TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training: LLN Skills Assessment Booklet
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This document is a learner assessment booklet for the TAELLN411 unit, which is part of the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. It outlines the assessment process, including formative and summative assessments, and provides instructions for learners. The booklet includes various practical activities and written questions designed to assess a learner's understanding of adult language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) skills. The activities cover a range of topics, such as identifying the five ACSF LLN skills, comparing LLN skill profiles, determining LLN skill levels required for different roles, selecting trigger words, and identifying methods for determining a learner's LLN skills. The document also presents a scenario involving a job applicant and requires an analysis of their LLN skills based on a self-assessment checklist. The assessment emphasizes the importance of addressing LLN needs in various contexts and provides resources for support. The document is designed to evaluate a learner's ability to conceptualize, design, develop, and review learning programs to meet identified needs, and it includes detailed instructions, requirements, and assessment criteria for each task.

In Partnershipwith
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Address adult language, literacy & numeracy skills
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and
numeracy skills C
Learners Name
(Please Print)
Training Location
Trainers Name
Date of Course
TAELLN411 LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page1
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Address adult language, literacy & numeracy skills
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and
numeracy skills C
Learners Name
(Please Print)
Training Location
Trainers Name
Date of Course
TAELLN411 LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page1
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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page2
In Partnershipwith
Instructions to Learner
demonstrate your skills, knowledge and ability to conceptualise, design, develop and
review learning programs to meet an identified need for a group oflearners
Resources for this Unit:
Please read the learning resource accompanying this unit before attempting to respond
to the assessment tasks:
Vocational Training & Assessment TAE Certificate IV (McGraw-Hill Ed 2016
Learner AssessmentBooklet
Assessment Process:
Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate competency against all
performancecriteria(includedinthisbooklet)andrequiredskillsandknowledgeasoutlined in the
attached competency standard.Competency will be determined after reviewing all of the
evidence you have submitted. Each piece of assessment will be graded S (Satisfactory)
or R (Resubmit). When all evidence has been gathered, your assessor will make a final
judgment and sign off with C (competent) or NYC (not yet competent). If you have been
deemed competent your Assessor will return your copy of the ‘Final Judgment’ as
evidence of completion of this unit. Alternatively, you will be advised what further action
you need to take to achievecompetency.
Assessment is used:
to measure Learners' preparedness for further study or professional accreditation;
to provide feedback on Learner learning for both Learners and staff;
to define and protect academic standards;
to direct Learners' learning.
Effectiveassessmentforaunitorprogramofstudywilltypicallyincludeamixofassessment types,
selected and designed to meet these multiple and variousdemands.
An explanation of some terms commonly used in describingassessment
Formative Assessment
Assessment tasks are described as formative if they provide Learners with feedback
intended to enable improved performance on current or subsequent tasks. Formative
assessment typically has the development of Learners' understanding or skills as an
Summative Assessment
Assessmenttasksaredescribedassummativeiftheyareawardedagrade(orscore),and if that
grade contributes to the overall grade for the unit. Many assessment tasks serve both
summative and formativepurposes.
In Partnershipwith
Instructions to Learner
demonstrate your skills, knowledge and ability to conceptualise, design, develop and
review learning programs to meet an identified need for a group oflearners
Resources for this Unit:
Please read the learning resource accompanying this unit before attempting to respond
to the assessment tasks:
Vocational Training & Assessment TAE Certificate IV (McGraw-Hill Ed 2016
Learner AssessmentBooklet
Assessment Process:
Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate competency against all
performancecriteria(includedinthisbooklet)andrequiredskillsandknowledgeasoutlined in the
attached competency standard.Competency will be determined after reviewing all of the
evidence you have submitted. Each piece of assessment will be graded S (Satisfactory)
or R (Resubmit). When all evidence has been gathered, your assessor will make a final
judgment and sign off with C (competent) or NYC (not yet competent). If you have been
deemed competent your Assessor will return your copy of the ‘Final Judgment’ as
evidence of completion of this unit. Alternatively, you will be advised what further action
you need to take to achievecompetency.
Assessment is used:
to measure Learners' preparedness for further study or professional accreditation;
to provide feedback on Learner learning for both Learners and staff;
to define and protect academic standards;
to direct Learners' learning.
Effectiveassessmentforaunitorprogramofstudywilltypicallyincludeamixofassessment types,
selected and designed to meet these multiple and variousdemands.
An explanation of some terms commonly used in describingassessment
Formative Assessment
Assessment tasks are described as formative if they provide Learners with feedback
intended to enable improved performance on current or subsequent tasks. Formative
assessment typically has the development of Learners' understanding or skills as an
Summative Assessment
Assessmenttasksaredescribedassummativeiftheyareawardedagrade(orscore),and if that
grade contributes to the overall grade for the unit. Many assessment tasks serve both
summative and formativepurposes.

