
Career and Personal Development Plan


Added on  2021-04-17

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Task 2 - Career and Personal Development Plan (30% of the portfolio)2a. Personal Analysis STRENGTHSOPPORTUNITIESOne of the major strengths that I have isthe capacity of inspiring others. This isbecause I believe that a good humanbeing is someone who does not onlythink about the personal benefits but alsotries to inspire others at the same time.Often in the course of life, people sufferfrom the lack of proper inspiration andthen they give up. However I alwaysmake efforts so that I can inspire otherswith the little experience that I have. Ihave also been following this in my worklife. I inspire all my co workers and try tomotivate them.Accountability is another strength that Ihave. I believe that it is very important tohave the accountability towards the workthat I am doing. I always try to stayaccountable for all my actions and mysteps. I try to take all the responsibility ofmy work on my own shoulders. I am alsovery creative by nature. I try to add myown creation and innovation in my work.This helps me to stand out from thecommon masses and get noticed atevery step.I will try to become more responsibletowards my professional and personallife. I will also make the attempts toincrease the aspect of accountability sothat I can become much more efficienttowards my work. I will also try toinculcate these values within my workculture. I will try to build thisaccountability among all my colleaguesand my subordinates as well.ASPIRATIONSRESULTS I aspire to be much more confident inthe upcoming days. Though I manage toI believe that if I work on all thementioned points then this will surely
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do all my work confidently but I know thatI must work on this matter and grow thelevel of confidence. This will help me togain the trust of my colleagues and mysubordinates as well. Increasedconfidence will enable me to face manychallenges that will come in my way.I will also try to nurture my skills more oncreativity and innovation. This is onearea that I consider to be one of mygreatest strengths. I always try to dosomething different and something out ofthe box that will help me to stand out andbe distinguished from others. I will try tonurture this skill and develop my creativetalents much more. I will also aspire toshow my teammates that I am just likethem and I am as answerable andvulnerable to my seniors just as they areto me. So, this will make me easilyapproachable, All my teammates will beable to approach me with any kinds ofissues that they face.help me in bringing about more positivechanges within my personality. It is withthe help of these changes like increasedinnovation, more confidence and moreaccountability that I will be able todevelop myself into a good leader in theupcoming days.2b – Professional value statement (no more than 150 words) Personal mission statementI am very creative in nature and that helps to bring out the uniqueness stored within me. I am confident about my actions and I know how to be accountable for my own credits and my mistakes as well.Personal vision statementI will always try to use my creative, responsible and confident nature to carry
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on all my duties and responsibilities. I will also set proper goals for my followers and guide them through all ups and downs towards success.Personal valuesI am very creative and innovative in nature. This helps to be to make my approach and my work very different and very unique to others. This trait will surely help me in my work field as well as I will be able to suggest many unique ideas and innovations. I am also very inspiring in nature, I try to understand the problems that people are passing through and then inspire them with reasons of why they must never give up in life. I often inspire others with my own life experiences as well. This will make my colleagues and my subordinates vest their faith in me and they will know that They can count on me even during their hard times as well. I am also accountable for all the actions that I take during any work. I will also make sure that I inculcate this quality among my subordinates as well.
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