
The Influence of Innovative Products Report


Added on  2020-07-23

13 Pages3150 Words64 Views
Research Methods
The Influence of Innovative Products Report_1

Table of ContentsTitle :- ..............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11.1 Overview of research............................................................................................................11.2 Significance...........................................................................................................................11.3 Aims and objectives..............................................................................................................21.4 Research question..................................................................................................................21.5 Gantt chart.............................................................................................................................2LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................22.1 Relationship between innovative products and company sales............................................22.2 Benefits of introducing distinguish items.............................................................................42.3 Stages of introducing new product........................................................................................5RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................63.1 Type of research....................................................................................................................63.2 Research design.....................................................................................................................63.3 Data sampling........................................................................................................................63.4 Ethical consideration.............................................................................................................73.5 Research philosophy.............................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
The Influence of Innovative Products Report_2

Title :- “To determine the influence of innovative products on company sales: A case study onMarriott hotel”INTRODUCTION1.1 Overview of researchIntroduction of innovative ideas is very much indispensable for growth of an associationbecause it aids in maximizing the company sales by seeking attention of numerous clients.However, in today's world most of the consumers are curious towards experiencing somethingnew or unique. Thus, because of this hospitality sector is investing their capital in designingcreative products or services by considering necessary elements such as; trends, external orinternal factors, competitive goods and so on (Dangelico and Pujari, 2010). Therefore, mainobjective of this research product is to analyse the impact of distinguish ideas on organizationalsales, performance and overall growth. Basically, this research project is going to highlight theeffective relationship between launching of innovative products with increment in companysales. Meanwhile, an association needs to make necessary changes at workplace for improvingtheir company performance by enhancing the knowledge of employees. Marriott hotel isconsidered as leading organization in service industry due to their qualitative items, on timeservices, outstanding interior or exterior, themes, positive goodwill at marketplace and variousother factors are there which make this association distinguish from others. Consequently,research is fully based on identifying the significance of launching splendid goods with uniquequalities for organizational development or growth. 1.2 SignificanceIt is indispensable to study the importance of introducing creative goods for company aswell as employees in order to establish company goodwill at marketplace. Mainly, it act as abeneficial factor because distinguish items encourage various individuals mostly youngsters totry to something new or different for enjoying their life. It has been identified that number ofpeople are keen interested in knowing various things from which they are totally unaware inorder to learn about it for sharing their knowledge with others (Ernst, Hoyer and Rübsaamen,2010). Hence, Marriott hotel is spending lots of money in doing something unique which maketheir association distinguish from their competitors as well as get succeeded in gaining trust or1
The Influence of Innovative Products Report_3

loyalty of entire society. Thus, managers of selected firm needs to focus on their existingproducts in order to reform it as per fluctuation in several factors such as; consumer taste orpreferences, trends and other elements which are connected with this function. 1.3 Aims and objectivesAims:- “To determine the influence of innovative products on company sales: A casestudy on Marriott hotel”Objectives:- To determine the relationship between innovative products with company sales.In order to analyse the benefits of introducing creative items.To identify the impact of launching distinguish products on organization and consumers. 1.4 Research questionWhat are the connection between introduction of creative products with sales of Marriotthotel?Identify the influence of launching unique goods?What are the benefits acquired by hospitality sector due to innovative products? What are stages of introducing new products at marketplace?1.5 Gantt chartWork breakdown structure is all about splitting the entire project into various sections foraccomplishing entire activity much better way by attaining the goals of specific project in adesired time frame (Lin, Chen and Kuan-Shun Chiu, 2010). Whereas Gantt chart is a graphicalrepresentation of overall scenario in order to analyse overall process by considering essentialfacts or figures. LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Relationship between innovative products and company salesAccording to Carbonell and Rodríguez Escudero, (2010) it has been analysed thatintroduction of creative products at service sector is fully connected with their sales becausedistinguish items attract the minds of various clients belongs from several backgrounds.Basically, first or foremost motive of overall industry is attain competitive advantage atcompetitive environment. It means, an organization wanted to increase their profit and marketshare which resulted in maximization of company sales. However, in today's scenario global2
The Influence of Innovative Products Report_4

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