The Role of Big Data in Enhancing Business Development and Decision-Making
Added on 2019-09-23
10 Pages2948 Words256 Views
Table of ContentsUses of big data in business organizations............................................................................................2Introduction:..........................................................................................................................................2Aim:.......................................................................................................................................................2Objective:..............................................................................................................................................2Project scope:........................................................................................................................................3Literature review:..................................................................................................................................3Conclusion:............................................................................................................................................7References.............................................................................................................................................81 | P a g e
Uses of big data in business organizationsIntroduction:The big data is useful source for all kind of business, it could be used for education purpose,marketing, HR, social media, insurance, public service unit, government unit, pharmacompany, information technology organization, collect information about geographicposition and location, get information about weather, use in sports tactics, develop new andinnovative strategy, research and development, survey about the disease and collectinformation, engineering and technology level, government, public and private sector etc.big data use in any sector and any organization. The big data can be define as the source of large volume of data collection it could bestructural or unstructured. That affect to the business day by day. Still the volume of the bigdata information is not important. It is important that how business organization use thatdata in order to get advantage and development for the business. It depends on what datamay be use for the productive way. Big data can be used for research and analysis whichleads to business, it also helpful for business strategy and business development. The bigdata helpful for taking right decision about the organization. Therefore big data can use anyone as per require for business. As recent research Indicated that big data can be effectively use for small size business or new developed organization. It is most beneficial for Start-up Company. The source of big data provide opportunityespecially start up founder and potential business seekers. The article discuss about the useof big data for business purpose and which kind of threat of big data for business. Alsodiscuss how big data provide opportunity and threats for existing business development.How business expertise use big data in order to survive in competitive market and puthuddle in order to stop for new comer organization. Aim: Use of big data in business organization. Objective: How big data beneficial for multinational or well established company?Which produce use to access big data? 2 | P a g e
Any disadvantage for business in case maximum use of big data?Is Unrecognized and unauthorised organization can access big data? Project scope: The big data is bunch of information and volume of information. It is require to use such amanner that business may growth and develop effectively. The all kinds of business activityconnect with big data direct or indirect. The overall meaning of that how businessorganization satisfied customer requirement. How business organization use big data forproper management. How quality maintain and how to manage quality about the product.How to make strong relationship with customer in order to expand business and create hugenetwork. How big data solve query and issue of organization as well as customer frequently.These all aspects are discuss in the article. Literature review: As per this paper the authors are describe that big data-mining is major problem due to sizeof data is unpredictable and it cannot scalable. The size and volume of big data are growingand could not manage to access. The Map-reduce have been implemented to obtain largescale computations. As per recent research and development Map-reduce proficiency hasobtain more attention for both area whereas industrial professional and research anddevelopment though big data analysis. In this season authors discus about the market analysis techniques and these are considerableimportant to every business for decision making. Through the market analysis and customerpurchase rules that discover which product the customer buying usually and frequently andtogether. In this segment, the authors want to discuss about the Map-reduce approach and that wouldbe effective and popular also. In order to calculate huge volume of data the big data provideplatform to access for business purpose. (Demirkan, H., & Delen, 2017) In this paper, the authors described that the patterns in the stock market really important forbusiness support and for making decision. The classification for inventory data is importantfor business development. They also deliver new algorithm for mining patterns for hugeamount of stock market data for that factors affects and decreasing business value and alsodownfall for product sale. 3 | P a g e
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