The assignment content consists of various marketing management and marketing-related research papers, articles, and books, including works by S., Huang & Sarigöllü (2012), Lee & Carter (2011), Li et al. (2011), Luan & Sudhir (2010), Morgan et al. (2012), Nwokah & Ahiauzu (2009), O'Shaughnessy (2014), Park (2014), Pitta (2012), Priya et al. (2010), Sadjadi et al. (2012), Walker & Mullins (2011), Wrenn & Mansfield (2014), and Ndubisi (2007). Additionally, it includes online articles by Nike (2017) and other references on marketing management, brand awareness, market outcome, brand equity, the marketing mix, export marketing strategy implementation, emotional intelligence, and competitive marketing.