In Partnershipwith
Weadheretothepolicyoftwo-wayfeedback andinviteyoutoprovideyourcommentson the
assessment process for this group of units at the conclusion. We thank you for taking
this seriously, as your contribution is greatly appreciated in our attempt to continuously
improve our assessment system andprocesses.
throughout this course of study to assist you in this learning process and in gaining
competency in thisunit.
Reasonable Adjustment
Reasonable adjustment refers to measures or actions taken to provide all learners with
equitable support and educational opportunity. Ask your trainer to discuss this with you if
you feel that adjustments should be made within your training program.
Cover Sheet and Assessment Agreement:
By signing the competency record sheet, you are verifying that you have received
information regarding the following:
The purpose and context of theassessment
The type of evidence to becollected
A Learner handbook listing RTO’s policies and procedures including a
complaints and appealspolicies.
You understand that if you are deemed not yet competent on the first
occasion that you can apply forre-assessment
including your assessment decision/result will be kept confidential(Privacy
Any written work that you have provided is your own (notfraudulent)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
RPL is a process of assessment of your skills, knowledge and competencies that relate to
acourseyouaretakinginanyeducationortrainingsector,forthepurposesofgainingentry to a
formal program of education and training leading to a national qualification under the
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), or having that knowledge or skills assessed
so it counts towards completion of your course. If you believe that you already have the
skills and experience to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit, or part thereof,
please apply to your trainer/assessor to begin the RPLprocess.
What is Evidence?
Evidence is any information that you gather and provide to an assessor to show that you
have the skills required to gain recognition.
Evidence may include:
a) certificates
b) reports
c) references from your paid or unpaid workexperience
d) samples of yourwork
e) qualifications
f) a practical assessment or skilldemonstration
All evidence that you provide:
a) will be checked by the assessor to ensure itsvalidity
b) should be compiled into a portfolio and clearlyreferenced
Weadheretothepolicyoftwo-wayfeedback andinviteyoutoprovideyourcommentson the
assessment process for this group of units at the conclusion. We thank you for taking
this seriously, as your contribution is greatly appreciated in our attempt to continuously
improve our assessment system andprocesses.
throughout this course of study to assist you in this learning process and in gaining
competency in thisunit.
Reasonable Adjustment
Reasonable adjustment refers to measures or actions taken to provide all learners with
equitable support and educational opportunity. Ask your trainer to discuss this with you if
you feel that adjustments should be made within your training program.
Cover Sheet and Assessment Agreement:
By signing the competency record sheet, you are verifying that you have received
information regarding the following:
The purpose and context of theassessment
The type of evidence to becollected
A Learner handbook listing RTO’s policies and procedures including a
complaints and appealspolicies.
You understand that if you are deemed not yet competent on the first
occasion that you can apply forre-assessment
including your assessment decision/result will be kept confidential(Privacy
Any written work that you have provided is your own (notfraudulent)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
RPL is a process of assessment of your skills, knowledge and competencies that relate to
acourseyouaretakinginanyeducationortrainingsector,forthepurposesofgainingentry to a
formal program of education and training leading to a national qualification under the
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), or having that knowledge or skills assessed
so it counts towards completion of your course. If you believe that you already have the
skills and experience to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit, or part thereof,
please apply to your trainer/assessor to begin the RPLprocess.
What is Evidence?
Evidence is any information that you gather and provide to an assessor to show that you
have the skills required to gain recognition.
Evidence may include:
a) certificates
b) reports
c) references from your paid or unpaid workexperience
d) samples of yourwork
e) qualifications
f) a practical assessment or skilldemonstration
All evidence that you provide:
a) will be checked by the assessor to ensure itsvalidity
b) should be compiled into a portfolio and clearlyreferenced

In Partnershipwith
Cover Sheet and Agreement
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy & numeracy skills (Full)
CANDIDATE to complete this section
Candidate declaration—By signing below, I declare that:
I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of
my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and choose to be
assessed at thistime
to work by other/s. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a
qualification or statement of attainment.
* Candidates must provide a REAL signature.
Take a photo or scan your signature. Save to your computer. Crop accordingly.
Click on the picture icon; select the photo/image of your signature and insert.
Name of assessor
Date received
Date review completed
Cover Sheet and Agreement
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy & numeracy skills (Full)
CANDIDATE to complete this section
Candidate declaration—By signing below, I declare that:
I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of
my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and choose to be
assessed at thistime
to work by other/s. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a
qualification or statement of attainment.
* Candidates must provide a REAL signature.
Take a photo or scan your signature. Save to your computer. Crop accordingly.
Click on the picture icon; select the photo/image of your signature and insert.
Name of assessor
Date received
Date review completed
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In Partnershipwith
Assessment Decision
Unit TAELLN411 Address adult languag
skills (Full)
e, literacy & numeracy
Learners Name
Unit Start Date: Finished
Unit Result:
Office use only Competent(C) Not Yet Competent (NYC)
Trainer /
I acknowledge that I have p
regarding the assessment
have provided theLearner
rovided feedb
und with
ack to the Learner
ertaken in this unit and
y to respond to that
Assessment Appeal Decision
Learners have the right to appeal an assessment decision please refer to the Healthy
Business Training Academy Student Handbook.
Learner has indicated appealing decision
Date of appeal:
Appeal made to:
(Name of staff
Assessment Decision
Unit TAELLN411 Address adult languag
skills (Full)
e, literacy & numeracy
Learners Name
Unit Start Date: Finished
Unit Result:
Office use only Competent(C) Not Yet Competent (NYC)
Trainer /
I acknowledge that I have p
regarding the assessment
have provided theLearner
rovided feedb
und with
ack to the Learner
ertaken in this unit and
y to respond to that
Assessment Appeal Decision
Learners have the right to appeal an assessment decision please refer to the Healthy
Business Training Academy Student Handbook.
Learner has indicated appealing decision
Date of appeal:
Appeal made to:
(Name of staff

