
Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategy for Successful Organization: A Case Study on Savoy Hotel


Added on  2023-06-18

22 Pages4783 Words418 Views
Unit 11: Research Project
Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategy for Successful Organization: A Case Study on Savoy Hotel_1

Research aim..........................................................................................................................4
Research objectives................................................................................................................4
Significance of research.........................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................6
Research Philosophy..............................................................................................................6
Research Approach.................................................................................................................7
Research Method....................................................................................................................7
Sources of Data Collection.....................................................................................................7
Sampling Method...................................................................................................................8
Cost effective and Time Frames...........................................................................................10
Ethical Consideration...........................................................................................................10
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS....................................................................................10
Data analysis.........................................................................................................................10
Data interpretation................................................................................................................13
RESEARCH OUTCOMES............................................................................................................21
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................21
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Talent management is a continuous process that allow organisation to strategically hire,
recruit, select, motivate and hold employees for longer period of time (TETIK and Halil, 2021).
Talent management allow organization to improve worker work satisfaction level through which
organization can hold them for long time span. Present report is conducted on Savoy hotel which
is operating its operations in hospitality industry sector and offer wide range of services and
facilities to customers. Present report is conducted on the effectiveness of talent management
strategy for organisation. Mentioned below aims as well as objectives of research is being stated.
Research aim
“To analysis the effective talent management strategy for successful organization”. A case
study on Savoy hotel.
Research objectives
To analysis the basic concept of talent management in organization.
To evaluate various talent management strategies to attract & retain employees of Savoy
To understand the importance of talent management on growth of Savoy hotel
Research questions
What is the basic concept of talent management in organization?
What are the various talent management strategies to attract & retain employees of Savoy
What is the importance of talent management on growth of Savoy hotel?
Significance of research
This assessment is basic as it maintains examiner in understanding the possibility of ability
the executives in an appropriate way and getting significant pieces of information regarding the
matter. Likewise, by the help of this investigation assessment, the researcher can choose factors
that make the implications of correspondence and assortment significant for association and the
practices in strategies that an affiliation can embrace to encourage equilibrium and assortment in
work space. By the help of the examination, the association will prepared to stay aware of
equilibrium and assortment sufficiently. It is moreover enormous for academic explanation as it
will maintain specialists to finish further assessment by accepting this report as a base.
Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategy for Successful Organization: A Case Study on Savoy Hotel_3

Basic concept of talent management in organization
According to the viewpoint of Chen, Lee and Ahlstrom, 2021 talent management is
continuous process in which organisation engage in the process of attracting, hiring, selecting,
motivating, retaining and holding employees with an aim to enhance workforce efficiency.
Talent management is inclusive of practices like planning, learning and development, employee
engagement, performance management, success and retention recruiting and boarding (Čizmić
and Ahmić, 2021). Talent management is an essential aspect for organisation of every industrial
sector irrespective of its size and scope. This allows companies to continuously make employees
feel valuable and motivate them, with the help of different attractive strategies. Through this
concept company can retain skilled and experienced employees for longer period of time.
Various talent management strategies to attract & retain employees of Savoy hotel
As per the view point of Davern, 2021 there are different type of strategies through which
organisation can significantly attract and retain employees. These strategies allow company to
enhance workforce capability and performance towards accomplishment of organisational goals
in effective manner.
Employee Engagement
It is an essential strategy in which leaders and managers are required to engage
employees in the process of decision making. This effectively increase motivation and morale of
employees through which they retain within an organisation for long time period.
Compensation and benefits
compensation and benefits at higher scale comparatively to other rivals plays essential
strategy in attracting retaining talent. With the help of providing competitive benefits such as
flexible working hours and efficient compensation Savoy hotel can influence mindset of
employees in effective manner.
Reward and recognition
It is an essential strategy in which organisation by providing attractive reward and
recognition to employees can enhance their motivation and moral at greater extend ( Gannon,
Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategy for Successful Organization: A Case Study on Savoy Hotel_4

Clayton and Klenert, 2021). This strategy play essential role through which company can
provide additional benefits in terms of reward and recognition to employees.
Healthy employee-based culture
This is an essential strategy in which organisation with the help of building employee-
based culture can create stronger bond between employee and employer. With the help of this
organisation retain employees for longer period of time within organisational workplace
Importance of talent management on growth of Savoy hotel
According to the viewpoint of SAVELYEVA, 2021 talent management make employees
feel motivated, engaged, skilled and effectively allow them to move towards a direction in order
to accomplish business objectives in effective manner. Talent management is playing important
role through which company can significantly enhance their performance as well as consumers
satisfaction rate at great extent. Talent management ensures that skilled and talented candidates
retain within an organisation for long time period. Now a days there is aggressive competition
prevail within all the industrial sector, especially in hospitality industry companies engaged in
higher competition. Thus, talent management plays important role through which organisation
can retain talented and skilled employees and can save their money that can be lost due to high
employee turnover. This significantly allows organisation to maximise their growth and
development at greater scale.
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is defined as a belief about the manner in which data associated to the
phenomenon as required to be gathered, evaluated and utilised. There are two type of research
philosophy which is positivism and interpretivism (Pettersson and Skogh, 2021). In order to
conduct present research investigator with the help of positivism method will acquire
information as it is a scientific method that examine research objectives in effective manner and
anticipate information accordingly.
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Research Approach
Research approach is basically a process and plan for research which include that are
require to be complied with the help of detail methods of data analysis, collection and
interpretation. Deductive and inductive are two form of research approaches (Nayak and Singh,
2021). In order to conduct present research investigator with the help of deductive approach will
acquire information and data. Main reason behind selecting this method is to explain causal
relationship between variable and concepts and measure concepts in a quantitative manner.
Research Method
Research method are specific procedures through which investigator can collect and
analyse data. It is an integral part of research which allow investigated to conduct systematic
work. Quantitative and qualitative are two types of research method out of which investigator
with the help of quantitative method acquire information. In this researcher acquire information
with the help of questionnaire. Main reason behind this is to acquire reliable and valid data to
conduct research.
Sources of Data Collection
This is basically data collection method that facilitate investigator to collect appropriate
information and data from appropriate sources. Primary and secondary are two form of data
collection source. n terms at present report investigator will undertake use of both primary and
secondary data collection method (Jurgens, 2021). In context the primary method investigator
will acquire information from questionnaire in order to have raw and authenticated information.
While in terms with secondary method investigator with the help of taking literature review
researcher acquire information from wide range sources that include articles, journals and more
with truthful facts. Main aim behind taking advantage of both of this method is to conduct
research with the help of appropriate data and fulfil research objective with in depth analysis.
Sampling Method
Sampling is a method through which investigator can acquire information about a
population based upon the result (Kwon and Jang, 2021). It is an essential aspect of research that
allow investigator to select small sample size out of the whole population. Main reason behind
selecting certain group of respondents is to acquire information appropriately to fulfil present
Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategy for Successful Organization: A Case Study on Savoy Hotel_6

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