
Evaluating the Impact of Molecular Gastronomy on Food Culture


Added on  2019-12-03

46 Pages13606 Words24 Views
The Evolution and
Growth of Molecular
Evaluating the Impact of Molecular Gastronomy on Food Culture_1

I owe deepest thanks and appreciation to my mentor who was the source of inspiration
for this dissertation. With his guidance and support, this research could be accomplished in a
successful manner. I am also thankful to my family and friend who always supported me and
encouraged me to undertake the research. The dissertation could be completed with their help
and motivation provided by them.
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Molecular gastronomy is based on adopting a more scientific approach to preparation of
food. It comprised of novel technologies and agents which lead to deconstruction of dishes.
Physics and chemistry form the core behind this discipline. The aim of the dissertation was to
analyse the evolution and growth of molecular gastronomy. The researcher studied the history of
molecular gastronomy and identified factors which led to evolution of this trend.
Both primary and secondary research was carried out. Primary data was collected from a
sample of 20 food experts. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting sample.
Qualitative analysis was done by utilizing thematic technique. Th researcher took account of the
concepts of reliability and validity while carrying out the research.
The research led to the conclusion that molecular gastronomy evolved as a modern
culinary trend by the joint efforts of two scientists named Kurti and This. It spread all over the
world as a modern movement in food preparation. Various factors were responsible for the
growth of molecular gastronomy. These were its health benefits, time effective feature, desire to
reinvent dishes, urge to make new culinary combinations etc.
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CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................5
Rationale ....................................................................................................................................5
Background .................................................................................................................................5
Aim and objectives ...................................................................................................................6
Research questions ......................................................................................................................7
Chapter structure .........................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................9
2.1 History of molecular gastronomy .........................................................................................9
2.2 Factors that led to evolution of molecular gastronomy.......................................................11
Trends in molecular gastronomy ..............................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................17
Section 1- Theory of research....................................................................................................17
Section 2- Sampling .................................................................................................................20
Section 3- Reliability and validity ............................................................................................20
CHAPTER 4- ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS ...............................................23
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 5- CONCLUSION ............................................................33
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................36
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Topic- The Evolution and Growth of Molecular Gastronomy
Domestic and restaurant cooking has not been untouched with emerging novel trends and
concepts. One such concept is molecular gastronomy. It is defined as the study and application of
physics, chemistry and other scientific principles on cooking (What is Molecular Gastronomy?:
A Definition & Short History, 2014). Molecular gastronomy is concerned with adoption of a
more scientific approach to preparation of food. Many chefs and gourmets believe that at the
heart of the very finest food lies chemistry. This trend emerged because of a drive to transform
flavours and presentations (Brenner and Sörensen, 2015). The present dissertation will throw
light on evolution and growth of molecular gastronomy. Various aspects related to the
emergence of this discipline will be discussed.
The reason behind selecting molecular gastronomy is that it has emerged as one of the
most renowned food trends in the past decade. This discipline involves cooking food by applying
principles of science which help in presenting the food in the most unexpected ways (Edge,
2015). It has revolutionize and changed the entire food system by introducing novel techniques
and methods. The food industry today has been significantly affected by molecular gastronomy
which is considered as one of the most exciting trends in the cooking world. However, there are
still concerns over the safety in using molecular gastronomy (Spjelkavik and et.al., 2014). It is
essential to consider that fact that people want the food to have flavour so that the can enjoy the
meal. However, at the same time, there are other conditions which are important. These include
the safety issues associated with molecular gastronomy. But, it is also evident that molecular
gastronomy has helped chefs in exploring new culinary possibilities. It involves experiments