In Partnershipwith
Version Control (office use only)
Date No. Comment
07/10/12 1.1 Original version
05/11/14 1.2 Reviewed and revised for continuous improvement -
19/01/15 1.3 Reviewed - new practical assessment tasks included
27/05/15 1.4 Reviewed and corrections made for general use
29/10/15 1.5 Design units merged as a Design Cluster version
8/5/2017 1.8 Delivery units reviewed and validated
8/12/2017 1.9 Proof reading, formatting and new footer
21/05/2018 2.0 Formatting to match updated TAE40116 books
29/08/2018 2.1
Assessment Tasks Instructions revised.
Document formatting updated
Assessor Check boxes added – including Footer
05/12/2018 2.2
Formatting – corrections to layout / spacing / grammar
Assessor Check Boxes realigned.
Instructions information added re Check Boxes
Version Control (office use only)
Date No. Comment
07/10/12 1.1 Original version
05/11/14 1.2 Reviewed and revised for continuous improvement -
19/01/15 1.3 Reviewed - new practical assessment tasks included
27/05/15 1.4 Reviewed and corrections made for general use
29/10/15 1.5 Design units merged as a Design Cluster version
8/5/2017 1.8 Delivery units reviewed and validated
8/12/2017 1.9 Proof reading, formatting and new footer
21/05/2018 2.0 Formatting to match updated TAE40116 books
29/08/2018 2.1
Assessment Tasks Instructions revised.
Document formatting updated
Assessor Check boxes added – including Footer
05/12/2018 2.2
Formatting – corrections to layout / spacing / grammar
Assessor Check Boxes realigned.
Instructions information added re Check Boxes

In Partnershipwith
Assessment tasks
Written Questions & Practical Assessment Activities
This is an open book assessment. You are required to research your answers for
these activities and provide aresponse.
Where practical, respond to tasks by writing in the space provided. Refrain from
excessively answering aquestion.
The to the right of most questions or tasks are for the assessor useonly.
Responses to written questions and practical tasks will be marked and if
satisfactory, will be.
Requirements for satisfactory completion
For a ‘satisfactory’ result in this task, all activities must be responded to a ‘satisfactory’
standard. At Certificate IV level this means that…
Learners must specifically address all parts of eachactivity
Learners responses include a mix of theory backed up with specific workplace
examples (real or hypothetical) whereappropriate
Learners are required to have completed all assessment items within 12
months of commencement date.
Assessment tasks
Written Questions & Practical Assessment Activities
This is an open book assessment. You are required to research your answers for
these activities and provide aresponse.
Where practical, respond to tasks by writing in the space provided. Refrain from
excessively answering aquestion.
The to the right of most questions or tasks are for the assessor useonly.
Responses to written questions and practical tasks will be marked and if
satisfactory, will be.
Requirements for satisfactory completion
For a ‘satisfactory’ result in this task, all activities must be responded to a ‘satisfactory’
standard. At Certificate IV level this means that…
Learners must specifically address all parts of eachactivity
Learners responses include a mix of theory backed up with specific workplace
examples (real or hypothetical) whereappropriate
Learners are required to have completed all assessment items within 12
months of commencement date.
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Page 8Version2.2DEC2018TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet
In Partnershipwith
Assessment Task 1 Practical Activities
Answer the following questions. Write or type your responses into the space provided below each
Requirements for satisfactory completion of each question
● You respond using complete sentences, making direct reference to thequestion
● You address all parts of eachquestion
● You use your own words—when quoting information from another source, youmust
acknowledge thatsource
● Each response is about 20-50 words long—this is an average only; some questions willrequire
longer responses, someshorter.
Practical Activity 1
According to the ACSF what are the five LLN skills?
1. Reading is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
2. Oral communication is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
3. Numeracy is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
4. Learning is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
5. Writing is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
Page 8Version2.2DEC2018TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet
In Partnershipwith
Assessment Task 1 Practical Activities
Answer the following questions. Write or type your responses into the space provided below each
Requirements for satisfactory completion of each question
● You respond using complete sentences, making direct reference to thequestion
● You address all parts of eachquestion
● You use your own words—when quoting information from another source, youmust
acknowledge thatsource
● Each response is about 20-50 words long—this is an average only; some questions willrequire
longer responses, someshorter.
Practical Activity 1
According to the ACSF what are the five LLN skills?
1. Reading is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
2. Oral communication is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
3. Numeracy is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
4. Learning is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐
5. Writing is the skills which will be used in LLN. ☐

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Page 9Version2.2DEC2018TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet
Practical Activity 2
a.Comparethefollowingtwospikyprofilereportsprovided.Thefirstbelongstoalearnernamed Marie-
Louise. The second chart illustrates the core skill requirements for CHCECE003 (a Unit of
Competency from Certificate III in Early Childhood Education andCare).
Spiky Profile for Marie Louise
Reading Writing Oral Numaracy
Reading Writing OralCommunication Numaracy
Learning Reading Writing Oral Numaracy
Page 9Version2.2DEC2018TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet
Practical Activity 2
a.Comparethefollowingtwospikyprofilereportsprovided.Thefirstbelongstoalearnernamed Marie-
Louise. The second chart illustrates the core skill requirements for CHCECE003 (a Unit of
Competency from Certificate III in Early Childhood Education andCare).
Spiky Profile for Marie Louise
Reading Writing Oral Numaracy
Reading Writing OralCommunication Numaracy
Learning Reading Writing Oral Numaracy

In Partnershipwith
b. If Marie-Louise wanted to work in this field, what LLN core skills would require support?
If she wanted to work in this field than she will have to increase the writing, reading and numeracy
skills because these are the core skills of LLN.
c. Where might you look for expert help in providing this support for her? One different
resource/place for each LLN skill gap identified.
1. I would suggest the expert to help her with the numeracy skills.
2. I would suggest the expert the expert to help her with improvising reading skills.
b. If Marie-Louise wanted to work in this field, what LLN core skills would require support?
If she wanted to work in this field than she will have to increase the writing, reading and numeracy
skills because these are the core skills of LLN.
c. Where might you look for expert help in providing this support for her? One different
resource/place for each LLN skill gap identified.
1. I would suggest the expert to help her with the numeracy skills.
2. I would suggest the expert the expert to help her with improvising reading skills.
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In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 3
1-5; 1 being the least and 5 being the most):
An accountant
Learning ....................4.................................
Communication .............5.............................
Writing ...........................4.............................
An office manager
Learning ...........................4..........................
Communication ................5.......................... ☐
Writing ...................................5.....................
Numeracy ................................4....................
My own role (Please identifyyourrole front office manager )
Learning ...............................4......................
Communication ....................5......................
Writing ....................................5....................
Practical Activity 3
1-5; 1 being the least and 5 being the most):
An accountant
Learning ....................4.................................
Communication .............5.............................
Writing ...........................4.............................
An office manager
Learning ...........................4..........................
Communication ................5.......................... ☐
Writing ...................................5.....................
Numeracy ................................4....................
My own role (Please identifyyourrole front office manager )
Learning ...............................4......................
Communication ....................5......................
Writing ....................................5....................

In Partnershipwith
b. Explain why people in different roles may have differing LLN skills and capabilities yet still
be able to perform well within their role
Every role demands different skills on a higher rating. As on the front office manager it is very
important to have extra amount of communication skills so that they can attend the visitors. An
office manager would require writing and numeracy skills more where as an accountant will only
require numeracy skills the maximum level. ☐
Practical Activity 4
a. The table provided refers to the unit of competency. Select ten trigger words from within
the text.
Elements describe
essential outcomes.
the Performance criteria describe the performance
demonstrate achievement of the element.
needed to
1 Make meeting
1.1 Identify the type of meeting being organised and its
1.2 Identify and comply with any legal or ethical
1.3 Identify requirements of the meeting and itsparticipants
1.4 Make meeting arrangements in accordance withmeeting
and participantsrequirements
1.5 Advise participants of meetingdetails
2 Prepare and distribute
documentation for
2.1 Prepare notice of meeting, agenda and meeting papers
in accordance with meetingrequirements
2.2 Check documentation for accuracy and correct any
2.3 Distribute documentation to participantswithin
2.4 Prepare spare sets ofdocuments
3 Record and produce
minutes of meeting
3.1 Take notes with the required speed and accuracy to
ensure an accurate record of themeeting
3.2 Produce minutes that reflect a true and accurateaccount
of themeeting
3.3 Check minutes for accuracy and submit for approvalby
the nominatedperson
3.4 Dispatch copies of minutes within designatedtimelines
b. Explain why people in different roles may have differing LLN skills and capabilities yet still
be able to perform well within their role
Every role demands different skills on a higher rating. As on the front office manager it is very
important to have extra amount of communication skills so that they can attend the visitors. An
office manager would require writing and numeracy skills more where as an accountant will only
require numeracy skills the maximum level. ☐
Practical Activity 4
a. The table provided refers to the unit of competency. Select ten trigger words from within
the text.
Elements describe
essential outcomes.
the Performance criteria describe the performance
demonstrate achievement of the element.
needed to
1 Make meeting
1.1 Identify the type of meeting being organised and its
1.2 Identify and comply with any legal or ethical
1.3 Identify requirements of the meeting and itsparticipants
1.4 Make meeting arrangements in accordance withmeeting
and participantsrequirements
1.5 Advise participants of meetingdetails
2 Prepare and distribute
documentation for
2.1 Prepare notice of meeting, agenda and meeting papers
in accordance with meetingrequirements
2.2 Check documentation for accuracy and correct any
2.3 Distribute documentation to participantswithin
2.4 Prepare spare sets ofdocuments
3 Record and produce
minutes of meeting
3.1 Take notes with the required speed and accuracy to
ensure an accurate record of themeeting
3.2 Produce minutes that reflect a true and accurateaccount
of themeeting
3.3 Check minutes for accuracy and submit for approvalby
the nominatedperson
3.4 Dispatch copies of minutes within designatedtimelines

