
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard


Added on  2022-12-28

22 Pages7912 Words1 Views
Film and TheatreMaterials Science and Engineering
The Boulevard
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_1

MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................................3
Project Aim and Objectives.....................................................................................................................3
Timeline for the Project..........................................................................................................................18
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_2

The Boulevard is a shopping outlet in the Northern Ireland and its owners have redefined
the retail experience there for the people to be inspired. The owners of the premier shopping
outlet are Tristan Capital Partners and Lotus Property (Aggestam, 2017). They continue to invest
in all the essential elements of The Boulevard for its success. The investments are not merely
financial but also involve hiring experienced and qualified employees who can help in running
the shopping outlet smoothly. Many studies have been conducted in order to understand the
visiting as well as shopping pattern of the customers. By analyzing the results of the studies, it
has been found that the shopping outlet receives approximately 23% footfall in a year. Apart
from this, the results also reveal that approximately 65% of the people who visit the shopping
center are actually women (Ben Yahia, 2018). There are many different brands that have their
outlets in The Boulevard such as Marks and Spencer, Adidas and Asics.
The various investments that have been made to The Boulevard in the recent years
include installing a new roof, new signage, increased investment in marketing, rebranding as
well as relaunching. This is not it, the owners are planning on making more investments such as
establishing a Food and Film Quarter. Omniplex cinemas will be one of them and this is one of
the strategies of the owners to attract a greater number of visitors to the shopping center. There
are various vacant units or space that is currently unused around the Omniplex at The Boulevard.
Thus, the owners have decided to set up an Entertainment Center with the main aim of generate
income. There are various objectives that the owners have in mind in order to ensure the
succe3ss of the project. The strategies that will be opted by the owners of the shopping outlet
have been discussed. The respective report includes a written and processed report with
suggestions for using the current unused and vacant units.
Project Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the owners of The Boulevard is to generate income from the vacant
units and unused space around the Omniplex. This is because it will add up to the overall success
as well as profitability of the business as the number of people visiting the shopping center along
with the entertainment center will increase (Colín-Rodea and et. al., 2018). The different
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_3

objectives behind the respective project, which is of setting up n entertainment center are
described below in detail.
Objective 1: Analysis
The first and the main objective of the project is to analyze the strategy by implementing
various frameworks. The different frameworks that can be used include competitive analysis,
analyzing the target market of the shopping center. By setting up the entertainment center, the
respective shopping center, The Boulevard will be able to gain competence and a competitive
advantage in the market against its competitors. It is important to analyze the strategies as well as
actions of the competitors. This will help the project manager as well as the owners of the project
to develop effective strategies (Cuartero Casimiro, 2016). The United Kingdom is one of the
most popular destinations for shopping among tourists as well as the people living there. Due to
this, there are a lot of different shopping destinations that constantly work on providing a
seamless as well as improved shopping experience to the visitors. But the outbreak of Covid-19,
the different industries across the world have been affected to a great extent. There was a total
lockdown across the different nations of the world, including the United Kingdom, to control the
situation. Due to lockdown, the companies had to put a hold on their operations. As a result, once
the lockdown was over, there were various measures adopted by the companies across different
industries including the entertainment as well as shopping industry to ensure the safety of their
employees as well as customers. The measures were also adopted as they were made compulsory
and to bring back the situation to normal.
The target of the owners of the shopping center is to increase the overall profitability. For
this, the different competitors as well as their strategies will be analyzed. This will provide a
clear picture as to how can the Entertainment Center be set up in an effective manner in order to
increase the overall profitability or income of the business. There are different frameworks that
can be used in order to analyze the competitiveness in the market. these include Porter’s Five
Forces model along with a SWOT analysis (Dhraief, 2018). This is because a SWOT analysis
can provide in-depth understanding regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
Apart from this, if there are any opportunities or threats in the market that can impact the
respective project in a negative manner, can also be identified. As a result, the strategies that will
be developed and the decisions that will be made, will be effective. The target market of the
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_4

