
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women In UK


Added on  2023-01-13

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Disease and DisordersPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and ResearchSociologyPolitical Science
The Effects Of Domestic
Violence On Women In UK
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women In UK_1

Table of Contents
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................3
Cultural experiences and differences of domestic violence and its impact on women from East
European in UK...........................................................................................................................3
Cultural experiences and differences of domestic violence on black African women and how
has it impacted on their life in UK..............................................................................................6
The culture differences and experiences of Domestic Violence on south Asia women and how
it has impacted their life in UK...................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................11
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women In UK_2

Cultural experiences and differences of domestic violence and its impact on women from East
European in UK
From 1980's it has been observed that women belonging to East Europe have facing
various gender discrimination, domestic violence and different historic experiences. Gender
relationships are clearly associated with power, due to which non dominant as well as dominant
sexualities have over powered one another which resulted into asymmetrical organization of
society (Ferrari and et.al., 2016). The culture as a whole have been seen to restrict the access of
East European women with non prescriptive sexualities so as to depreciate and marginalise the
way women are living. From the past cultural history it has distinctly been observed that equality
as well as differences among women and men have made the life of East European women more
miserable. Although, men and women are seen to engage in several but different political, socio
cultural and economic activities, this has been considered as one of the major reason for labour
division based on gender. All such practices have subjected in cultural differences which
ultimately forced women to get into such situation where they tend to feel inferior. Even at some
phases the equality factor become quite prominent and at any sphere of life, such factor have
consequence into enhanced burden over some women of respective place.
With respect to their cultural point of view, women are being devalued in such areas
when highly compared with men belonging to East Europe. Education system in East Europe
since many years have been greatly based on chance to get access as well as curricula. When
norms and the polices have been seen it was shown that society and cultural experiences played
very essential role. Several variables like ethnic, social as well as cultural class, economic status,
religious practices, personal class state, nation building have all equally influenced the approach
of girls and women towards education. Elementary education was still approachable to girls but
when the quality of such method have been compared then it was found that the quality of
eduction was much more under represented even at such low grades (Anderberg and et.al.,
2016). Research papers have stated that such condition have are major reason behind minimise
status of women and gender discrimination. Such practices make the men from the initial stage
very strong and they some how started to feel dominant and superior from women and stared to
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women In UK_3

treat them differently as per the cultural and religious view point in East European in United
Kingdom. The women in respective location always saw in engaging activities like agricultural
or farming sort of work on some wages or unpaid, apart from this men used to have high paid
jobs which made the division of labour more complicated and imbalanced and thus lead to harsh
behaviour towards female. Even during meals, women used to stand while entire family eats for
serving food and then eat from the remaining share of food, such discrimination made male more
dominating and arrogant towards women living in their house (Woodlock, 2017). All the
activities slowly resulted in domestic violence in East Europe which made women's life pathetic
and intolerable.
Habit of consuming drugs and alcohol in men made the circumstances even more worse.
Various forms of domestic abuse have came into light like, emotional abuse, sexual abuse,
physical abuse, spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, social abuse, verbal abuse and many more.
Drinking alcohol in men have found to cause more domestic violence, when compared to the
condition when they are sober. Such practice may lead into any kind of abuse or a combination
which further not only affects the life of women but also make women's health, social as well as
mental condition very unstable. Various kind of domestic violence have emerged due to males
need to control and take everything in their hand. Substance abuse and their associated addiction
has shown to have a powerful connection with domestic abuse and violence. Being under the
influence of any drug or substance people have a high probability to show abusive behaviour and
if they are stopped from such habit they show highly aggressive actions and lose control
mentally. Nearly 80-85% of domestic violence have caused due to extensive use of drugs,
because the chemicals as well as inhibitors which are released after consuming alcohol or drugs
tends to lose the power of thinking rationally and accurately (Westmarland, 2015). Such practice
result not only in addiction but also affects the surrounding of family negatively which further
result in worse state of children and their mother. The violence may start by some sort of actions
like to tease the victim that they can not achieve anything in their life due to less education or
previous religious or cultural background. Men of such class have habit to dictate ways in which
their women have to get dressed up or how to behave in front of society, if such demands are not
being fulfilled appropriately or according to the wish of men then it start the process of beating
women either alone or in front of whole community or family. These actions slowly start to
become major and actions like stopping their woman from meeting any particular family
The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women In UK_4

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