
Technical Business Growth Management


Added on  2023-01-17

13 Pages3055 Words98 Views
Technical Business Growth Management
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Authors Note:
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Table of Contents
Organizational Theory and Their Global Growth.......................................................................2
Business Environment and Stakeholders.....................................................................................3
Organizational Development Challenges....................................................................................4
Organizational Structure, Culture and Social Responsibility......................................................5
Global Strategies and Technological Advancement....................................................................6
Change Management for Organizational Development..............................................................7
Organizational Decision Making.................................................................................................8
Innovation and Conflict Management.........................................................................................9
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The objective of the paper is to offer effective self-reflection on organizational theory
along with its technical business growth initiates. The paper will also focus on offering a self-
reflective viewpoint on the changing business environment along with the important stakeholders
of the business. Moreover, I have also analyzed the theories and concepts elaborated on the
organizational development challenges, decision making process along with innovation and
conflict management of most of the companies in attaining global business growth. From
exploring my subject topic I have realized that the organizations require highly deliberate and
stepwise approach which can ensure growth and competitive capabilities.
Organizational Theory and Their Global Growth
From the course learning, I have attained a robust knowledge regarding the fact that
organizations serve as a tool that is employed by people in attaining their goals. I have attained
an understanding that organizational theory is the study regarding the functions of organizations
and them manners they affect and get affected by their business environment. I also became
aware of the fact that organizational effectiveness is required to be monitored by the managers in
order to make effective decision making for attaining global business growth. I have attained
detailed learning on the factors those are considered necessary in attaining organizational growth
in the global marketplace (Adekola & Sergi, 2016). I had a perception regarding the fact that I
lack functional competency abilities in observing the major organizational processes according
to which I can manage my teams. However, after completion of the course I have attained
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necessary fundamentals based on which companies can attain global organizational
I have learnt that the value created by the organizations are affected by its abilities to
increase specialization along with labor division, use of large-scale technology, managing
external environment, economizing the transaction costs and excreting control and power in the
companies (Kandemir & Acur, 2012). Moreover, from learning the basic concepts on
organizational development I have gathered that the organizational theory includes capitalizing
on the three major aspects of business including organizational structure, organizational design
and change along with organizational culture. The growth of the organizations can be managed
through effective organizational design process.
Business Environment and Stakeholders
After accomplishing the course, I have attained learning that I must attain more advanced
knowledge on strategic management being a student of technology and innovation. This can
facilitate me in serving my future company along with saving time and valuable resources.
Considering same, I am highly enlightened to realize the importance of stakeholders in
contribution to organizational development. According to Král & Králová, (2016) stakeholders
are people those have interest or claim within the company in its business activities along with its
performance. I have also attained detailed understanding on stakeholders contribution to the
organization as they can offer effective information in comparison with the top managers those
have different goals rather than its principals.
The business environment is segmented into two parts such as general and specific
environment. The general environment factor that affects a business environment includes
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