
Performance Management and Talent Management


Added on  2020-07-22

13 Pages3313 Words50 Views
Talent Management
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................31. Use of individual v/s team performance target to maximise the organisation performance32. Performance management system for improving employee communication anddevelopment...........................................................................................................................63. Integrated performance management system with human resources process & theirimportance..............................................................................................................................84. Effectiveness of linking performance to financial reward...............................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONTalent management can be referred as the required anticipation of needed capital ofhuman for an organisation as well as planning to achieve those requirements. This refer to ascience of opting strategic planning of human resources to develop the value of business as wellas to make the firms and organisation more recognisable in order to meet the targetted objectives(The Importance of Performance Management, 2015). This report will be debating on the teamperformance and individual target utilisation to increase the performance of organisation. Forthis purpose of this, they will develop the new system of performance management for he workercommunication and improvement along with increase the effectiveness of performance linking tofinancial rewarding system. MAIN BODY1. Use of individual v/s team performance target to maximise the organisation performanceWork measurement, assignments, target, standards on the individual performance levelcan be formed in the plan of worker performance. An employee can be appraised on the basis oftheir behaviour within members of teams should be supportive. This is essential to manage bothindividual and team member appraisal management on a definite basis that avail an organisationin proper development of an organisation. In the case, Steel Co. is small business manufacturing organisation which is functionedby owner manager own more than 65 worker under them. The organisation is working from past30 years successfully but now the enterprise has faced major loss within their company for a longperiod that have expressed discontent employees with different issues such as pay freeze, pooremployer and many other (Whelan and Carcary, 2011). The owner manager use autocraticleadership but the new hired divisional director has changed the terms and changed it todemocratic using various strategies include team-based working, scheme bonus and developedmechanism of communication within the company. But in order to analyse the still failure incompany, this is required to analyse the basic concept of use of team performance and individualtarget which is argued here: As the work become more intricate, firm must depend on people teams to attain the tasksor target. In order to analyse the effective work performance, company need to make teamworking and appraisals of team for the development of performance of organisation. This can3
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range from individual activities or performance recognition as well as their contribution ingroups to only company's performance assessment. When the performance of organisation isbeing analysed, no appraisals of individual can not be attained thus it can lead to less individualdevelopment within the company. Advantages and disadvantages of social behaviour while achieving business goalsSocial behaviour in an organisation help employees to interact with other peer membersusing physical actions and observable emotions of worker at Steel Co. as they require propermanagement of services. Main advantages for practising social behaviour are effectivecommunication process, cooperation while achieving targets, increases motivation of employees,positive work environment etc. With these advantages, there are certain disadvantages too suchas manipulating employees in some cases is not easy as they are accustomed to their nativebehaviour, changes in policies and procedures can face resistance and social tie ups give rise tounity which sometimes have negative consequences. Effective implementation of socialbehaviour among employees leads to business growth of Steel Co.The organisational and culture structure of the environment of workplace impact ofdifferent team performance types. But on the other hand, individual performance developmentare the traditional types of appraisals which measure the objectives and target achievement of anindividual. This render the worker and supervisee an opportunity to exchange their opinions andideas to reach their set targets (Van Dooren, Bouckaert and Halligan, 2015). The individualperformance aims over the requirements of skills to perform the specific skills for acquiringsuccess or promotion. Various appraisal, response and feedback support the recognition to anindividual. AdvantagesFocused: Individual target target are often more focused which can help in achieving thetarget more clearly and coherently. Goal Oriented: Individual target and performance are goals oriented that can aid inmeeting objectives in efficient manner. DisadvantagesNarrow Focus: In context of large organisation, individual target are not able to focuswider scope which can decrease the revenues and create more complication inmanagement activities.4
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