
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson


Added on  2024-05-16

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Research project
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_1

LO1 Conduct appropriate research methodology which integrates knowledge into the
research process..............................................................................................................................4
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or
hypothesis, supported by a literature review........................................................................4
P2 In order to carry out the research, examine appropriate research methods and
conduct primary and secondary research..............................................................................8
M1 Evaluate the different the research approaches and methodology, and make
justifications for the choice of methods you have selected based on
philosophical/theoretical frameworks...................................................................................10
P3 Based on your chosen business research project, conduct primary and
secondary research using appropriate methods that take into account costs, access
and ethical issues.......................................................................................................................11
P4 Having collected your primary research, apply appropriate analytical tools to
analyse research findings and data.......................................................................................13
M2 Discuss the merits, limitations, and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and
analysis you used.......................................................................................................................14
D1 Critically evaluate the research methodologies and processes in the application
to a business research project of your choice to justify the chosen methods and
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.......16
P5 Communicate the research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended
M3 Communicate the outcomes coherently and logically to the intended audience
demonstrating how outcomes meet the set research objectives you developed in
the research proposal...............................................................................................................25
D2 Critically evaluate the research outcomes and make valid, justified
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts......................27
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods you applied for meeting the
objectives of your chosen business research project......................................................27
P7 Evaluate alternative research methodologies and lessons you have learned in
view of the outcomes of your research project...................................................................28
M4 Critical reflection and insight that result in recommended actions for
improvements and future research considerations...........................................................29
D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to
recommended actions for future improvement..................................................................30
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_2

In today’s time, every company faces huge competition that is required to be
understood and managed in a proper way to achieve set goals and objectives
effectively. With the help of digital technology, business organisations can easily
analysis issues and a problem which arises during business activities. The company
can easily operate its operations in the most appropriate manner by taking help of
digital technology. This project report is based on Goodman Masson which is finance
and Recruitment Company in the United Kingdom. This company has a huge
number of employees who assist in achieving set goals and high revenue in the
certain time period. Goodman Masson performs various business practices such as
Risk and Regulation, Change and transformation, Finance crime, Tax, IT etc to
enhance growth in the highly competitive business environment. This company leads
success by using digital technology in business operation and practices and reduce
production cost. Digital technology is a most important factor for the organisation
which enhances communication level, production, Build good relation on a global
level, drive innovation, distribution, storage etc in the marketplace. This project
reports analysis management of the company while implementing digital technology
in business practices. Apart from this, several recommendations have been made for
the growth and success of the company in the future.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_3

LO1 Conduct appropriate research methodology which integrates knowledge
into the research process.
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or
hypothesis, supported by a literature review
Topic- The impact of digital technology on business activity.
Research background
Technology advancement at the present time has become the most important part to
grow and develop in the competitive world. The technological aspect is developing
on a continuous basis which is creating a situation which will be helping the company
to utilize several benefits and advantages. There is the various use of technologies
and it can be considered as one of the tools that can be used by the company to
make advancement and improvement of its working and actions. It is essential for
the companies at the recent time to use the emerging technologies as this will be
helping in attaining the market benefits and sustainability (Laudon and Laudon,
The Goodman Masson is the technology as well as finance recruitment company
carrying all its operations and functions in the UK. There are various offerings that
are been served by the company to its clients regarding professional services,
commercial and industries, public sector and NPO and banking and financial
services. It has been captured the large market share in the nation which is helping it
to lead in the UK market. The company is using several technologies in its activities
to obtain all the possible opportunity to get growth in the competitive world ( Laudon
and Laudon, 2015).
The aim of the research study is to understand the influence of using emerging
techniques in the operations and functions of the company.
To determine the importance and worth of digital technologies in the current
market situation.
To identify the role of technology in Goodman Masson company.
To determine the impact of digital technology on activities and functioning of
the business.
To provide a recommendation to the company to introduce appropriate
strategies for overcoming any limitations.
Research questions
1. What is the vitality of digital technology used in the present era?
2. What role is being played by emerging techniques on the Goodman Masson
3. In what ways the technology is influencing company and its activities?
4. What strategies can company adopt to improve its present condition?
Research hypothesis
H0- The impact of the digital technology upon the operations and functioning of
Goodman Masson will be positive
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_4

H1- The company will be facing adverse situation by using the technology.
Rationale of the study
What is the issue?
The issue is that in the market there is a regular and continuous change in the
technology which is affecting business activities in a very adverse way. There are
many organisations in the market which is facing the issue regarding sustainability
and growth. This is affecting business to get develop and to provide effective
services and products to the customers (Westerman, et. al., 2014).
Why is it an issue?
It is an issue as because the company is not applying the technological aspects of
the operations and activities which is leading to this situation. The management of
the company is also not as effective to meet the market needs henceforth, it is facing
the issues and problems in getting sustainability.
Why is it an issue at the present time?
It is an issue at the present time also as companies in the market is not considering
the changes and emerging technology which is very must opt so that it can be able
to meet the market requirements and needs.
Significance of the study
The research that is being performed will be helping the organisation to understand
the effectiveness of the technology at the present time and this will be assisting in
attaining several benefits and advantages to the company. Also, this study will be
providing various data and information which will be guiding the company to know all
the areas where it needs to improve and the part where it is having good command
(Westerman, et. al., 2014). The information that will get gathered n this will also very
helpful for the readers and the investigators to develop their skills and knowledge
regarding the particular topic. This will help the readers to know the significance and
importance of technology which they can use for their future perspectives.
Literature review
1. The significance of digital technology
According to Perrotta (2013), the digital technology is being used in a very consistent
manner by each and every individual at the present time. It can be seen that every
second person in the society is technologically advanced. The people are adopting
the latest innovations and changes that are taking place in the market. It is very
necessary for the people to get change as per the time and adopt the changing
In reference to Selwyn (2012), in a prolifically manner, the organisations are using
the emerging technologies so that they can be able to get the growth and
development opportunity. With the help of the latest and emerging trend in the
technology, the work and activities of the business get improved. The technology is
playing a vital role in the development of the company in the competitive world.
Along with that, the organisation will be able to enhance its productivity. The
employees of the firm will also get many benefits as they do not need to put lots of
efforts and hard work to do any activities if they will be using the digital technologies
in an effective and right manner.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_5

