
Design of Policies and Procedures to Ensure Team Efficiency and Cohesion


Added on  2023-04-23

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Running head: TEAM MANAGEMENT 1
Design of Policies and Procedures to Ensure Team Efficiency and Cohesion
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Design of Policies and Procedures to Ensure Team Efficiency and Cohesion_1

Assessment 1
This paper offers a portfolio of evidence that will later be conveyed for implementation
by the Austin Constructions in Victoria, Australia. This analysis establishes that teamwork and
collaboration are key ingredients for organizational performance as they optimize operational
processes, and provide functional networks for project deliverables. As a result, this section of
the paper offers a detailed portfolio of evidence with clear structures, responsibilities, and
processes to support the implementation of the new contract by the Fosse Commercial
Policies and Procedures
I. The company commits to exercises and uphold the values of honesty, transparency,
integrity, and accountability as part of its daily routine and service delivery to its
II. In meeting the varied project goals, small teams of IT experts and technical specialists
shall be established with clear roles, responsibilities, goals, and performance assessment.
III. The team leader shall be responsible for the guidance and governance of the project
management process. The team leader shall liaise with the project manager for
clarifications, problem-solving, costing, and work schedule.
IV. Teamwork and collaboration is the engine of work processes and superior service
delivery. As a result, the company shall encourage group workings and support coercive
efforts to establish teams on a regular basis.
V. The company shall offer an environment that supports innovation and creativity. As a
result, tools and systems that support project management and its allied delivery
processes shall be adopted.
VI. Clear communication channels are provided for information conveyance. They include;
email, memos, formal meetings, seminars, boardroom talks, and notice boards. The
company shall not adopt social media channels at the beginning of projects.
VII. Teams shall test standards and guidelines, and ensure that projects done conform to all
the local and national policies and statutory laws.
VIII. The company shall commit to a culture of honoring staff performance. In this realization,
the HR department shall support efforts towards career and professional development.
Training, sound compensations, and future career paths will be encouraged within and
across the organization.
IX. All persons shall be held responsible for their actions, misconducts, and inactions. This
means that accountability as a value shall be upheld.
The company shall ensure the execution and implementation of the above policies. Part of
ensuring implementation is to conduct regular performance assessment. This measures will help
identify possible violations and the reasons thereof that led to infringements. Further, these laws
shall be adhered to, regularly communicated to all employees, and used as a point of reference in
decision-making processes. The quality assurance department shall constantly review the above
laws and involve the relevant stakeholders in case of alteration of the laws with regards to
structural changes within and across the organization.
Design of Policies and Procedures to Ensure Team Efficiency and Cohesion_2

Assessment 2
Scenario 2 Case Study Questions
In the first case study, John can be considered as an autocratic leader because he has little
time to listen and address staff concerns. Although he was promoted to a managerial position, he
is held up with routine management activities leaving little room to address issues. This analysis
notes that John leverages the autocratic approach to management. Autocratic leaders are likely to
make decisions and choices unilaterally without much considerations from juniors. This
unilateral decision making can promote sound decisions, and leads to a faster decision-making
process since only one person has the consent to make the final say. Unfortunately, it is crucial to
acknowledge that John’s management style is limiting to employees that want more control of
their decisions, and who require more autonomy.
The second case study notes that as a senior manager of the Austin Constructions,
Michelle loves all her work colleagues. She respects everyone and does not consider her as the
boss but rather as a member of a team. And a result, decisions are made collectively by team
members. Michelle has faced little challenges working with team members although she
constantly resolves issues with employees. Michelle uses a democratic approach to management.
This management style involves employees in the routine decision-making process. Indeed, a
majority of decisions are agreed upon by the majority meaning that Michelle democratic
approach to management takes into consideration the input of its workforce.
Mario is a supervisor working with a window installation company. Mario is quite happy
and proud that he runs a tight schedule since employees obey his instructions and adhere to
policies. Employees also work through lunch and after work hours to meet project deliverables.
Mario team has a superior reputation and popularity in the industry and the manager encourages
employees to approach the office in case of issues or errors. Just recently, a few employees have
been calling absent due to sickness and Mario has overheard through the grapevine that two of
his employees have been applying in other companies. This analysis notes that Mario approach is
similar to the consultative which implies that employees have a free environment for formal
consultations. Notably, the consultative approach seeks to establish functional networks within
the organization for feedback, decision-making, and clarification of the issue.
It is important to acknowledge that the aristocratic leadership style is mostly prevalent in
high-performing and well-developed organizations. This leadership enables the senior manager
to reserve crucial decisions and reserves power only on the top hierarchical positions. The
diplomatic management style relies on heavy involvement meaning that employees are closely
connected and involved with each other. Most importantly is that decisions are made laterally
and every staff has a unique contribution as part of the decision-making process. Finally, the
consultative management style enables the leader to constantly seek feedback and advice from
subordinates. And this means that managers have to maintain close ties, nurture open networks,
and constantly strive to support self-expression, deliberations, and consultations among different
team players. The case study offered in the second assessment provides a clear example of the
application of the above three management styles in typical incidences.
Design of Policies and Procedures to Ensure Team Efficiency and Cohesion_3

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