
Technology in Organization


Added on  2022-11-30

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Data Science and Big DataMechanical Engineering
Technology in
Technology in Organization_1

QUESTION 1..............................................................................................................................................3
Big Data, its characteristics and role in the Arden University.................................................................3
Discussion of merits of adopting Big Data that is gained by the Arden University.................................5
QUESTION 2..............................................................................................................................................5
Explanation of the IT security and different measures of the data privacy that businesses can implement
together with some provisions of GDPR.................................................................................................5
QUESTION 3..............................................................................................................................................8
What is cellular network, its principles components and how does it works...........................................8
Technology in Organization_2

The Technology has been considered as an essential factor behind the success of every
business. it has shaped the way a company must work. the operations and practices of business
has been made easy which includes collecting, storing and recording the information and data in
a more quicker manner. it is very important for the corporations to have collaboration and
technology has made it possible very easily where one person can set at 1:00 corner of the world
and interact with the other. there are business ventures that establish And deploys the technology
in their working so that they can introduce innovative offering to the customers so that their
needs are fulfilled. it helps in keeping the data safe and confidential so that it cannot be used by
any 3rd party (Cockcroft, S. and Russell, M., 2019). This report is based on an educational
institution which is Arden University. it will deal with tuck concept characteristics and role of
big data, data privacy measures and IT security and Lastly the cellular network with its merits for
Big Data, its characteristics and role in the Arden University.
The big data is a group or combination of information that mainly covers exponentially grown
numbers which are maintain for a time. It is bigger in size and helps in managing the complex
information by using many techniques and tools so that there is effective and efficient working in
the organization. 9 there are mainly 3 types of big data which includes structured, semi
structured, and unstructured. the management is able to make a good decision for its business
with the support of big data as it also helps in grabbing new opportunities which can give
advancement to the firm. it plays a major role in collection, storing and recording of the data or
information in an easy manner. Arden University uses this big data so that it can maintain
confidentiality of its information and data from the 3rd party. it also helps in protecting the
information about the organization, students and staff from the embed of unauthorised 3rd party
or malicious users (Cui, Y., Kara, S. and Chan, K.C., 2020).
Technology in Organization_3

The big data can be described with its 6 Vs which includes the following
Volume- it is that feature of the big data that is concerned with the relationship between
the size and the processing capacity. it changes rapidly because the data collection
continues to enhance.
Variety- it describes a wide variety of data which can be stored and be processed and
analysed. there are different types of data from the mobile devices and social networks
that can also be stored in it.
Velocity- it mainly measures the temporary value of the data. as there is rapid change in
the big data so it is important to process the unstructured and structured data quickly in
order to take benefit of the Geo location data, perceive trends and hypes, etc.
Value- it describes as to what value a person can get from which information and how big
data can provide better results from the stored data.
Veracity- it shows the origin and quality of data, and allows it to Become conflicting
questionable or impure. in simple word it shows the authenticity and truth of the data
Variability- it provides true how fast and to what extent can the structure of the data be
changed (Ghasemaghaei, M. and Calic, G., 2019. ).
Role of big data
The big data is generally used in different industries such as education, insurance, banking
and the banking and the governmental area. it is also used in earthen University so that it can
manage to keep the track of all its information and record such as information regarding a
student who is already enrolled and who may be enrolled .the role of big data in this University
is described below
Examination Department this functional area of urban University maintains the record
of every students performance. it makes use of big data so that it can maintain the record
of every student who has been studied in the University or is studying currently.
Administration Department this functional area of the urban University is engaged in the
task to maintain the whole record of the people engaged. In the educational institution
Technology in Organization_4

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