
Question Answer | Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information


Added on  2022-05-25

15 Pages1877 Words28 Views
Question Answer | Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information_1

Question 1...................................................................................................................................................3
Boolean model and vector model...........................................................................................................8
Question 2 IR evaluation.............................................................................................................................9
Question Answer | Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information_2

Question 1
Document 1
Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an
information need from a collection of information resources. Searches can be based on full-text
or other content-based indexing.
Document 2
Information retrieval is finding material of an unstructured nature that satisfies an information
need from within large collections
Document 3
Information systems is the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that
people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data.
Based on the documents above;
Step 1: Remove stop words
Doc 1
Information retrieval activity obtaining information resources relevant information collection
information resources Searches based full-text content-based indexing
Doc 2
Information retrieval finding material unstructured nature satisfies information within large
Doc 3
Information systems study complementary networks hardware software people organizations
collect filter process create distribute data
Step2: Apply Porter Stemming algorithm
Doc 1
Informat retriev activ obtain inform resourc relev inform collect inform resourc Search base full
text content base index
Doc 2
Informat retriev find materi unstructur natur satisfi inform within larg collect
Doc 3
Informat system studi complementari network hardwar softwar peopl organ collect filter
process creat distribut data
Step 3: Merge the documents
Merged list
Question Answer | Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information_3

Term Document
activ 1
Base 1
Base 1
collect 2
collect 3
Complementari 3
Content 1
creat 3
data 3
Distribut 3
Filter 3
Find 2
Full 1
Hardwar 3
index 1
Inform 1
Inform 1
Inform 2
Inform 3
Informat 3
Larg 2
Materi 2
Natur 2
Network 3
Obtain 1
Organ 3
Peopl 3
Process 3
Relev 1
Resourc 1
Resourc 1
retriev 1
Retriev 2
Satisfi 2
Search 1
Softwar 3
Studi 3
System 3
Text 1
Unstructur 2
Within 2
Question Answer | Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information_4

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