
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study


Added on  2023-06-17

31 Pages5340 Words166 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Managing a successful
business project
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_1

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Part A. Project Planning..............................................................................................................3
Research aim:...............................................................................................................................3
Research Objectives:...................................................................................................................3
Research Questions:.....................................................................................................................3
Project Management plan............................................................................................................4
Work breakdown structure..........................................................................................................4
Gantt chart...................................................................................................................................5
PART B- Conducting research....................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
Role and importance of talent management................................................................................5
Various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and retaining
employees at workplace...............................................................................................................6
Challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management strategies for attracting
and retaining employees in organisation.....................................................................................6
Research Methods........................................................................................................................6
TASK 2- Present findings................................................................................................................9
Evaluation of tools & techniques for authenticity and support recommendations....................15
TASK 3- Reflective practices........................................................................................................15
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................21
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_2

Talent management is defined as the procedure to attract, select, develop and retain staff
members that includes a combination of human resource process across employee life cycle. In
addition to this, it encompasses various aspects such as learning and development, employee
retention, workforce planning, recruiting, succession and many more (Khoshdel Mofidi,
Bagherzadeh and Mehrara, 2019). It is significant for company to retain quality and talented staff
members so that they can gain success within the market. For the present study, Parcelforce is
taken into consideration. It is a logistics and courier service which was founded in year1990 and
headquartered in England, United Kingdom. The report aims to recommend effective strategies
of talent management to Anderson transport which is a small transport goods service provider
company for attracting and retaining employees at workplace.
Task 1
Part A. Project Planning
Research aim:
“To identify effective talent management strategies used by an organisation to attract and
retain employees. A study on Parcelforce.
Research Objectives:
To know about role and importance of talent management.
To examine various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and
retaining employees at workplace.
To determine challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management
strategies for attracting and retaining employees in organisation.
Research Questions:
What is the role and importance of talent management?
What are the various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and
retaining employees at workplace?
What are the challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management
strategies for attracting and retaining employees in organisation?
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_3

Project Management plan
It is basically a document that shows how project is being implemented. It includes
outlining of goal, timeline, budget as well as deliverables of study. These are essential to keep
project work of track and are going to be discussed further.
Scope- Talent management is associated with various strategies which are adopted within
organisation for retaining their talented employees for enhancing their profitability. This is
highly applicable within any organisation due to its high benefits.
Cost- For any plan implementation, there is need to making budget where each activity
requires some specific cost that can help researchers for executing their activities. There is need
to make budget which are there to execute plan for their implementation.
Time- This is a significant aspect which is necessary to complete the project in given
time period. Researchers needs to follow the critical path for identifying time which are invested
for the completion of task. Project should finish within limited time.
Quality- For research project, there is need for collection of authentic and reliable data
that are regarding better and effective quality. Talent management helps to retain customers to
retain talent at workplace.
Risk- Every study associated with some risk where researchers develop alternative plan
to deal with such type of risk. These risks includes poor knowledge, insufficient resources, lack
of time and many more.
Communitarian- Within organisation there is need for proper communication which are
associated with remaining transparent with stakeholders related with project. This provide
positive influence during project implementation.
Resources- This is the basic requirement which is associated with executing strategies
for employee retention through talent management. There is need for some resources which
includes skills, funds and others. These resources can help to implement the project plan and
activities or can create interruptions due to lack of resources.
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_4

Work breakdown structure
It is a chart that show the relationship among activities associated to project and executed
in order to achieve objectives. Along with this, it allow investigator to divide the whole task into
smaller tasks which is easy to implement and complete. The WBS of present research is given
Gantt chart
It is a chart that is useful for planning as well as scheduling projects in an effective manner.
Along with this, it assist researcher to assess time require to complete the project, examine the
resources required, initial and ending time of activities and so on (McManners, 2016). Moreover,
this help researcher to complete activities on time and attain research objectives in a timely and
proper manner. The Gantt chart of present study are as follows:
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_5

Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_6

PART B- Conducting research
Talent management include various principles which an organization is required to follow in
order to attract and retain top talent at workplace. One of the principle is avoid mismatch cost
as it assist in reducing cost through keeping the strength low and hire candidates time to time to
fill gaps (Mujtaba and Mubarik, 2021). Another principle of talent management is alignment
with strategy as it is basic rule of organisation to make sure that department have the knowledge
about strategies and are focused on corporate strategies. Besides these principles, it also include
other principle such as balancing employee interests as internal programs in an organization are
the regular and most important features for employees to maintain the employees interest. Hence,
all these principles of talent management help to attract the most talented employees for an
organization in an effective manner.
Role and importance of talent management
According to Zala Slana, (2018), Role of talent management is to identify, recruit and
attain people within organisation. This is one of the main role of the talent management for
which they follow various strategic process that can help to retain talent within organisation.
Role of talent management is to attract, select and retain employees which involves employee
life cycle (The importance of talent management and why companies should invest in it, 2018).
Talent mangemnt6 helps employees to feel engaged, motivated and skilled and focuses on the
business goal of the organisation. This helps to increase clients satisfaction along with business
Various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and retaining employees
at workplace
According to Hannah Malmstrom, (2021), it is determined that there are different talent
management practices that are adopted by Parcelforce with an objective to retain their employee
at workplace. These strategies are Tracking and measuring performance, feedback and review,
recognising and rewarding top performers, increasing employee motivations and promoting
mentoring (Talent Management Strategies, 2021). These are some talent management strategies
which have high effectiveness within organisation and helps to hold the employees at workplace.
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_7

These strategies were highly beneficial to attract employees at workplace and that can lead to
provide high effectiveness and influence them to stay at workplace.
Challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management strategies for attracting and
retaining employees in organisation
According to Top Echelon, (2020), there are four challenges for talent management
which cam impact the organisation that includes talent acquisition, compensation, performance
evaluation, talent retention and turnover. Talent acquisition is associated with applicant tracking
system for hiring of talented people for full time. Right compensation influence employee to
continue work at their workplace which is associated with some benefits. For the organisation is
challenging for right compensation for their talented employees. Performance evaluation is the
challenge which is to evaluate the working performance of employee that is difficult to measure.
Talent retention is also challenging for the organisation to retain their talented employee to retain
at workplace.
Research Methods
Qualitative research is defined as a method of collecting data that is of non-numerical
form. Along with this, it provide clear knowledge regarding concepts as well as opinions
associated to the research topic (Ivankova and Plano Clark 2018). Moreover, it allow researcher
to conduct in-depth knowledge about the research problem that is vital for gaining positive
Quantitative research is basically a phenomenon that includes number of procedure with
which information is gathered in numeric form and is depend on some facts as well as figures.
Apart from this, it is deter mined that it help researcher to develop valid and reliable conclusion
in less time and cost as well.
With reference to present study, quantitative method is appropriate as it help in collect
data in numeric that is mainly based of facts. This further allow researcher to develop valid and
reliable conclusion within given time frame.
Data Collection is defined as the procedure to gather information associated to the
research topic. Along with this, the two forms of data collection is primary & secondary which is
discussed below:
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_8

Managing a successful
business project
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_1

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Part A. Project Planning..............................................................................................................3
Research aim:...............................................................................................................................3
Research Objectives:...................................................................................................................3
Research Questions:.....................................................................................................................3
Project Management plan............................................................................................................4
Work breakdown structure..........................................................................................................4
Gantt chart...................................................................................................................................5
PART B- Conducting research....................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
Role and importance of talent management................................................................................5
Various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and retaining
employees at workplace...............................................................................................................6
Challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management strategies for attracting
and retaining employees in organisation.....................................................................................6
Research Methods........................................................................................................................6
TASK 2- Present findings................................................................................................................9
Evaluation of tools & techniques for authenticity and support recommendations....................15
TASK 3- Reflective practices........................................................................................................15
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................21
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_2

Talent management is defined as the procedure to attract, select, develop and retain staff
members that includes a combination of human resource process across employee life cycle. In
addition to this, it encompasses various aspects such as learning and development, employee
retention, workforce planning, recruiting, succession and many more (Khoshdel Mofidi,
Bagherzadeh and Mehrara, 2019). It is important for an organisation to manage and retain top
talent as it help in attaining higher growth and success at marketplace. For the present study,
Parcelforce is taken into consideration. It is a logistics and courier service which was established
in the year 1990 and headquartered in England, UK. The main aim of the report is to recommend
effective talent management strategies to Anderson transport which is a small transport goods
service provider company for attracting and retaining employees at workplace.
Task 1
Part A. Project Planning
Research aim:
“To identify effective talent management strategies used by an organisation to attract and
retain employees. A study on Parcelforce.
Research Objectives:
To know about role and importance of talent management.
To examine various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and
retaining employees at workplace.
To determine challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management
strategies for attracting and retaining employees in organisation.
Research Questions:
What is the role and importance of talent management?
What are the various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and
retaining employees at workplace?
What are the challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management
strategies for attracting and retaining employees in organisation?
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_3