In Partnershipwith
b. Place each trigger word against the relevant core skill indicator in the table below
Legal or ethical requirements
Minutes of meeting
Oral communication
Accounting notes
c. Based on the information above, what level would be required as a minimum in each of the
core skills to undertake this unit?
Legal or ethical requirements
Minutes of meeting
Oral communication
Accounting notes
b. Place each trigger word against the relevant core skill indicator in the table below
Legal or ethical requirements
Minutes of meeting
Oral communication
Accounting notes
c. Based on the information above, what level would be required as a minimum in each of the
core skills to undertake this unit?
Legal or ethical requirements
Minutes of meeting
Oral communication
Accounting notes
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Practical Activity 5
a. List three (3) methods that could be used to determine a learner’s LLN skills:
Observing the team
Discussion with the team members
b. Suggest methods and identify related sources of support for those with identified issues
Methods Sources
Observing the team Expert
Discussion with the team members Expert
Self-evaluation Expert
Practical Activity 5
a. List three (3) methods that could be used to determine a learner’s LLN skills:
Observing the team
Discussion with the team members
b. Suggest methods and identify related sources of support for those with identified issues
Methods Sources
Observing the team Expert
Discussion with the team members Expert
Self-evaluation Expert

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 6A
Scenario-Romeo,whoarrivedfromItalysixmonthsago,hasappliedforajobinaretailoutlet. The role
for which he has appliedinvolves:
Speaking with customers – face to face and on thephone
Processing telephoneorders
Doing thebanking
Giving correctchange
As part of the interview he has been requested to complete the self-assessment checklist
appearing below. Romeo will be required to perform all of these tasks if he wins the role for
which he has applied.
Your tasks:
A. Read and Analyse Romeo’s responses to determine if there are any gaps in his core skills
from his self-assessment below.
Practical Activity 6A
Scenario-Romeo,whoarrivedfromItalysixmonthsago,hasappliedforajobinaretailoutlet. The role
for which he has appliedinvolves:
Speaking with customers – face to face and on thephone
Processing telephoneorders
Doing thebanking
Giving correctchange
As part of the interview he has been requested to complete the self-assessment checklist
appearing below. Romeo will be required to perform all of these tasks if he wins the role for
which he has applied.
Your tasks:
A. Read and Analyse Romeo’s responses to determine if there are any gaps in his core skills
from his self-assessment below.

In Partnershipwith
b. If there are gaps add ticks next to the core skills requiring support.
Learning * ☐
Reading ☐
Writing * ☐
Oral communication * ☐
Numeracy * ☐
b. If there are gaps add ticks next to the core skills requiring support.
Learning * ☐
Reading ☐
Writing * ☐
Oral communication * ☐
Numeracy * ☐
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In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 6B
Romeo obviously requires some help to improve his performance in specific LLN core skills.
Which of the LLN assistance listed below, tick the boxes of those which would be most
appropriate for aiding Romeo and his employers to increase his capabilities in these areas?
Specialist in-house support services............................yes...................☐
Specialist consultants.......................................................................☐
Team teaching approaches...............................................................☐
Mentoring ...........................................................................................☐
Government and community support services ...............................☐
Select one of the suggested core LLN specialist support services listed above and describe
the evidence you would gather to confirm the fact that this type of LLN assistance would help
the Romeo
Special in-house training will be helpful for Romeo to enhance his learning, writing, oral
communication and numeracy skills. It is important because he would require special guidance for
accountancy so that he can tailor his skills according.
Practical Activity 6B
Romeo obviously requires some help to improve his performance in specific LLN core skills.
Which of the LLN assistance listed below, tick the boxes of those which would be most
appropriate for aiding Romeo and his employers to increase his capabilities in these areas?
Specialist in-house support services............................yes...................☐
Specialist consultants.......................................................................☐
Team teaching approaches...............................................................☐
Mentoring ...........................................................................................☐
Government and community support services ...............................☐
Select one of the suggested core LLN specialist support services listed above and describe
the evidence you would gather to confirm the fact that this type of LLN assistance would help
the Romeo
Special in-house training will be helpful for Romeo to enhance his learning, writing, oral
communication and numeracy skills. It is important because he would require special guidance for
accountancy so that he can tailor his skills according.

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 6C
The following is an extract of a procedure for balancing a cash register, taken from Romeo’s
employer. It is a learning resource from their training package for new employees.
Practical Activity 6C
The following is an extract of a procedure for balancing a cash register, taken from Romeo’s
employer. It is a learning resource from their training package for new employees.

In Partnershipwith
a. List a minimum of 4 ways you will customise this resource for Romeo such that his LLN
needs are met
1. All the accounting details should be mentioned in schedule so that it can be put into
the accounting procedure. ☐
2.Keep a paper and pen so that the record of the large accountings can be kept. ☐
3. The cash envelope should be sealed and closed. ☐
4. Authentic person should be kept along so that chances of theft can be eliminated. ☐
b. Explain how you would use this tool to assist Romeo in his duties.
This tool will help Romeo to eliminate his accountancy problems and he will be able to manage the
accounting information appropriately. Romeo will be able to count the money properly. This will
help in eliminating the chances of mistakes and errors.
a. List a minimum of 4 ways you will customise this resource for Romeo such that his LLN
needs are met
1. All the accounting details should be mentioned in schedule so that it can be put into
the accounting procedure. ☐
2.Keep a paper and pen so that the record of the large accountings can be kept. ☐
3. The cash envelope should be sealed and closed. ☐
4. Authentic person should be kept along so that chances of theft can be eliminated. ☐
b. Explain how you would use this tool to assist Romeo in his duties.
This tool will help Romeo to eliminate his accountancy problems and he will be able to manage the
accounting information appropriately. Romeo will be able to count the money properly. This will
help in eliminating the chances of mistakes and errors.
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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 7
Scenario - Yejun is an ESL (English Second Language) worker from South Korea. He is an
excellent worker with a sound grasp of the English language but struggles in making himself
understood. As a matter of fact, he has even reported being laughed at by native English co-
workers for demonstrating non-native-like pronunciation.
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 7
Scenario - Yejun is an ESL (English Second Language) worker from South Korea. He is an
excellent worker with a sound grasp of the English language but struggles in making himself
understood. As a matter of fact, he has even reported being laughed at by native English co-
workers for demonstrating non-native-like pronunciation.

