
Technology in Organisation


Added on  2022-12-12

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Data Science and Big Data
Technology in Organisation
Technology in Organisation_1

Main Body..................................................................................................................................3
Big Data and its role in Arden University..............................................................................3
Key benefits to Arden University gets after adopting Big Data............................................4
Question 2- Security and privacy...............................................................................................5
IT security and data privacy...................................................................................................5
Importance of IT security and data privacy to an organisation..............................................5
Key provisions of GDPR.......................................................................................................6
Question 3- Telecommunication and spreadsheets....................................................................8
Cellular network.....................................................................................................................8
Working of cellular network..................................................................................................8
Benefits of cellular networks.................................................................................................9
Data of Payroll department of Weaning Entertainment Ltd..................................................9
Mean, median, sum, minimum and maximum value...........................................................10
Number of employee more than gross salary £79,900.00....................................................10
Number of employee with net salary less than £67,499.00.................................................10
Technology in Organisation_2

Main Body
Question 1- Case study & questions
Big Data and its role in Arden University
Data is defined as a set of numbers, characters, or symbols that can be stored and
transmitted as electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical media by a
computer. Big Data is a vast collection of data that grows exponentially over time. It's a large
and complex data collection that no traditional data processing systems can efficiently store
or process (Balan, S and et. al., 2017). Regular data is similar to big data, but it is far bigger.
To put it another way, big data is a range of structured, semi structured, and unstructured data
from companies that can be mined for knowledge and used in advanced analytics projects
like machine learning and predictive modelling (Choi and et. al., 2018).
Importance of Big Data
Regulating small business efficiency: Using big data often helps companies to
become more customer-centric. Historical and real-time data can be used to measure
consumer preferences, helping businesses to update and refine their marketing campaigns and
become more attentive to customer desires and needs (Del Vecchio and et. al., 2018).
Other sectors: Big data is used by health researchers and doctors to categorise disease
risk factors and identify diseases and disorders in particular patients. Furthermore, data
derived from electronic health records (EHRs), social media, the internet, and other sources
offers real-time information on infectious disease risks and outbreaks to healthcare facilities
and government agencies (Ju and et. al., 2018).
Role of Big Data in Arden University
Target student scholarships: Arden University is able to identify quality students by
administering a test in which students must score a certain number of points to be eligible for
a scholarship. Institution may also use big data to assess a student's previous results,
regardless of which school or college he or she attended. These techniques can assist
organisations in identifying students who are more likely to remain in college or university.
Furthermore, this approach would have the best return on investment for the institution's
scholarship funds.
Technology in Organisation_3

Identify students who need more attention: When the data has been thoroughly
examined, it can be used to classify students who will need more focus with regular academic
activities, such as homework, as opposed to others who will unquestionably do well during
their academic career (Lee and Huh, 2019). However, these activities pose ethical concerns
about whether gathering this type of data on students invades their privacy while still
allowing students to be helped in a variety of ways.
Reassess curriculum: When the data has been thoroughly examined, it can be used to
classify students who will need more focus with regular academic activities, such as
homework, as opposed to others who will unquestionably do well during their academic
career. However, these activities pose ethical concerns about whether gathering this type of
data on students invades their privacy while still allowing students to be helped in a variety of
ways (Li and et. al., 2018).
Customized programs for individual students: All of the information gathered and
stored will aid an organisation in developing a personalised curriculum for each student. And
if a university or college has tens of thousands of students, big data allows for specialisation.
Institutions are aiming for blended learning, which is a mix of online and offline learning.
Save on operations: Data analytics can also be used to reduce energy consumption
and save money for organisations. Using real-time data obtained from sensors, metres, and
actuators, institutions may create performance models. Models can assist in the tracking,
forecasting, assuming, and optimising of energy use. They can even spot underperforming
buildings and figure out what's causing the inefficiencies.
Key benefits to Arden University gets after adopting Big Data
Arden University uses the big data in their databases to optimise operations, provide
better customer service, create customised marketing campaigns focused on specific
customer preferences, and, ultimately, increase revenues. Businesses who use big data have a
potential competitive advantage over those who don't because, if the data is used correctly,
they will make smarter and more informed business decisions (Li and et. al., 2018). Big data,
for example, can provide businesses with useful customer information that can be used to
improve marketing strategies and tactics in order to boost customer loyalty and conversion
There are several benefits that are analysed that chosen university gets after using Big
Data, these are as follows:
Technology in Organisation_4

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