entertainment center that is being set up, will include both youngsters as well as families,
wherein they can come and enjoy their time.
A competitive analysis framework is a version you can use to help shape how you move
about studying your competitors. It allows you home in on specific data with the aid of giving a
structure to manual your marketplace evaluation. There are numerous frameworks you can use
for competitive analysis in marketing (GRIGOLO, 2018). An aggressive evaluation is a manner
to become aware of competition, and understand competitor's strengths and weaknesses with
regards to yours. It facilitates you gauge a way to slash competitors and refine your strategy.
Conducting a aggressive evaluation is critical due to the fact the business will be capable of
construct strategies. The aggressive analysis grid should perceive your competition and include
an assessment of the key traits of the aggressive panorama for your enterprise, such as aggressive
strengths and weaknesses and key achievement factors. The competitive analysis of the market
for the entertainment center as well as an analysis of the target market are explained below.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a framework that helps in evaluating the internal as well as external
factors that can impact a business or any actions that are taken by it. A SWOT analysis helps an
organization in identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats
and develop effective strategies (Ho, 2019). The Boulevard is a premier shopping destination in
the Northern Ireland and it has various strengths as well as weaknesses. These will be beneficial
for the Entertainment Center that is being set up by the owners of the shopping destination. The
same are described below –
Strengths – One of the major strengths of the respective shopping center is that it is
located near the Omniplex Theatre. This will also be one of the strengths for the Entertainment
Center because it will be able to attract a greater number of visitors. It is located at one of the
strongest locations across the country and this will also serve to be one of the strengths for the
entertainment center (KUMAR and NAYA, 2019). The owners of the shopping center have also
invested in improving the overall experience for the visitors. For example, a new guest services
area has been installed and different strategies have also been opted for the rebranding as well as
relaunch of the shopping center. As for the entertainment center, many fun activities will be
installed so that a greater number of people are attracted to visit the same. Another major
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_5

strength of the entertainment center is that there is plenty of space available for car parking and
the atmosphere will also be flexible and welcoming.
Weaknesses The budget as well as them space available for setting up the
Entertainment Center is limited. Therefore, this will serve as one of the weaknesses for the same.
Also, the global presence of the entertainment center is limited (Liptáková, 2019). This means
that the people who visit the United Kingdom might not be aware of the place. This can lead to a
reduction in the number if visitors visiting the place from outside the UK.
Opportunities – Ongoing improvements as well as the investments made recently in The
Boulevard can serve to be major opportunities for success of the entertainment center. Apart
from this, expansion of the entertainment center to different locations globally is an opportunity.
The entertainment center can also increase the overall range of facilities so as to attract more
visitors and this generate increase4d amount s of income (Ma and Jiang, 2019). By establishing
partnerships also, the entertainment center can reduce unnecessary costs and as a result, it will be
able to provide better services to the customers.
Threats – An increase in the tax rates can pose as a threat to the entertainment center.
Apart from this, an increase in the overall competition within the market or even the entry of new
entrants can affect the overall profitability as well as performance in the market. the outbreak of
the pandemic has also impacted the overall operations of The Boulevard which means that the
overall profitability has been affected adversely.
Porter’s Five Forces Model
Porter’s Five Forces can be defined as a framework that is used to analyze the
competitiveness in the industry. The model comprises of five different forces that examine the
overall competitiveness in the market. The project manager as well as the owners of the
respective project, will be able to develop effective strategies to ensure the success if the
entertainment center (Mahamad Saad, 2019). Not only this, they will also be able to gain useful
insights about the new market, level of competition and the potential risks as well as threats. The
framework is explained below in context to the entertainment center.
Threat of New Entrants – This is a weak force because in order to enter the
entertainment industry and set up a new entertainment center involves huge investment. Apart
Setting up an Entertainment Center at The Boulevard_6

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