In Partnershipwith
a. Review the list of strategies above, then select and justify a support strategy that might
assist Yejun in overcoming this barrier.
Treating the learning of grammar as the discovery process with a focus on understanding the rules
for language only after learners have already used internalised language. This will help to develop
a better sense of understanding and appropriate knowledge can be gained.
B. In your group discuss your ideas for supporting Yejun and gather feedback from your peers
(make notes of this feedback in the space below):
Group Member Names Feedback
Politeness and kindness will be required through which
he will be able to manage the team members.
It is his responsibility to help the team members if they
are lacking any skill.
C. Identify cultural or social issues that may have prevented Yejun from asking for help.
Language barriers should be resolved by the person who is new and they should also try and
inculcate the new language easily.
a. Review the list of strategies above, then select and justify a support strategy that might
assist Yejun in overcoming this barrier.
Treating the learning of grammar as the discovery process with a focus on understanding the rules
for language only after learners have already used internalised language. This will help to develop
a better sense of understanding and appropriate knowledge can be gained.
B. In your group discuss your ideas for supporting Yejun and gather feedback from your peers
(make notes of this feedback in the space below):
Group Member Names Feedback
Politeness and kindness will be required through which
he will be able to manage the team members.
It is his responsibility to help the team members if they
are lacking any skill.
C. Identify cultural or social issues that may have prevented Yejun from asking for help.
Language barriers should be resolved by the person who is new and they should also try and
inculcate the new language easily.

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 8
Scenario - Jason works at Bunnings as an assistant in the plant nursery. As part of his role
Jasonisrequiredtomixfertilisers,pesticidesandpoisonsbeforeapplyingthemtoplantsinand grass
around, thenursery.
Jason has been identified as having specific issues with numeracy. He has a great deal of
troublereadingthegraduationsonthemeasuringcontainersandsoitispossiblethathemight cause
damage to stock if he makes the mixtures toostrong.
Jason is undertaking study in horticulture and is hoping to be deemed competent in the unit
“Prepare and Apply Chemicals” which include the performance criterion 2.1 Mixing rates for
chemical is defined and calculated.
a. As the trainer in Jason’s workplace, what learning support strategies might you provide in
order to help Jason continue in his job at Bunnings?
He should be provided with special accounting skills by training so that he can enhance his
numeracy. He can also be served with self-assessment program so that he can examine his own
skills and abilities for resolving the problems.
b. After conferring with an LLN advisor, describe the strategies you will use to determine
whether or not Jason is competent in this particular unit of competency?
If he will be provided with proper training and development program then only he will be able to
meet the particular unit of competency. He will have to strengthen the accounting abilities.
c. Explain how this process has changed your understanding of strategies required to support
learners with LLN needs
Every learner will require a particular set of skills through which he can complete the assigned a
task properly. If any employee or team member is unable to meet the required skills then it can be
completed with the help of appropriate training program.
Practical Activity 8
Scenario - Jason works at Bunnings as an assistant in the plant nursery. As part of his role
Jasonisrequiredtomixfertilisers,pesticidesandpoisonsbeforeapplyingthemtoplantsinand grass
around, thenursery.
Jason has been identified as having specific issues with numeracy. He has a great deal of
troublereadingthegraduationsonthemeasuringcontainersandsoitispossiblethathemight cause
damage to stock if he makes the mixtures toostrong.
Jason is undertaking study in horticulture and is hoping to be deemed competent in the unit
“Prepare and Apply Chemicals” which include the performance criterion 2.1 Mixing rates for
chemical is defined and calculated.
a. As the trainer in Jason’s workplace, what learning support strategies might you provide in
order to help Jason continue in his job at Bunnings?
He should be provided with special accounting skills by training so that he can enhance his
numeracy. He can also be served with self-assessment program so that he can examine his own
skills and abilities for resolving the problems.
b. After conferring with an LLN advisor, describe the strategies you will use to determine
whether or not Jason is competent in this particular unit of competency?
If he will be provided with proper training and development program then only he will be able to
meet the particular unit of competency. He will have to strengthen the accounting abilities.
c. Explain how this process has changed your understanding of strategies required to support
learners with LLN needs
Every learner will require a particular set of skills through which he can complete the assigned a
task properly. If any employee or team member is unable to meet the required skills then it can be
completed with the help of appropriate training program.
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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 9
a. Read the emergency procedures provided then complete the diagram on the following
page, such that an ESL worker could easily understand them:
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 9
a. Read the emergency procedures provided then complete the diagram on the following
page, such that an ESL worker could easily understand them:

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 9 cont’d – Emergency EvacuationProcedures
Listen to the evacuation alarm
Provide assistance to the person in danger
Look for emergency control panel
Call for help
Use fire extinguisher
Rescue ☐
Practical Activity 9 cont’d – Emergency EvacuationProcedures
Listen to the evacuation alarm
Provide assistance to the person in danger
Look for emergency control panel
Call for help
Use fire extinguisher
Rescue ☐