Project Management plan
Project management plan refers to a formal document which defines how project are being
carried out. It includes the outlining of goal, scope, timeline, budget and deliverables of project.
These are essential to keep project work of track and are going to be discussed further.
Scope- Talent management is associated with various strategies which are adopted within
organisation for retaining their talented employees for enhancing their profitability. This is
highly applicable within any organisation due to its high benefits.
Cost- For any plan implementation, there is need to making budget where each activity
requires some specific cost that can help researchers for executing their activities. There is need
to make budget which are there to execute plan for their implementation.
Time- This is a significant aspect which is necessary to complete the project in given
time period. Researchers needs to follow the critical path for identifying time which are invested
for the completion of task. Project should finish within limited time.
Quality- For research project, there is need for collection of authentic and reliable data
that are regarding better and effective quality. Talent management helps to retain customers to
retain talent at workplace.
Risk- Every study associated with some risk where researchers develop alternative plan
to deal with such type of risk. These risks includes poor knowledge, insufficient resources, lack
of time and many more.
Communitarian- Within organisation there is need for proper communication which are
associated with remaining transparent with stakeholders related with project. This provide
positive influence during project implementation.
Resources- This is the basic requirement which is associated with executing strategies
for employee retention through talent management. There is need for some resources which
includes skills, funds and others. These resources can help to implement the project plan and
activities or can create interruptions due to lack of resources.
Work breakdown structure
It is defined as a chart that show the relationship among project activities executed in order
to achieve objectives. Along with this, it allow investigator to divide the whole task into smaller
tasks which is easy to implement and complete. Work breakdown structure of present study is
mentioned below:
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_4

Gantt chart
It is a bar chart that is useful for planning as well as scheduling projects in an effective
manner. Along with this, it assist researcher to assess time require to complete the project,
examine the resources required, initial and ending time of activities and so on (McManners,
2016). Moreover, this help researcher to complete activities on time and attain research
objectives in a timely and proper manner. The Gantt chart of present study are as follows:
PART B- Conducting research
Talent management include various principles which an organization is required to follow in
order to attract and retain top talent at workplace. One of the principle is avoid mismatch cost
as it assist in reducing cost through keeping the strength low and hire candidates time to time to
fill gaps (Mujtaba and Mubarik, 2021). Another principle of talent management is alignment
with strategy as it is basic rule of organisation to make sure that department have the knowledge
about strategies and are focused on corporate strategies. Besides these principles, it also include
other principle such as balancing employee interests as internal programs in an organization are
the regular and most important features for employees to maintain the employees interest. Hence,
all these principles of talent management help to attract the most talented employees for an
organization in an effective manner.
Role and importance of talent management
According to Zala Slana, (2018), Role of talent management is to identify, recruit and
attain people within organisation. This is one of the main role of the talent management for
which they follow various strategic process that can help to retain talent within organisation.
Role of talent management is to attract, select and retain employees which involves employee
life cycle (The importance of talent management and why companies should invest in it, 2018).
Talent mangemnt6 helps employees to feel engaged, motivated and skilled and focuses on the
business goal of the organisation. This helps to increase clients satisfaction along with business
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_5

Various talent management strategies used by Parcelforce for attracting and retaining employees
at workplace
According to Hannah Malmstrom, (2021), there are various talent management strategies
which are used by Parcelforce that is for attracting and retaining their employee at workplace.
These strategies are Tracking and measuring performance, feedback and review, recognising and
rewarding top performers, increasing employee motivations and promoting mentoring (Talent
Management Strategies, 2021). These are some talent management strategies which have high
effectiveness within organisation and helps to hold the employees at workplace. These strategies
were highly beneficial to attract employees at workplace and that can lead to provide high
effectiveness and influence them to stay at workplace.
Challenges faced by Parcelforce while executing talent management strategies for attracting and
retaining employees in organisation
According to Top Echelon, (2020), there are four challenges for talent management
which cam impact the organisation that includes talent acquisition, compensation, performance
evaluation, talent retention and turnover. Talent acquisition is associated with applicant tracking
system for hiring of talented people for full time. Right compensation influence employee to
continue work at their workplace which is associated with some benefits. For the organisation is
challenging for right compensation for their talented employees. Performance evaluation is the
challenge which is to evaluate the working performance of employee that is difficult to measure.
Talent retention is also challenging for the organisation to retain their talented employee to retain
at workplace.
Research Methods
Qualitative research is defined as a method of collecting information which is in the form
of non-numerical. In addition to this, it provide clear knowledge regarding concepts as well as
opinions associated to the research topic (Ivankova and Plano Clark 2018). Moreover, it allow
researcher to conduct in-depth knowledge about the research problem that is vital for gaining
positive outcomes.
Quantitative research is basically a phenomenon that includes number of procedure with
which information is gathered in the form of numeric and is based on some facts and figures.
Apart from this, it is deter mined that it help researcher to develop valid and reliable conclusion
in less time and cost as well.
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Parcelforce: A Study_6

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