
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco


Added on  2023-06-18

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Research Project
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................3
Research aim:.........................................................................................................................3
Research objectives................................................................................................................3
Research Question:.................................................................................................................3
Rationale for the research.......................................................................................................4
Literature review..............................................................................................................................4
Concept of talent management in an organisation.................................................................4
Various challenges faced by organization in implementing effective practices of talent
Suitable strategies to deal with the challenges arising in the course of talent management for
employee satisfaction and retention.......................................................................................5
Research Methodology....................................................................................................................5
Concept of talent management in an organisation...............................................................12
Various challenges faced by organization in implementing effective practices of talent
Suitable strategies to deal with the challenges arising in the course of talent management for
employee satisfaction and retention.....................................................................................13
Reflection and Alternative Methodology.......................................................................................13
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................16
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_2

Talent management is defined as the process of managing and handling the human resource
of the organisation in order to achieve desired goals and objectives also enhancing the overall
performance of the organisation. It involves analysing the need for the human resource in the
organisation and accordingly hiring right candidate for the right position enhancing their skills,
offering required training so as to retain then for longer period in the organisation (Wiradendi
Wolor, 2020). It helps in enhancing overall profitability and productivity of the organisation. For
this study Tesco is taken into consideration. Tesco is one of the well established top retail
company and being the ninth biggest company around the globe in terms of revenue. It was
founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen headquartered in United kingdom offering quality products and
services to its target customers. The main purpose of this study is to analyse the effective talent
management strategies used by the business organisation in order to enhance employees
satisfaction and retention.
P1 Aims and Objectives
Research aim:
"To analyze the effective talent management strategies used by organizations for
enhancing employee satisfaction and retention." A study on TESCO.
Research objectives
To understand the basic concept of talent management in organization
To evaluate various challenges faced by organization in implementing effective practices
of talent management
To formulate suitable strategies to deal with the challenges arising in the course of talent
management for employee satisfaction and retention.
Research Question:
What is the concept of talent management in an organisation?
What are the various challenges faced by organization in implementing effective
practices of talent management?
What are the suitable strategies to deal with the challenges arising in the course of talent
management for employee satisfaction and retention?
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_3

Rationale for the research
The reason behind conducting this study is to analyze different talent management practices
all strategies adopted by company in order to enhance employee retention and satisfaction. Along
with this, it also assist to know about the challenges associated with talent management for
employee satisfaction and retention. Moreover, it help investigator in both personal and
professional relation (Valenti, 2019). In context to professional, it help in implementing and
retaining at work place where researcher will perform its job. On the other hand, it also assist to
learn and improve skills such as time management, communication, data analysis and many
more. Furthermore, it help researcher to conduct further studies in more effective and systematic
manner due to which positive results can be achieved.
Literature review
It is a detailed discussion and analysis of information on the particular information, also
involving analysis of existing information in order to identify the methods, theories which is the
part of the previous work, involving comprehensive research of the previous research on a
particular topic.
Concept of talent management in an organisation
According to Brian Westfall (2019) it is analysed that talent management is one of the
most essential strategy used by the business organisation in order to attract, select and retain the
right candidate for long period in the business. It is an continuous process which involves
analysing the needs of employees in the organisation and accordingly hiring the right candidate
for the right position, enhancing their skills through offering required training and development,
and motivating them towards achieving desired goals and objectives of the organisation which
leads to enhancing overall performance of the organisation (What Is Talent Management, 2019).
It is analysed that in order to sustain in the competitive market and continue to increase their
productivity and profitability the business organisation needs an effective talent management
strategy as proper management of the employees leads to reducing their turnover rate due to
which the cost occurred in the hiring new candidate and offering them required training can be
saved by the business organisation. Skilled and talented employees helps the business
organisation to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace through achieving desired task.
talent management help business organisation in ensuring that along with the organisational
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_4

goals the personal goals of the employees are also taken into consideration which leads to
building employees loyalty towards organisation. However it is analysed that effective talent
management helps the business organisation to gain higher success and growth in the
competitive market.
Various challenges faced by organization in implementing effective practices of talent
As per the view point of Top Echelon (2020), it is analysed that there are various
challenges that are faced by the business organisation in implementing effective practice of the
talent management in the company. One of the major challenge that can be faced by the
company while implementing the practice of the talent management can be the ineffective hiring
strategy and another challenge can be the ineffective leadership. In case of in in effective hiring
strategy, the process of talent management starts with hiring the right and skilled candidate for
the right position, but with poor hiring management plan organisation will face challenges
throughout the hiring process. Not having the right hiring strategy will lead the business
organisation not able to hire the right and skilled candidate. Another challenge faced while
implementing the practice of talent management is having ineffective leadership (Talent
Management Challenges, 2020). In order to motivate and retain the employees for long period of
time and also for leading them towards achieving desired goals requires effective and talented
leaders. Having ineffective leaders will lead to employees not getting the proper guidance which
will lead to demotivating them towards their goals and also influencing their performance. It is
very essential to have right strategies and effective leaders in the organisation in order to
implement the right talent management.
Suitable strategies to deal with the challenges arising in the course of talent management for
employee satisfaction and retention
According to Sharon Florentine (2019), it is analysed that there are number of strategies
available which can be adopted by the business organisation overcome the issue of talent
management effectively. One of the strategy that can be used by the business organisation can be
providing effective training and development to the employees in order to enhance their skills
and improve their performance which automatically leads them towards achieving desired goals
and objectives. In addition to this the another strategy that can be used by the company can be
offering various benefits to the employees as per their performance (Employee retention
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_5

strategies, 2019). Offering monetary and non-monetary benefits helps in keeping employees
happy, satisfies and enhanced in their work. It also helps in motivating them towards performing
better. Further more the business organisation also needs to ensure that they are offering required
career development opportunities to their employees. Effective use of all these strategies helps in
retaining employees for long period of time.
P2 Explain appropriate research methods & approaches to primary as well as secondary research
Research methodology is one of the important aspect for researcher in order to collect data
regarding talent management. One of the major purpose of research methodology is to gather
valid and reliable information (Sigroha and Mor, 2021). For identifying approaches of study,
research onion framework is used and involved different layers which are as follows:
Research philosophy: There are mainly two forms of research philosophes that is
interpretivism and positivism. It is analyzed that both the forms of philosophy is vital but as per
the topic, positivism research philosophy is effective and suitable as it support researcher in
evaluating data effectively. In addition to this, it also help in collecting and evaluating
information Within less time frame and cost as well.
Research approach: It is the next layer of research onion that will be followed within
the research in order to examine the appropriate data about the topic. There are mainly two forms
of research approaches that is deductive and inductive (Ashton, 2018). As per the topic,
deductive approach is useful and suitable as it assist to examine quantitative information in less
time period and cost. Apart from this, it also help researcher in conducting best testing of
numerical information.
Research strategy: It is an important layer of research methodology that emphasize on
the type of information which is required in order to collect and examine for the results. The two
types of research choice is qualitative and quantitative. With regards to present study,
quantitative research choice is appropriate as it help to collect numerical data which is based on
facts and figures. Moreover, it also help in gaining valid and reliable data in an effective manner.
Time horizon: It is analyzed that this layer of research methodology is important as it
help in completing the investigation within stipulated time period. The two types of time horizon
are cross sectional and longitudinal. In context to the present study, cross sectional time horizon
approach is taken into consideration as it assist to attain all the agenda within stipulated time
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Tesco_6

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