
The Law of the Twelve Tables


Added on  2022-08-27

12 Pages1435 Words35 Views
Running head: CHRONOLOGY
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The Law of the Twelve Tables_1

753 BC foundation of Rome As per the legends, the two
brothers, named Remus and
Romulus, founded ancient
Rome. It is recorded by the
ancient historians that the
event when Romulus killed his
brother, Remus, the city
happened to be identified after
his brother’s name. However,
there has been records and
controversies over how the city
happened to be existed.
Following the controversies, it
leads to the facts that were
believed by other legends that
Rome was once Troy.
449BC Law of the Twelve Tables The Law of the Twelve Tables
is the set of laws that were
inscribed on bronze tablets,
which were twelve in number.
The beginning of these new
laws led to the attainment of
equality among the citizens. As
mentioned by the traditional
The Law of the Twelve Tables_2

historians, the code was
created by a commission that is
first of ten then it followed by
twelve men. It was later then
engraved on twelve bronze
tablets. These tablets were
fixed to the Rostra. Thereby, it
was later considered to be the
legislation that marked at the
Roman Law foundation.
241 BC Battle of the Aegates
The Battle of the Aegates was
a naval battle that was fought
between the fleets of Roman
Republic and the Carthage. At
the Aegadian Islands, situated
off the western coast of Sicily
Island. The battle took place
due to the cause of
overpowering or controlling
Messana, the Sicilian town.
Both the sides wanted to have
the control over Syracuse,
which is considered to be the
most powerful state of Sicily.
With thorough playfulness of
The Law of the Twelve Tables_3

fortune, the battle accounted to
be lasted for 23 years.
216 BC Battle of Cannae The Battle of Cannae took
place in the southeast Italy.
The Battle of Cannae occurred
between the forces of
Carthaginian and Roman
Republic or the forces. The
battle occurred due to the
disturbance of background
noise and the fact that it
affected or disturbed their
sleep. The battle resulted in
proving critical outcomes and
consequences. However, the
battle was considered to be the
decisive one which was in the
favour of the Carthaginian
force over the forces of Roman
military. The event caused
during the second Punic War.
Hannibal Barca, the general of
Carthaginian knew that the
Roman would approach
towards them with traditional
The Law of the Twelve Tables_4

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