
The Hotel XYZ report


Added on  2023-01-10

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The Hotel XYZ report
Table of Contents
The Hotel XYZ report_1

TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................3
Produce a PESTEL Analysis of external environment in relevance with chosen organisation............3
TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................4
Using examples from hotel industry discuss the importance of effective recruitment and selection
TASK 3.................................................................................................................................................5
Analyse and evaluate principle factors that affect the culture, equality & diversity of organisation..5
TASK 4.................................................................................................................................................5
Identify and describe the main method of performance management utilised by organisation to
target for achieve and organisation competitive advantage maintained.............................................5
TASK 5.................................................................................................................................................6
Submit an outline plan which offers recommendations on issues......................................................6
Books & Journal:...................................................................................................................................9
The Hotel XYZ report_2

Hospitality sector is changing at rapid scale which shows that it is becoming difficult
for other hospitality industry to survive in this competitive era. Fairmont hotel and resorts,
which is the multinational hotel headquartered in Canada. The hotel deals in variety of
services and provides different degrees as well as goods to the consumer’s interest it have
many competitors like Hyatt hotel, the Ritz Carlton, and many more. This report includes
PESTEL analysis, recruitment and selection process, performance management and outline
Produce a PESTEL Analysis of external environment in relevance with chosen
In organisation, there environment plays vital role in business and which is also
known as external environment. To determine the factors related to environment, PESTEL
Analysis is being used by organisation for examining the external factors. Through this tool it
is easier to make decision making in most effective manner. This includes several; factors
which are described below-
PESTEL Analysis- It is tool which is used by marketers as well as enterprise so that
factors affects the business externally are examined effectively. It is time consuming process
and required management skills & knowledge for positive results (Martínez-Martínez, 2019).
Political factors- These are those factors which includes labour law, governmental
law etc. In relation with Fairmont hotel and resorts, they are also affected be these element as
they labour law is strict in the country.
Economic factors- In this, it involves inflation and deflation rate, tariff and non-tariff
rates etc. In relation with selected hotel, they involvement of government is high and which
have deep impact on business (Nicula, 2019).
Social- This includes religion, culture, etc. which affects the hotel industry. As, the
chosen hotel focus on such factors it becomes easy for them to target the audience for their
services. These are important as they examine help firm to understand the customers and
market in most effective manner.
Technological- This involves advance of use technology, software, hardware etc. It is
also seen that Fairmont hotel & resort use updated technology for their online management
system. This assist them in maintain a relationship with customers properly.
Environmental- In this, it includes pollution, weather, waste management etc. They
also affect the business and in relevance with selected hotel manager of firm make ensures
that all they run their function and operation’s without harming the environment.
The Hotel XYZ report_3

Legal- Contracts, agreements, etc. which are enacted by government are included in
this factor. It is crucial to have proper knowledge of legislation and rules of government so
that problems do not occur in near future. So, Fairmont hotel & resorts assures that legal team
make decision in most efficient manner.
After examining the above matter, it is seen that it is also seen that it is crucial to
determine the external factors so that factors affecting the business are analysed & it is easy
to make decision making. Also, to conduct the specified tool reliable information is required
so that the elements are being understood in proper way (Paramadita, 2019).
Using examples from hotel industry discuss the importance of effective recruitment and
selection process
In an organisation, recruitment as well as selection plays vital role in business as they
are the process or say tool through which it is easy to hire or select the right candidate for
their operations and service. In relevance with Fairmont hotel & resorts, they also choses
these tools so that goals and objectives are achieved within a period of time.
Recruitment- In this, it is process through which hiring and searching of candidate
for a specified job is being done. It is time consuming process but is used at wider scale so
that jobs are being filled with correct candidate. In relation with chosen hotel, HR manager of
firm make ensure process is being carried out properly (Abraham, 2020).
Selection- This is a process in which all screening and elimination is done of
candidates from the recruited process. It is also negative approach as in this candidates are
being chosen and rest are eliminated. In context to Fairmont hotel & resorts they select the
candidates on the basis of their skills and knowledge as well as qualification. Both the
recruitment and selection are crucial as they help in attracting of workforce who will help in
increasing the productivity of firm and other functions.
Both approaches provide consistent results and also this will leads to adopting the
most appropriate candidate for operations.
They also help in creating and managing the appropriate policy for the job and other
Further reason for having recruiting and selecting process to depict that enterprise is
capable enough to apply and acquire effective workforce.
Also, with help of both the approaches it becomes easy to examine the jobs and roles
which are to be filled by firm.
After a brief analysis of above matter, it is analysed that recruitment as well as
selection are essential fort an organisation for achieving objectives in given period of
time. Without these two approaches, it is not possible to run business and activities in
appropriate manner.
The Hotel XYZ report_4

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