In Partnershipwith
b. Identify alternative methods and or ways for adapting these instructions to suit an ESL
Training is considered as the best option through which suitable strategies can be explained the
team members. If the team members are not able to inherit the strategies then special sessions can
be organised.
c. Explain how this new procedure better enables workers to perform this task with increased
The workers will be able to incorporate all the terms and conditions imposed by the company so
that chances of mistakes and errors can be eliminated. They will also be able to enhance their
knowledge by training programme and it will reflect in their proficiency.
In Partnershipwith
b. Identify alternative methods and or ways for adapting these instructions to suit an ESL
Training is considered as the best option through which suitable strategies can be explained the
team members. If the team members are not able to inherit the strategies then special sessions can
be organised.
c. Explain how this new procedure better enables workers to perform this task with increased
The workers will be able to incorporate all the terms and conditions imposed by the company so
that chances of mistakes and errors can be eliminated. They will also be able to enhance their
knowledge by training programme and it will reflect in their proficiency.
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Practical Activity 9c
Now go ahead and use the above modified resource and explain the instructions to a ‘real
vocational learner’ that may be studying in your workplace or within your simulated learning
environment. You need to explain it in a way that the learner understands it and can repeat it
back to you. Please imagine they have Oral communication level 1 only.
Name ☐
Name ☐
Title of
Session ☐
Date ☐
Location ☐
by ☐
Practical Activity 9c
Now go ahead and use the above modified resource and explain the instructions to a ‘real
vocational learner’ that may be studying in your workplace or within your simulated learning
environment. You need to explain it in a way that the learner understands it and can repeat it
back to you. Please imagine they have Oral communication level 1 only.
Name ☐
Name ☐
Title of
Session ☐
Date ☐
Location ☐
by ☐

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 10
a. List three LLN resources currently available to you within your training organisation?
1. Notes ☐
2. Expert ☐
3. Training ☐
b. Suggest one method you could use to apply the ACSF more effectively in your role as a
trainer/assessor. Explain how this action will improve your training and assessment practices.
I would provide personal guidance so that the team members can easily resolve their doubts and
queries. Personal guidance will help the team members to tailor their skills appropriately.
Practical Activity 11
a. Describe two processes you will use for evaluating your own training and
assessment practice in relation to supporting LLN challenged students.
Comparison will help in identifying the performance from previous session to the current one.
Comparing the performance this will help in identification of the training and assessment practice.
Feedback forms will help in identification of training and assessment practice for LLN challenged
students. This will help in identification of mistakes and errors in the training and assessment
Practical Activity 10
a. List three LLN resources currently available to you within your training organisation?
1. Notes ☐
2. Expert ☐
3. Training ☐
b. Suggest one method you could use to apply the ACSF more effectively in your role as a
trainer/assessor. Explain how this action will improve your training and assessment practices.
I would provide personal guidance so that the team members can easily resolve their doubts and
queries. Personal guidance will help the team members to tailor their skills appropriately.
Practical Activity 11
a. Describe two processes you will use for evaluating your own training and
assessment practice in relation to supporting LLN challenged students.
Comparison will help in identifying the performance from previous session to the current one.
Comparing the performance this will help in identification of the training and assessment practice.
Feedback forms will help in identification of training and assessment practice for LLN challenged
students. This will help in identification of mistakes and errors in the training and assessment

In Partnershipwith
Practical Activity 12
On the next page, insert / attach a printed PowerPoint slide in its original form from your
workplace / training environment.
Then on the following page insert / attach a redesigned version of the slide for a student that
may have reading challenges.
You may either change the words from the slide into pictures or however you choose
to adjust it.
TAELLN411 LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page28
Practical Activity 12
On the next page, insert / attach a printed PowerPoint slide in its original form from your
workplace / training environment.
Then on the following page insert / attach a redesigned version of the slide for a student that
may have reading challenges.
You may either change the words from the slide into pictures or however you choose
to adjust it.
TAELLN411 LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page28
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Original Version of PowerPointside
Original Version of PowerPointside

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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Redesigned Version of PowerPointslide
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Redesigned Version of PowerPointslide

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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 13
Now please go ahead and use the above modified slide to teach one of your ‘vocational
learners’ the content from the slide.
Trainer Name ☐
Student Name ☐
Date ☐
Training Topic ☐
Location ☐
Reading Level
based on
Feedback from
Regarding how
session went
Signature from
Candidate ☐
Observed by ☐
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 13
Now please go ahead and use the above modified slide to teach one of your ‘vocational
learners’ the content from the slide.
Trainer Name ☐
Student Name ☐
Date ☐
Training Topic ☐
Location ☐
Reading Level
based on
Feedback from
Regarding how
session went
Signature from
Candidate ☐
Observed by ☐
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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 14
Identify one LLN specialist that may operate within your region or local area. Identify their
name, contact details and give a reason as to why you have chosen them as the most
Professionals who have been working in the same field and now a retired will be most suitable to
help in enhancing the LLN skills.
Practical activity 15:
What questions would you ask your learner to determine if you’re learning support was
Are you satisfied with the learning process?
What were your expectations for the training and assessment program?
Are you able to perform appropriately after the training program?
Do you require more practice assessment sessions through which you can identify your
progress? ☐
Practical activity 16:
What process could you go through to evaluate the success of your learning support and
assessment strategies used within your organisation?
Comparison will be helpful in identification of the success and comparison will help in comparing
the past performance and current performance so that level of increase in efficiency can be
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 14
Identify one LLN specialist that may operate within your region or local area. Identify their
name, contact details and give a reason as to why you have chosen them as the most
Professionals who have been working in the same field and now a retired will be most suitable to
help in enhancing the LLN skills.
Practical activity 15:
What questions would you ask your learner to determine if you’re learning support was
Are you satisfied with the learning process?
What were your expectations for the training and assessment program?
Are you able to perform appropriately after the training program?
Do you require more practice assessment sessions through which you can identify your
progress? ☐
Practical activity 16:
What process could you go through to evaluate the success of your learning support and
assessment strategies used within your organisation?
Comparison will be helpful in identification of the success and comparison will help in comparing
the past performance and current performance so that level of increase in efficiency can be

