1OPEN LETTER Dear Sir, It is to bring to your notice that talent management practices through the assessment of the training needs of the employees would assist our organization in supporting our workforce in achieving the rate of competence required for operating in accordance tour organizational goals. It has been observed that an incompetent workforce is more likely set an increasing trend in the rates of staff turnover. Improvement in specific skill sets that are required for performing the operations acts as motivators for the workforce. Therefore, our organization might design specific training and development programs with the purpose of improving the professional skills of our employees. We might implement the concepts like shared learning, action based learning and briefing sessions for improving the scope of the developmental programs for our employees. The strategic development of our workforce while aligning with the common objectives would help us in addressing the changes in the business environment. Therefore, talent management through strategicprofessionaldevelopmentplanninginitiativeswouldenableourorganizationin increasing the rates of job satisfaction among the employees while improving our productivity. We can make use of different induction and training sessions with the purpose of empowering the operations that are initiated by the workforce. We can assess the major concerns that are faced by our employees through surveys and thereby evaluate the training needs of the same to cope with our changing organizational requirements. In this connection, I believe that effective training and development practices, provided by our organization, would empower the overall operations of the employees. Strategic training and development programs of the organizations assists the same in empowering self- efficacy, knowledge on the processes and responsibilities, adaptability and
2OPEN LETTER team work. Therefore, we must bring forth improvements in the professional development areas through effective training and development campaigns and HR service delivery modes for encouraging the performance of the employees while increasing the rate of job satisfaction. Regards, Name Date: