
Dystopian Worlds: 1984 and Metropolis


Added on  2020-02-12

7 Pages1087 Words385 Views
Comparative Essay
Dystopian Worlds: 1984 and Metropolis_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3The composers contextual concerns with the manifestation of power and its impact upon the..3individual and society..................................................................................................................3CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................5REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
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INTRODUCTIONThe book by George Orwell is '1984' and the film is by Fritz Lang called METROPOLIS.This both texts are intertextually connected and shared perspectively. It can be clearly proofthrough their theme, characterisation, and ideas which is represented in film and novel.Therefore, George overall quotation has supported the empowerment of women and societies.Composers contextual concerns with the manifestation of power and its impact upon theindividual and society.Fritz Lang post WW1 German expressionist film metropolis (1972) , in this Film Langinvestigate the societal revolution through a equalization of societal classes which is derivedfrom the prevalence of Christianity and from the instability of the Weimar Republic. On theother hand, George Orwell,s Post WW2 statical novel critical review ideology authorities, 1948,advocates mass physical rebellion validating how changes in context can bring paradigm shiftsof issues central to humanity interestingly, Orwell's technology booming context makes thedictatorial use of technology an integral concern compared with Lang's work which focuses onthe way the mistreatment of technology unconsciously acts as social weapon intention to makesure conformity. In metropolis technology act as medium of social conformity while in doing soLangs warns against a production minded society which is made of drones rather than freethinking.If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face”In both 1984 novel and film metropolis texts are written in context of political turmoil andinstability. In both context is reflected by ideas and values. Moreover, In Metropolis Weimarrepublic in Germany concern economic instability, class division, industrialisation andtechnology, eduction for masses. On the other hand in 1984 novel UK in context of EuropeOrwell's personal experiences of Spanish Civil war, Global power, rise of fascism and rewritingof history. “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one'smind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
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