with food to produce dishes with the desired taste, flavour, color and texture thereby pleasing the
palate of customers. This the reason for the interest behind selecting the topic of growth and
evolution of molecular gastronomy. Moreover, this field helps in developing an understanding of
the detailed culinary transformations and processes (Liu, 2014).
The collaboration between chefs and scientists has become a common trend which has
helped in development of new cooking processes and dishes. Cooking experts strived to
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demonstrate that by understanding science behind simple foods, new dimensions can be added to
the taste by simply introducing new methods of preparation (García-Segovia and et.al., 2014).
This led to transfer of innovation from chemistry labs to kitchen. It became necessary to
understand the reasons for why certain foods were cooked the way they are. Also, the urge to
find out what happens to the food when it is cooked, led to the emergence of molecular
The term molecular gastronomy was coined by Nicholas Kurti and Herve This in 1988
(Findlay and Yeoman, 2015). It emerged as a new scientific discipline. It involves new
technologies and agents which can be used for de-constructing any dishes and cocktails. It
includes gelification, spherification, emulsification, siphon whipping and suspension.
Gelification is defined as sculpting flavours into tasty pearls, ravioli or spaghetti. It involves the
use of hydro colloids in cooking so that gels with various textures could be formed.
Spherification is defined as encapsulation of flavours into bubbles that burst into mouth. Another
spectacular technique in molecular gastronomy is emulsification (Arons, 2015). It is defined as
creation of colourful foams that are capable of intensifying aromas.
Similarly, the chefs realized siphon whipping as a well designed combination of food and
science. This technique is defined as adding a creamy touch to desserts, appetizers and side
dishes. In contrast to this, suspension is the technique of defying gravity by giving a suspended
twist to the flavours (Brenner and Sörensen, 2015). However, molecular gastronomy is not about
inventing unusual textures and flavours of food. It rather aims to discover why people like
particular flavours and tastes and dislike others. It also analyses the ways in which human brains
interpret culinary signals. Another important aspect of this field is to find out the ways in which
enjoyment of food is affected by other things like presentation, environment and production
method. The present dissertation will focus on evolution and growth of molecular gastronomy.
Aim and objectives
Aim: To investigate the evolution and growth of molecular gastronomy
To study the history of molecular gastronomy
To identify factors that led to the evolution of molecular gastronomy
To evaluate trends that signify the growth of molecular gastronomy
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Research questions
The following are the research questions:
What is the history of molecular gastronomy?
What are the factors that factors that led to the evolution of molecular gastronomy?
What are the trends that signify the growth of molecular gastronomy?
Chapter structure
While carrying out research, a well organized structure needs to be followed. This
structure comprises of different chapters that form crucial part of the dissertation (Kumar, 2014).
For the present dissertation on molecular gastronomy, the structure has been outlined with the
help of the following chapters:
Chapter 1- Introduction: This chapter is the foundation and drives the rest of the
dissertation. It provides a clear cut framework for the research to be conducted (Sobh and
Perry, 2006). In the introduction chapter, rationale is provided. This presents the reason
for conducting the research on molecular gastronomy. Following this the background of
study is discussed. The introduction will also provide definitions of all special as well as
general terms. Next, there will be provision of a clear overall purpose which will include
aims, objectives and research questions. Lastly, this chapter will provide a brief
description of the contents of the various chapters of dissertation.
Chapter 2- Literature review: In this chapter, a thorough and critical investigation of
current sources will be done. Key ideas, models, concepts and explanations associated
with growth and evolution of molecular gastronomy will be outlined, discussed and
compared. This chapter will present point of view of different authors. In this way, in
depth assessment of the research topic will be done on the basis of works of renowned
Chapter 3- Research Methodology: This chapter will provide information about the
methodology adopted for carrying out research. Thus, it will describe and assess the
approach taken for data collection and analysis. Also, theory of research will be provided
along with a clear rationale for methodology. There will be discussion of advantages and
disadvantages of possible methods. Following it, explanation for choosing particular
method will be provided.
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Chapter 4- Analysis and discussion of findings: In this chapter, the data gatherer will be
analysed. Analysis of results and their discussion will be done.
Chapter 5- Conclusions: This chapter will state the main conclusion of the dissertation.
The researcher will provide details about how and to what extent the aims and objectives
of the researcher have been met.
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