2. Role of technology in the company
As asserted by Block and Keller (2015), the digital technology is making all the work
of the company very easy and stress less. The operations and all the related
functions of the company will get performed on time without any delay. The role of
technology in the company is very important as it helps in developing and to improve
all those areas which were not effective. One of the major roles that are played by it
is to make the company reach its aims and objectives. With the help of this, the
company is effectively meeting common and the employee’s shared standards and
3. Impact of technology
In accordance to Shieh (2012), the technology is having a great impact upon the
activities and functions of the business. It is very necessary for the company to know
in what way the technology can be used so that it can be able to get benefits and
advantages. There are both positive as well as the negative impact that can face by
the company with the use of technology. It is very necessary for the company to use
the digital technologies in the best effective ways so that it can be able to manage all
its operations and functions appropriately. There is a negative impact as well when
the company is not using the technologies in the appropriate or the required manner.
The positive impact that company obtains is that it will be able to enhance its working
and can get developed in the market. But at the same time, inappropriate use of the
technologies will badly influence the company also the employees of the firm will
resist to the changes and technology implementation as they feel that they will be
losing their job through this change.
4. Strategies for development
In the viewpoint of Fukuda-Parr and Lopes (2013), the company can use several
strategies to overcome the issues and problems such as it can develop a training
program for the employees so that it can be able to motivate them to work
appropriately. With the help of this company will get effectively contribution of the
workforce. The leadership styles can also be used by the company where the
employees will get a proper guidance to use the digital technologies which will be
assisting the company to get proper support and coordination of the manpower. This
will also help in managing the conflicts and grievances among employees and
The project has to be done within the required time henceforth a proper time
structure is needed to accomplish the aim of the study.
Action plan
Tasks Start date End date
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_6

Proposing the research
1.2.2018 1.2.2018
Setting the standards and
2.2.2018 2.2.2018
Carrying out secondary
research (with the help of
literature review)
3.2.2018 9.2.2018
Identifying suitable
research methodologies
10.2.2018 12.2.2018
Carrying out small-scale
research study
(questionnaire study)
13.2.2018 15.2.2018
Analysing the data 16.2.2018 22.2.2018
Concluding the
23.2.2018 24.2.2018
Recommendations 25.2.2018 25.2.2018
Submission of the work 26.2.2018 26.2.2018
Gantt chart
Figure 1: Gantt chart
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_7

P2 In order to carry out the research, examine appropriate research methods
and conduct primary and secondary research
Management needs to conduct research for collecting relevant and appropriate data
related the impact of digital technology. With the help of research organisation can
easily access the current choices, reactions, and preferences of customers. It is
easier to identify issues so that organisation works accordingly to attain the better
result. There are various methods which are used by the management for gathering
appropriate data and information. Primary and secondary research is two market
research techniques through which management attain better result and outcomes
Primary research: This research is done by management for analysing important
information which can be used to enhance the effectiveness of the functions,
products, and services. The researcher can collect data through primary research by
using both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. It is the very common
type of research that is used by mostly business organisation to analysis market
condition. The company can implement digital technology in business activities by
analysing preferences, needs, and choices of the customers (McCusker and
Gunaydin, 2015).
With the help of primary research, management gets to identify the answer to all
questions and also identify issues related to the business organisation. The company
has to spend lots of amount and time while conducting primary research to get a
specific answer to the questions. Goodman Masson can gain huge growth
opportunities and survive in highly competitive marketplace effectively. Primary
research is the best tool which enhances communication level with customers that
build a good relationship with customers.
There are so many methods which are used in primary research for collecting right
data to analyse the impact of digital technology. These are as follows:
Focus group
Secondary research: It is that tool which is used by the organisation to analyse
important information and data through available multiple sources. It is not done by
the researcher by using various books, journals, newspapers, magazines, article etc.
For improving condition of business, organization management has to focus on
different data and information related to business activities. Management conduct
secondary research to gather important and relevant data through the internet,
government data, magazines, newspapers, and office data for reducing the chance
of loss as well as risk (Schwalbe, 2015).
This research takes less time and cost for analysing information and data for
improving business activities within the organisation. The researcher collects
different information through multiple sources to develop finding and conclusion.
There are two methods which are an internal source as well as external sources that
provide appropriate information for improving current products, services, and
functions of the organisation. In the internal sources, management collect data by
the balance sheet, Inventory records, profit and loss statements and sales figures.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity: A Case Study of Goodman Masson_8

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