
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet


Added on  2023-01-17

23 Pages8973 Words54 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDisease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessBiology
The Benefits Of A Healthy
Pregnancy Diet
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_1

Table of Contents
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
General Background of the Research Study...........................................................................1
Rationale of the Research Work.............................................................................................1
Main Problem Statement........................................................................................................2
Manner of Organization of the Research Work.....................................................................3
Aims and objectives.........................................................................................................................3
Why healthy diet important in pregnancy?............................................................................3
What is the importance of healthy diet?.................................................................................4
What pregnant women have to do in pregnancy?..................................................................4
Which food are most important in pregnancy?......................................................................5
Explain one best recipe for pregnant lady which is full of nutrients and vitamins?..............6
What benefits get from healthy diet? .....................................................................................6
Outline of the project ......................................................................................................................8
Project Timeline- Gantt chart...........................................................................................................9
Leadership and Change Management Theories and Models...........................................................9
Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................................................17
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_2

The term “Health” defines the condition of overall mental, physical as well as social well
being of an individual. An absence of any illness or disease may be also related to good health by
being healthy physically, mentally as well as socially is refers to a healthy person. For keeping
an individual healthy they must rely on healthy diet. For protecting a person from non
communicable disorders like cancer, diabetes it is necessary to have healthy food filled with
nutrients and minerals (LISA, 2019). A woman's health especially when they are pregnant should
be kept safe and sound for keeping the baby healthy. Eating nutritious and healthy food during
pregnancy is directly connected to a healthy weight of a baby, good brain evolution of foetus and
reduced risk of birth related defects. A balanced as well as proportionate diet lessen the morning
sickness of the women during pregnancy and also lower the symptoms and signs which usually
make the pregnancy unpleasant and bitter. Good and balanced diet is believed to control the
mood swings in pregnant women and improve the experience of delivery as well as labour.
General Background of the Research Study
The benefits of healthy diet in pregnancy is immense and improve the pre as well as post
health status of pregnant women overall. However, it has been seen that healthy diet is an
integral part of flourishing lifestyle every time, but very essential and necessary during
pregnancy. A balanced and complete diet having all important components that need to be added
in the diet of pregnant women must includes protein, calcium, vitamins especially C, whole
grains, vegetables and fruits, folic acid, iron rich items, adequate fat containing food. Such food
aids in keeping the mother as well as the child safe and healthy throughout the pregnancy and
after the delivery (Costa and et.al., 2018). Food which have high content of fat, sugar and salt
must be avoided as it may contribute in gaining too much weight and may lead to tooth decay.
Proper diet lowers the complications which may cause during the pregnancy and also reduce the
probability of getting birth defects in the baby.
Rationale of the Research Work
In the rationale research the benefits of healthy diet in pregnancy is important because
eating a nutritive diet in the duration pregnancy is associated with a good development of
craniate brain, a healthy weight of birth infant, it reduces the risk of many birth disadvantages. A
good nutrition is thought process in help to balance their mood swings and it might be modify
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_3

delivery and labour as well. A well balanced pregnancy diet consider as protein. During
pregnancy a woman micronutrient like vitamin and and minerals and micronutrient is energy,
these demand are raised. It is more essential that a pregnant women consumes food which gives
energy to both baby and mother. Moreover, a particular types of micronutrients which are
beneficial for maintaining their growing baby health in foetus (Gaskins and Chavarro, 2018).
Approximately three hundred extra calories are needful daily to keep and maintain a
health in pregnancy. These type of calories should come from a proper balanced diet of fruits,
vegetables, a multigrain, diet of protein with fats, sweets which is kept to a minimum. It
minimize some symptoms during pregnancy for example constipation, nausea etc. By healthy
diet it is beneficial for a pregnant because it occur less complications, increased energy,
successful fetal development, improved sleep, reduced risk of getting sick etc.
The purpose of this research is dieting to lose weight during pregnancy can be risky to
mother and baby. Healthy diet keep nutritious to baby and mother, they should consume fruits
and vegetables, whole grain and cereals, meat, poultry, alternative and fish, fruit and drink lots of
water stay hydrated. Because it will maintain healthy and growth for baby and mother.
Main Problem Statement
This main problem statement in this research of benefits of a healthy pregnancy diet.
Mothers who eat an unhealthy diet in the gestation period may be putting their infant at
hazardous of developing long term, irreversible health issues consider as raised level of
cholesterol and blood sugar, obesity (Cid and González, 2016). If mother consume junk and
unhygienic diets had increase the level of cholesterol and higher level of triglycerides. A type of
fat found in the bloodstream. Both are famous to the risk of developing heart diseases. Similarly,
the offspring had higher level of glucose and insulin , both are raise and developing of diabetes.
By diet, sometime weight is gain during pregnancy. It is normal but essential for the
health of baby and mother. Its also crucial not to gain too much weight. Increasing weight
increase during this time can enhance the risk of a amount of health problems mainly gestational
In gestation period of time, their necessity for raise iron in body. Its because the
developing foetus draws iron. If iron looses are reduced in pregnancy, because the women is no
longer menstruating. It is not sufficient to offset the needs of the developing foetus. It is
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_4

