
Teaching in a Specialist Area - PDF


Added on  2021-02-19

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Teaching in a Specialist Area - PDF_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Aims of education and training in English............................................................................1
1.2 Philosophical issues relating to education and training in English........................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Aims and structure of key qualifications in English .............................................................2
2.2 Aims and structure of learning programmes in English........................................................2
2.3 Explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning
programme in English enables its aims to be met .......................................................................3
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning
programme in English .................................................................................................................3
3.2 Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in
own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and
emerging technologies.................................................................................................................3
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................4
TASK 5............................................................................................................................................4
5.1 Liase with others within specialist area to develop own practice..........................................4
5.2 Review impact of liaison with other teachers and trainee within own practice area.............4
TASK 6............................................................................................................................................5
6.1 Effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in English..........................................................5
6.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in English...........5
6.3 Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist .....5
Teaching in a Specialist Area - PDF_2

Education is the basic necessity of an individual's life to reach the desired levels and help
in uplifting the society by removing the social stigmas. A teacher's contribution and
responsibilities are equally important. Specialist teachers are the ones who have technical
expertise in a specific subject or field. Their role is not only giving education but also looking
after the well being in terms of both mentally and psychologically (Schussler and Murrell, 2016).
The areas of concerns include about imparting education, giving advising or counselling,
librarianship and more. This assignment is based on understanding English as a subject in which
the students are given a platform for improvement. It will reflect upon establishing strategic
planning to bring positive changes in reading and composition through using critical thinking.
Along with this, this will include about aims and purposes of education, training, philosophical
issues, structures etc. to gain insights about the importance of English in a student's and teacher's
life as well.
1.1 Aims of education and training in English
English is mostly used in schools as the first language and is considered as the foundation
subject for other subjects as well. The aims of educating English language are to educate students
about the basics of grammar and linguistic components to make it look more approachable
(Darling-Hammond, 2016). It also highlights the needs to make the writing part more interesting
by giving the students knowledge about creating content and understanding the artistic
expressions through poetry, story telling etc.
It has also been observed that few students are uncomfortable in learning new language
due to the cultural barriers and diverse background. They find it difficult in learning the basic
such as sentence framing, use of parts of speech such as noun, pronoun etc. Thus, it is important
to give teachers' training in accordance to the needs and requirements of the students. Herein the
aim is to conduct training for promoting collaboration and support to foster inclusivity in
educating English.
1.2 Philosophical issues relating to education and training in English
According to Clark (2006) there are issues in context to philosophical aspects while
conducting English Classes that has negative impact on the environment. Such issues act as
obstacles in giving education to the students to interact and understand the concepts and theories.
Teaching in a Specialist Area - PDF_3

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