
IoT and Datacenter Reliability Challenges


Added on  2019-10-01

11 Pages3122 Words156 Views
Claremont Graduate University[Course title]IS 306 RESEARCH PAPER & PRESENTATION
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Table of Contents1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................22. Trends and Elements....................................................................................................................22.2.1. Radio Frequency Identification.........................................................................................32.2.2. Wireless Sensor Network..................................................................................................33. Networking schemes....................................................................................................................43.1 Storage of the data and the analytics.....................................................................................43.3 Applications...........................................................................................................................44 Future IoT and Network...............................................................................................................54.1 IoT and the sensors................................................................................................................54.2 IoT and the mobile.................................................................................................................54.3 IoT and Datacenters...............................................................................................................54.4 Future technology..................................................................................................................54.5 Privacy and Security..............................................................................................................55. Challenges in IoT.........................................................................................................................55.1 Security..................................................................................................................................55.2 Connectivity...........................................................................................................................55.3 Compatibility.........................................................................................................................65.4 Standards................................................................................................................................66. Recommendations........................................................................................................................67. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................68. References....................................................................................................................................6IoT: Networking and its Challengesauthors’ names affiliations, email addresses
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AbstractHere in this paper, the conceptsinvolved in the IoT networking and itschallenges are described. The network inthe IoT also includes the wired as well asthe wireless networking such as the LANand the Wi-Fi technology. These providesthe network connectivity to the networkand it also describes what are thetechnologies used to provide the IoTconnectivity the technologies and theapplications which are used which is alsobeing implemented by the cloudcomputing. The Wireless Sensor Networkcan also be used to measure the networksby creating the internet of things. Here IoTis the new concept which is being aimedapplied in all the areas such as themonitoring of the environment, healthcare,the industries, home appliances. The IoThas been succeeded by the integration ofthe IPv6 since it provides thefunctionalities such as the interoperability,homogeneity, security and the flexibility ofthe data.1. IntroductionIn the IoT networks, the technologieswhich are being used are the ZigBee,Bluetooth, etc. it is also capable ofsupporting even the wired network wherethe LAN is being used. The number of thedevices which are being connected to theinternet is considered to be the increasingin the day to day. IPv6 is used to connectall the devices to the internet and it iscompletely based on the LoWPAN whichcould be abbreviated as the Low PowerWireless Personal Area Network. Theseare considered to be the intelligentnetworks. The integration is done from theIPv6 to the WSN. Due to this integration,the challenges arises by the process ofintegration. The Wireless sensor Networkalso provides the advantages of IPv6 sinceit provides the ability to do themaintenance through computer and it’seasy. Here the IoT network needs thevarious tools and the resources in order tomanage and to help in the deployment byproviding the optimal service to the endusers. This also uses the SNMP which isalso called as the simple networkmanagement protocol that is used tomanage as well as to control the devices.This is being used worldwide by providingthe interaction to the devices and used toidentify the control as well as the controlservices. Here the services are beingprovided to guide the customers and thetransmission of the voice is done to themanufactures and it also provides all thechallenges. Here the benefits and thewelfare which is being considered asundeniable where it also consists of few ofthe challenges. Here the IoT is beingclaimed by the combination of the sensorsand the RFID which also involves thethings that is used to evolve the IoT. Thesmart products are also developed. Theprocess involved in the IoT that is used tointeract with the workspaces and here theleveraging of the data such as thetemperature, speed as well as the locationwhich are being used. Here the internet ofthe things has the use cases as well as theindividual devices that needs to beconsidered based on the reliability,bandwidth and the cost.2. Trends and ElementsThe RFID is considered as the technology that is used to connect the objects and the devices and it is also able to address all the protocolsbased on the standards. The Researchers has also created an interface using the technology where the ubiquitous computing is done. Here the main objective involves the embedding of the technology in the day to day life. Since in the modern era, the smart phones and the other handheld devices are much interactive and also it involves the process of sensors, actuators and the display ofthe things which are being done as the continuous networks. The data is being owned by the various users
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