
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose


Added on  2023-06-18

24 Pages4927 Words246 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Talent management
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_1

Table of Contents
Topic - What talent strategies do your organization use to attract and retain people?....................3
Section 1- Project Planning .............................................................................................................3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................3
Research aim...............................................................................................................................3
Research Objectives....................................................................................................................3
Project management plan ...........................................................................................................4
Gantt chart ..................................................................................................................................5
Work break down structure ........................................................................................................7
Section 2- Conduct Quantitative and Qualitative research .............................................................7
Secondary research .....................................................................................................................7
Appropriate research methodologies...........................................................................................8
Section 3- Present findings..............................................................................................................9
Present the findings...................................................................................................................11
References .....................................................................................................................................17
Books and Journals...................................................................................................................17
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................19
Performance review..................................................................................................................19
Project Log book ......................................................................................................................20
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_2

Topic - What talent strategies do your organization use to attract and retain
Section 1- Project Planning
The talent management strategies for using full scope of HR process for attracting,
boarding, develop, motivate for high performing employees. As its aim is to provide the related
sources and rising effective business presentation through activities that make employees more
productive. Talent management is the process used by an organisation to develop the talented
people who can make a positive impact within organisation. Talent management is one of the
key components of human resource teams. This help to ensure the responsibilities for the leaders
and manager within the organisations. With the appropriate need of talent management is helpful
for being developed in the particular need and demand of the company in market. The main
purpose of the talent management is to analyse the different strategies for enhancing the role of
employees and use different strategies for motivate them to stay positive and retain within the
organisation (Svensson and Danielsson Wiksell, 2021). For completing this project, Waitrose is
the chosen organisation. It is a brand of British supermarkets that was founded in 1904. Its
headquartered in Bracknell, United Kingdom. The number of considering changes in related to
having different locations and now the company is operated their services in more than 330
locations. The company have more than 52,000 employees at their all location, so they have to
manage their talent in an effective manner. It will be helpful for generating effective talent
resources for generating the need to enhance the talent management techniques in an
Research aim
“The aim of the report is to analyse the talent management strategies used by an
organisation for attracting and retaining employees for longer period. A case study on
Research Objectives
To analyse the role of talent management within the organisation.
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_3

To evaluate the use of different strategies adopt by the Waitrose to attract and retain the
employees at workplace.
To determine the challenges face by the company while implementing talent management
strategies within the organisation.
Project management plan
A project management plan is a formal for the growth in documents that define the
project to complete the work and carried out the project on time. The need to complete the
project management plan is helpful for completing effective information and used techniques,
cost, resources, manpower and different methods to complete the project in effective and
efficient manner. This process include the scope, cost, quality, time, and other factors that help
the researchers and others for getting more understanding about project. All of these aspects are
related to:
Scope: This factor is related to work on the growth of the organisation, retain them for
the longer period and increase the performance as per the effective growth in the
company. With the help of higher generating the execute strategies and facilitate the
develop brand image, employee satisfaction and retention as these are related to the
effective advantages and profit for the growth of the company (Pandita, 2021). As the
scope of the project is to achieve the talent management strategies and motivate the
employees for the longer period of time.
Time: This is consider as one of the important aspects for analysing the major change
and complete the research in the given time frame. This is answerable for the growth and
appropriate activities to manage the activities. The total time is required for 20 weeks for
completing this research case study. To complete the project on time, work break down
structure and Gantt chart is helpful for analysing the situation and make effective growth
in the time period.
Quality: This factor is related to work on the major effectiveness of the information with
gathered information. In aspect to that, it is related to major significant and growth to
collect data and make reliable and valid information for maintaining the high quality
process for analysing study and achieve the process in an effective manner (Usanova and
et.al., 2021). Moreover, the use of high quality and standard in the research provide
different benefits for completion of research based activities.
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_4

Communication: Communication is the process that help in managing resources and
tools for the growth for communicating data. This will be related to the different
activities that are conducted thorough the process of communication. There are major
methods that has been used to communicate the research and make verbal and non-verbal
resources. With the help of e-mail, mobile and different method of communication are
used to conduct the data and analyse for find the things that are associated to work with
effective and proper manner.
Resources: It is the basic requirement that is helpful for motivate the research and
implement the study in an effective manner. It is analysed that having effective and
appropriate major changes are needed to be required and complete with manpower,
internet, books and other different sources. These resources is helpful in completing
research activities without having any issues and deviation.
Risk: This is the factor which is analyse and associated with the different forms of risk
that is used through lack of resources, communication, funds and many more which, are
related to work on the growth and activities of the management (Al-Rawashdeh, 2021). It
is very important to analyse the risk on time as it will be helpful for the growth of
research project to complete research activities without facing any issues.
Gantt chart
This is the chart, that help in working an overall project schedule in an effective way for
analysing the situation and complete in an effective way. This is related to make graphical
presentation for assist the tools and project in efficient manner. The use of horizontal axis is
shown the time that is required for completing activities (Allal-Chérif, Aránega and Sánchez,
2021). Whereas, on the vertical axis, specific activities is shown. As per this it is analysed that
the Gantt chart is one of the effective and significant achievement for attaining research
objectives that has been given in the specified time frame.
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_5

Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_6

Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
PART A: Project planning..........................................................................................................1
PART B: Conduct research.........................................................................................................6
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10
Present Findings........................................................................................................................10
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................15
Reflective practice.....................................................................................................................15
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................16
Performance Review.................................................................................................................19
Project Logbook........................................................................................................................20
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_2

Talent management defines as an anticipation of required human capital for organisation
and the planning to fulfil the needs of workforce. It represent as a process of organise the
management of human resource so that company attain profitable results within marketplace.
Talent management is define as an important asset to company because they are responsible for
carry out activities and duties in prominent manner (Anlesinya and Amponsah-Tawiah, 2020).
Talent management within an organisation offer benefits in relation to maintain employees who
are working within firm or also emphasis on attracting new one. This report is developed by
freelance market researcher that is hired by local goods transport provider to implement talent
management strategies within organisation. For this researcher emphasis on finding talent
strategies that giant organisation use so that they implement in local business properly. To
complete this project Waitrose is to be undertaken that is a British supermarket since 1904. To
conduct this research several task are framed such as project planning, conduct research, present
findings that helps in draw the conclusion and recommendation in appropriate manner.
PART A: Project planning
“To determine various talent management strategies used by prominent organisations for
the purpose of retaining and attracting talented workforce.” A study on Waitrose.
To understand the concept of talent management in giant organisation
To explore strategies used by Waitrose to attract or retain talented workforce
To determine benefits of talent management in Waitrose
Research Questions
Explain the concept of talent management in giant organisation?
Explain various strategies used by Waitrose to attract or retain talented workforce?
What are the benefits of talent management in Waitrose?
Project management plan
Project management plan is a formal approved document that express how project is to be
completed by carry out activities (Crane and Hartwell, 2019). It reflects various aspects such as
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_3

cost, time scale, risk, resources, budget, ethical consideration etc. This project management plan
is essential to complete the project on set time frame. Several aspects of project management
plan are presented below:
Scope is an effective element that express the concept of talent management in
appropriate manner. The scope of this specific research is to recognise the benefits of
talent management in giant organisation and strategies that they used to attract or retain
talent. The format of this particular research is mainly emphasis on variety of strategies
related to talent management so that SMEs could understand the same and implement
prominently on the local good transport provider. This also represent several aspect of
methodology that is used to develop appropriate information so that objectives are meet
Cost- It refers to a amount that is essential to conduct the business and activities in
appropriate manner. The amount for conducting this project is £300 in which researcher
implement the project plan effectively and complete the aims and objectives prominently.
In this volume this particular research is completed in appropriate manner. The proper
explanation of budget are presented below:
Estimated amount (£)
Activities Total amount (£)
Travelling cost 100
Primary information 50
Project management plan 80
Miscellaneous 70
Total 300
Time scale- To complete this particular project in successful manner it is very crucial to
develops the time scale by prioritise the activities as per deadline (Shet, 2020). To
complete ths project researcher need 12 weeks in which whole analysis about topic is
done in systematic manner so that overall objectives are attained proficiently.
Communication- It represent as a crucial determinant within project management plan.
Communication is very important to collect, gather appropriate information about
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_4

particular topic. In this several channels are to be used by researcher so that appropriate
information is delivered to correct person in right time. For communicate an information
e-mails is to be used so that person get data properly and easy to understand.
Quality management- Practices of quality management is very beneficial because it is
concerned about gather data that are of great quality. To maintain quality different
practices are included so that proper outcome is to be gathered (Sivathanu and Pillai,
2019). The quality of project is to be maintain with the assistance of primary and
secondary sources. As these present data effectively about the talent management in giant
organisation. This help in collect prominent data of great quality so that appropriate
information is gathered that is effective for local good transport provider.
Resources- It is a significant element to attain objectives. The resources that are needed
in particular research is financial resource, human resources. Therefore, the involvement
of these resources helps in attaining objectives in appropriate manner because these
resources help in attaining every task prominently (Harsch and Festing, 2020). Therefore
using the resources in appropriate manner helps in gaining the outcome in shorter time
period. In this researcher also adopts the use of MS-EXCEL to develop spreadsheets,
graphs, table so that particular project aims and objectives are attained successfully.
Risk- There are several types of risk that are determined at the time of gather information
from the participants. To complete this particular research, risk of copying is one of the
major risk due to which ineffectiveness within the research is generated. Therefore to
remove the issues researcher emphasis on proper time to frame strategy so that complete
and effective information could be collected in appropriate manner.
Gantt chart- It represent as an understanding in which proper planning is to be done so that
overall objectives is to be attained successfully. Gantt chart is a type of project planner tool that
bifurcates variety of activities and task in appropriate manner so that it could be completed on set
time frame. This chart is mainly divided into two parts where in first part activities are represents
and in second part time for completing the activities are scheduled (Meyers, 2020). There are
several benefits of using Gantt chart such as it is used to track all the activities in effective
manner so that overall objectives are to be attained in proficient manner.
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_5

Work break down structure- This is an effective structure that helps in managing projects in
prominent manner. This framework helps in dividing the large activities into small segments so
that overall objectives is to be attained effectively. Hence, work breakdown structure consider
that smaller task are easily to attain and helps in attaining the activities in an effective manner
within set time frame.
Talent Management Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Employees: A Case Study on Waitrose_6

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