In Partnershipwith
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 17
Based on your personal reflection, which areas of LLN do you find the easiest to support,
place them in the order of easiest to hardest- Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral
Communication, Numeracy?
Numeracy Reading Learning Writing
Practical Activity 18
Based on the above, what strategies or extra resources would you access to be able to better
support people that may have a deficiency in your lowest area of confidence?
A feedback session should be provided with the team members can register their complaints
regarding the training program. If they still require some skills then a separate training session can
be provided to them.
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 17
Based on your personal reflection, which areas of LLN do you find the easiest to support,
place them in the order of easiest to hardest- Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral
Communication, Numeracy?
Numeracy Reading Learning Writing
Practical Activity 18
Based on the above, what strategies or extra resources would you access to be able to better
support people that may have a deficiency in your lowest area of confidence?
A feedback session should be provided with the team members can register their complaints
regarding the training program. If they still require some skills then a separate training session can
be provided to them.

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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 19
It has been identified that two of your students in your class are LLN challenged.
One of them has difficulty with reading and writing.
Another has difficulty with Oral Communication and following basic instructions.
Both students are required to undertake assessment for the unit “Conduct Manual Handling”.
Knowing the above scenarios how will you endeavour to assess them and accommodate for
their needs in each case.
Part A:
Student 1-
If the student is having problem in reading and writing then all the lessons will be taught
from the basics. Very easy stage will be introduced earlier and gradually the level will be
increased. Step-by-step learning process will be designed through which he will be able
to enhance his reading and writing skills. ☐
Student 2-
Basic lessons of oral communication will be taught through which they can easily
communicate to other people. A group discussion will be conducted on a fixed period
through which they will be able to collaborate and communicate with the team members.
Part B
Now share your assessment strategy with a colleague and ask for their feedback on how
effective your adjusted strategies might be? Make sure any pitfalls are identified and areas of
Everything should be conducted from the basics so that they initial phases can be
strengthened. If the initial phases will be skipped then appropriate results cannot be
achieved. It is very important to identify the requirements of the student where they are
lacking and then suitable process should be designed where all the loopholes can be
covered. The tutor or export should be experienced so that he can guide the members
or trainees appropriately. ☐
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Practical Activity 19
It has been identified that two of your students in your class are LLN challenged.
One of them has difficulty with reading and writing.
Another has difficulty with Oral Communication and following basic instructions.
Both students are required to undertake assessment for the unit “Conduct Manual Handling”.
Knowing the above scenarios how will you endeavour to assess them and accommodate for
their needs in each case.
Part A:
Student 1-
If the student is having problem in reading and writing then all the lessons will be taught
from the basics. Very easy stage will be introduced earlier and gradually the level will be
increased. Step-by-step learning process will be designed through which he will be able
to enhance his reading and writing skills. ☐
Student 2-
Basic lessons of oral communication will be taught through which they can easily
communicate to other people. A group discussion will be conducted on a fixed period
through which they will be able to collaborate and communicate with the team members.
Part B
Now share your assessment strategy with a colleague and ask for their feedback on how
effective your adjusted strategies might be? Make sure any pitfalls are identified and areas of
Everything should be conducted from the basics so that they initial phases can be
strengthened. If the initial phases will be skipped then appropriate results cannot be
achieved. It is very important to identify the requirements of the student where they are
lacking and then suitable process should be designed where all the loopholes can be
covered. The tutor or export should be experienced so that he can guide the members
or trainees appropriately. ☐
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TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Reference list
Food Service Warehouse (2015). Procedures for balancing a cash register. Retrieved from
Hill, D., Hill, T., Perlitz, L (2016). Vocational Training and Assessment. New York, U.S.A:
McGraw-Hill Companies.
TAELLN411LearnerAssessmentBooklet Version2.2DEC2018 Page
Reference list
Food Service Warehouse (2015). Procedures for balancing a cash register. Retrieved from
Hill, D., Hill, T., Perlitz, L (2016). Vocational Training and Assessment. New York, U.S.A:
McGraw-Hill Companies.

In Partnershipwith
First submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
Second submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
Third submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
First submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
Second submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
Third submission for Assessment Tasks TAELLN411
The Learners performance was: Satisfactory ☐ Resubmit ....... ☐
Learners signature: .................................................................. date:
Assessor’s signature: ............................................................... date:
the second and third feedback slips.
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