
Tertiary employees Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-05-27

11 Pages2671 Words55 Views
Tertiary employeesDefined Benefit plan Superannuation ContributionName of the Student-
Tertiary employees Assignment PDF_1

Executive summaryThere are several factors which directly and indirectly impact the investmentdecisions of Tertiary employees in the particular investment plans. It is evaluated that ifTertiary employees do not want to take the risk in their investment then they should invest inthe particular investment choice plan in which they will have less risk such as pension funds,government securities and other investment plans which are accompanied with the zero riskprograms. In this report, investment choice plan and defined benefit plans outcomes havebeen judged in context with investment of the Tertiary employees on the basis of interest rate,purchasing power of the investors, inflation rate and balance of trade of the economy in theparticular time period.
Tertiary employees Assignment PDF_2

Table of ContentsExecutive summary....................................................................................................................1Introduction................................................................................................................................2Investment plans.........................................................................................................................2Tertiary sector............................................................................................................................3Defined benefit plans.................................................................................................................3Investment choice plan...............................................................................................................4Investment issues.......................................................................................................................5Inaccurate estimates...................................................................................................................5Time value of money.................................................................................................................5Taxes..........................................................................................................................................6Recommendation........................................................................................................................7Conclusion..................................................................................................................................8References..................................................................................................................................9
Tertiary employees Assignment PDF_3

IntroductionThe Tertiary employees are the employees who provide their services in three definedservice sector such as health, education and hospitality industries. These tertiary employeesare more worried about their investment choices in which they should invest their capital dueto the changing and ramified economic factors. It is observed that if the market factors areshowing the positive results then these tertiary employees should invest their capital indifferent investment choice plan. On the contrary to that, if the market is highly fluctuatedthen they should invest their capital in defined benefit plans. In this report, investment choiceplan of the tertiary employees have been gauged on the basis of on the basis of interest rate,purchasing power of the investors, inflation rate and balance of trade of the economy in theparticular time period. If these factors are positive and showing high return to investors thenthey should invest their capital in investment choice plans. However, time value of moneyand tax exemptions available on the investment will also be the major factors while determinethe investment choice of the tertiary employeesInvestment plansIt is observed that the systematic investment plan is the investment plan in whichtertiary employees will invest their capital on the regular interval with the specified amount.Investment plans are made with a view to increase the saving habit of the investors in theirinvestment and increase their overall output in effective manner. It is analyzed that theseinvestment options gives higher return to investors. If these investment plans are not managedon the basis of different factors then it will increase the overall outcomes and efficiency oftheir investment choice plan. The investment plan is highly affected by the return and riskassociate with the investment. If these factors are positively analyzed then it will increase thevalue of the investment of the tertiary employees. .
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