize the key individuals who will be influenced by the task. Start
by explaining precisely who the venture's support is. This might be an
interior or outside customer. In any case, it is basic that Roman realize
who has the last say on what will be incorporated into the task's
extension, and what won't. At that point, distinguish who will utilize the
arrangement, item, or administration. These are Romans end-clients.
Romans venture is expected to address their issues, so Roman should
think about their information sources.
Roman can use several methods to understand and capture these
requirements. Here, two techniques are listed:
Strategy 1: Using joint meetings or center
gatherings Lead bunch workshops. This causes you see how data
streams between various divisions or offices, and guarantee that hand-
overs will be overseen easily.
Strategy 2: Using partner interviews
Talk with every partner or end-client separately. This enables you to
see every individual's particular perspectives and necessities.
Once Roman have accumulated and ordered the majority of the
prerequisites, figure out which necessities are attainable, and how the
framework or item can convey them by Analyze feasibility, Prioritize
requirements, Analyze the impact of change and Resolve conflicting
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