important for pregnant women to consume iron rich foods every day, such as chicken, green
leafy vegetables, dried beans and lentils, seafood etc. Iodine and pregnancy is also a problem
statement if it will low. It is an essential mineral needful for improvement and growth. If mother
don't have adequate iodine consume during maternity, it enhance the hazard of intellectual
alteration and congenital hypothyroidism.
Manner of Organization of the Research Work
The way of organising the research work is to identify the prime path so as to complete
the task by achieving the aims and objectives. The way of such organised research work is being
illustrated below.
The term “Health” has been considered as the condition of overall mental, physical as
well as social well being of an individual. A woman's wellness particularly when they are
pregnant must be kept risk-free and secure for keeping the baby firm and healthy. It has been
showed that flourishing diet is an integral part of healthy lifestyle every time, but very essential
and necessary during pregnancy. The welfare of healthy diet in pregnancy is essential because
consuming a nutritive diet in the time period of pregnancy is connected with a groovy evolution
of craniate brain, a firm weight of birth infant which overall bring down the endangerment of
birth defects.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this study is “To analyse the importance of health diet in pregnancy and its
Research objectives
To identify the importance of health diet.
To evaluate the recipes and food for improving healthy diet in pregnancy.
To examine the ways of maintaining health in pregnant women.
Why healthy diet important in pregnancy?
The nutritional and mineral status of the women during the pregnancy depends upon the
content of the food item they eat which actually refers to as a nutritional reservoir for the
growing foetus inside the mother. The content of iron and calcium which is already being built in
the body of pregnant lady from the consumption of medicines and food containing such
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_5

micronutrients. Unbalanced maternal diet plays a negative role and leads to poor development of
baby which further raise the risk of baby's instant death or chronic illness.
The health of foetus and susceptibility to some disorders other than genetic elements are
mostly affected by the nutritional content and status of the mother during the pregnancy (Milman
and et.al., 2016). It has been observed that whatever mother eat during the pregnancy relates with
the foetal programming, and due to this practice the baby learns the eating habits which further
affects the choice of child for rest of its life. The foetus have been seen to accommodate its
metabolism according to the type of nutrition it gets during the course of the pregnancy. It may
be seen that the foetus remain under nourished if it does not acquire enough energy from the
mother. This may happen due to very less consumption of sugary food which ultimately results
in lowering down the maturity of the foetus and danger of less birth weight.
What is the importance of healthy diet?
Good nutrition and balanced diet is the most important way of living secure and healthy
life. The diet can help an individual to lower the risk of getting number of diseases and remain
healthy in old age too. It has been observed that weight is not related to healthiness. People with
healthy weight often associated with poor diet as these individuals are more relied on junk and
fat providing food rather than on food which has balanced content of every micro as well as
macro nutrients. Poor diet often cause prolonged disorders and may even cause death, the
diseases may include hypertension, heart diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes and high
blood pressure (Aamir, 2016). By eating balanced diet food an individual can protect themselves
from having such health related condition and improve their quality of living. Healthy diet must
have combination of various food items which may consist of cereals, legumes, food items form
animal sources, fruits as well as vegetables.
What pregnant women have to do in pregnancy?
The pregnancy is a very important stage in the women's life. This stage brings the lots of
changes in the body such as hormonal changes, mood swings, etc. So, there are lots of things are
necessary to do at the time of pregnancy as this brings the positive impact on both mother and
baby and this things are described below.
Prenatal vitamin:- The intake of supplements is vital part of a mother life. This helps in
the development of both mother and baby. The essential vitamins includes the folic acid, vitamin
D on a regular basis so it can prevent the baby and as well as mother from any disease.
The Benefits Of A Healthy Pregnancy Diet_6

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