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Effective Team Work and Communication Assessment 2


Added on  2023/06/15

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This PPT discusses the concepts of successful team development and the stages of team development theory by Bruce Tuckman. It emphasizes the importance of effective team communication and teamwork for organizational success. The PPT also includes references from books and journals.

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Effective teams are the fundamental base of a successful organization. Team effectiveness is
the ability of a group of people to achieve a set of goals by working together. Team
development is the process of learning to work collaboratively. This PPT will discuss about
the concepts of successful team development.
Successful team development
Team development is the process of managing employees and working towards the
accomplishment of shared organizational objective. In order to develop a successful team, the
theory developed by Bruce Tuckman in the year 1965 is used. This theory of team
development focuses on the approaches in which a team performs and manages a task from
the initial information of team through the completion of the team project. The Tuckman
model of team development comprises of different stages.
Bruce Tuckman theory of team development for developing a successful team is
explained below:
Forming- In this stage of team development theory, a team is developed and the planned task
is allocated to the team. In this first stage, the team members can discuss the team goals,
individual roles, strategy and rules which must be followed by the whole team through which
they can collectively work towards the achievement of shared objective. Developing a team is
the fast stage which is the initial step towards grouping effective employees in a team through
which successful team performance can be ensured.
Storming- The second stage is critical as this can involve conflicts among team members
which can create an adverse impact on team and organisational performance. In order to
develop a successful team, in this stage an organization can encourage the team member to
communicate with each other, understand others strengths and weakness and engage in active
listening through which effective team performance can be maintained.
Norming- This is the third stage where team can work on their conflicts and focus on finding
solutions which can be helpful in resolving those conflicts. The conflict can be resolved with
the help of respecting, accepting differences and appreciating each other.
Performing- In this stage of team development, the whole team collectively perform the
assigned job roles and responsibilities up to their potential through which they can meet the

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organizational objective. In order to ensure successful team performance, a well-structured
plan is followed which is helpful in achieving the shared objective within the desired time
Adjourning- This is the last stage of team development where the assigned team task comes
to an end. This stage is also called as termination stage where team are terminated after
meeting the desired team objective.
From the above PPT, nit can be concluded that teams in a workplace are the core of
an organization where employees collectively perform managerial activities and meet
organizational objectives within a selected time frame. There are various theories of team
development which helps organization to develop effective teams through which an
organization can attract various benefits and attract higher opportunities. It can be understood
that developing a team with similar specialization and interest can be helpful in bringing
more innovative ideas through which an organization can enhance their performance,
productivity and meet organisational objectives.
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Books and journals
Díaz, D. A and, 2019. The effect of simulation-based education on correctional health
teamwork and communication. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 27. pp.1-11.
Gharaveis, A., Hamilton, D. K. and Pati, D., 2018. The impact of environmental design on
teamwork and communication in healthcare facilities: a systematic literature review. HERD:
Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 11(1). pp.119-137.
Mirsky, R and, 2020. A penny for your thoughts: The value of communication in ad hoc
teamwork. Good Systems-Published Research.
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