The Inverted Face Effect
Added on 2019-09-20
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The Inverted Face Effect: How does it work? “The disorders symptoms are like psychotic behaviours orhallucinations”Human facial recognition ability relies on specialized computations and dedication to brainnetworks. This simple demonstration can be studied through the ‘Inverted face effect’ which isdefined as an upside down face is far more difficult to right side up. [Hill, H., et.al2007] Inverted face effect is the loss of normal proficiency at face perception when faces are inverted.Inverted face is not perceived or recognized using the same processes as upright face. Invertedface are harder for normal objects to learn as measured to recognize the performance. In a study itis found that inversion effect is nil in case of children. According to survey, it is gain found that righthemisphere which is reported superior to left at recognizing face showed significant difference ininversion face effect.How does it works?Our perception of concave mask of face appears as a normal convex face. The convex face willappear in a single direction. The inverted face appears to move when the viewer is looking fromstraight. This is all possible due to strong presence of top-down influence in normal people butpatient of schizophrenia because of the fact that they rely on stimulus driven processing and lessconceptual driven processing. [Sehatpour, Pet.al2010]Schizophrenia is a disease or mental disorder that is debatable. The fact that it affects a person’sthinking, feelings or behaviours. They have lost touch in real world and living in some sort ofimaginary world. (Kohler, C. 2009)The symptoms of the disorder can be positive, negative and cognitive in nature. Positivesymptoms for example are psychotic behaviours; hallucination whereas negative behaviour isassociated with normal emotion and behaviour of reduced feeling and speaking. The cognitivesymptoms can be mild or severe thus our study focused on the cognitive abilities; the facial
changes that we can notice with a person facing such mental disorder. For the purpose of study,we took a student who has been previously doubted to be facing some sort of cognitive disorderand a healthy individual with no such symptoms, has gone through 3 days observation to test invarious waywhich are at first using drawing of faces from different angles and another stimuliwhich is tree. Day-1 (participant 1)On first day, we found that the person is having problems or alterations in several domains ofvisual processing, which was eye movement. We found that the person is not able to concentrateon most of the informative regions of the eyes. It is found that there is lack of efficiency in findinginformation from inverse face. To find whether inverse face has any effect on the participant, noisemanipulation was used. The participant has an increased internal noise with coordinates withdecreased information efficiency resulting impair face discrimination and reduced face inversioneffect.Day-2- Experimental strategies For the purpose of study a line drawn schematic has been used as the stimuli. It is not the usualphoto image rather a face like object containing a minimal clues for identifying facial and emotionalexpressions. For measuring performance, we took a tree (a non-face object as stimuli. Like linedrawn face, Line drawn tress are made with same number of line alignment. The first test –
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