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Rescue the Princess


Added on  2019/09/16

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The provided content outlines an interactive game where the actor navigates through a series of puzzles, fighting off monsters to rescue the princess. The game consists of 10 puzzles, each with unique challenges and messages from the monsters. The actor's responses vary from puzzle to puzzle, showing their determination to complete the mission. The game also includes combat structure, where the user inputs commands such as 'Charge' or 'Attack' to progress through the puzzles.

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The Journey Beyond Hell’s Gate
Software Requirements Specification
Draft 1
16 September, 2016
Version Primary
Description of Version Date
The first version of the requirements for The Journey
Beyond Hell’s Gate.

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2.1.1 System Interfaces
2.1.2 User Interfaces
2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces
2.1.4 Software Interfaces
2.1.5 Communications Interfaces
2.1.6 Memory Constraints
2.1.7 Operations
2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.1.3 Software Interfaces
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces
3.2.1 Feature 1
Stimulus/Response Sequence
Associated Functional Requirements
3.5.1 Reliability
3.5.2 Availability
3.5.3 Security
3.5.4 Maintainability
1. Purpose
This text based game was created to further our knowledge of java, sql and the software development
cycle as well as to satisfy the requirements for GGC ITEC 3860 Software Development I. This game was
created for our professor, Rick Price, and the students in GGC ITEC 3860-03 Software Development I
fall semester 2016.
2. Scope
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This text based game will be a console game called the Journey beyond Hell’s gate. The game functions
will be controlled through a graphical user interface which will consist of a command line for entering
text based commands and an area for viewing your commands and information printed to the interface
from the game. It will have a save and load feature as well as score keeping abilities. The user will have
to navigate through a 50 room map fighting monsters and solving puzzles along the way.
Program will be developed using Java IDE Eclipse. Eclipse with be the main point of programming and
will be where the program will be developed. All Java code will reside in Eclipse packages. Eclipse offers
various built in Java classes that will be used in the creation of the program.
3. Product Perspective
Program will be similar to other adventure game, but will lack a graphical avatar that the user controls.
Instead, the user will command the hero and interact with the game world by type text commands into the
gui command line such as “help” or “move left”. The gui will show descriptive text of environment,
monsters and puzzles printed from the game as well as the user generated commands.
Program will not be self-contained. Program will be somewhat dependent on a database for room
descriptions and puzzle and monster creations. Program will need the assistance of Eclipse and a database
management system in order to function correctly.
1. User Interfaces
The user will interact with a gui that consists primarily of a text area which displays the user's text
commands and text describing the game world and game encounters. This gui will also have a text field
for the user to enter their commands, a help menu, an inventory menu, a save and load option, and it will
also display the user’s current score and high score.
The program will be easy to interact with and will ensure that the user is able to understand what is
needed from them. The program will use simple language and display all available options and help
commands. The program will not require anything more than the basic computer components (monitor,
tower, mouse, keyboard).
2. Hardware Interfaces
The program will require the use of a monitor, computer base, keyboard, and mouse. These are the only
controls needed. The program will be hosted on a team member’s computers as well as the database.
3. Software Interfaces
Program will be ran on an Operating System and created using the combination of a Java IDE and
database management system. Eclipse with store all program files while the database fields will be stored
within a DBMS. The user interface will be apart of the Java package stored in Eclipse.
Software Information:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
o Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
o Source: Oracle
SQL Serve
o Version: 2016
o Source: Microsoft
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4. Communications Interfaces
Only communication needed for program is DBMS connection.
5. Memory Constraints
The software should be built with some sort of constraints to use a limited amount of memory.
6. Operations
Program will only take in consideration saving and recovery. User will be able to save current progress in
game and return to it later. Current progress will be saved in designated slot.
4. Product Functions
Major functions of the program will include database communications, room, monster and puzzle
generation, saving capabilities, menu display, and inventory limitation.
5. User Characteristics
Intended user will be young adult that is interested and has knowledge of text-based adventure games.
User should be exposed of adventure type games and understand the objective of such a game. User
should be literate and able to comprehend simple move commands and story plots. User should have
puzzle solving skills in order to achieve levels.
6. Constraints
Program must operate on a functional OS. Mac, Linux, and Windows OS all work for processing
program. A Java JVM must be present on the computer that the program is being used in order for all
Java files to run appropriately.
7. Assumptions and Dependencies
The requirements in this document are dependent on the requirements given to us by Professor Rick Price
in GGC ITEC 3860-03 Software Development I in the fall semester of 2016. The assumption is the
requirements given by Rick Price will not change.
8. Apportioning of Requirements
GUI will be delayed until future versions due to limitation of time. GUI is not a necessary requirement
but does allow program to be more convenient to user.
2. External Interface Requirements
1. User Interfaces
At the beginning of the game, the program will output the objective and story plot of the game. It will
then place the user in a room and output a description of the room the user is starting off in. The
description will include the number of exits in the room and the directions the user can go. The user will
then input either the direction they wish to go or command the program to allow them to go through an
exit to another room. The first room with have no puzzles nor monsters. For the next rooms, the user will

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encounter puzzles and may encounter monster, which will be randomly placed inside rooms. The program
will also tell the users that they can save their games once they reach the second room of their journey.
Users will be able to add inventory immediately when the game begins, so within the first room.
2. Hardware Interfaces
The program will only take text input for a computer. Mobile devices and speak recognition is not
functional for this game. The user must input the commands the program supplies to them in order to
move on. If user inputs other unknown commands, program will throw an error and allow the user to
input something again.
3. Software Interfaces
Program must be used on a computer that includes the Java JVM. Program will not function without such
a software. Program must also be used using Eclipse or any other Java IDE. A Java IDE will be able to
complete many of the required processes for the program and provide an interactive environment for the
user. User computer must also include a DBMS for storing program database needs or have a
communication signal to the DBMS.
4. Communications Interfaces
Only communication is from Java files to database. Connect must be sustained for key information use,
such as room descriptions, available inventory, and puzzle details.
2. Software Product Features
1. Performance Requirements
The interaction between the user and the computer will be limited to specific keys. Each key should have
a specific functionality.
System Functions
Description: The system structure will be called “SAVING THE PRINCESS”. The actor will go
through a series of obstacles trying to save the princess. The captured princess will be kept in a creepy
castle away from her land. In order for the actor to rescue the princess, he will go through a series
puzzles, and should stay alive throughout the journey. Each puzzle will present an obstacle to the actor.
The obstacles in each puzzle are monsters with different powers, and the actor must successfully
neutralize them to go to the next puzzle and eventually get to the princess and rescue her. The actor
should initially have some weapons on him, but should be able to pick some more powerful weapons
along the way.
There will be 6 attack moves that the user can use when facing a monsters. User will start off with the
first two moves but must unlock the last 4 by successfully solving puzzles or finding the item in select
rooms throughout the game world.
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The combat system is turn based starting with the user. Each action will take one turn. Actions can be:
using an attack move, using an item, or reloading. There are chances for missing, blocking and critical
hits which are move, item and character dependent. The attack moves are listed below along with damage
1. Punch
a. Default starter move with a damage power of 5 points. Works well with weaker monsters
and can be used for all battles. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5%
chance of a critical hit, which will do 15 damage points. 75% chance of landing a normal
hit and dealing 5 damage points. Does 0 damage to Reapers.
2. Kick
a. Default starter move with a damage power of 7 points. 15% chance of missing. 15% of
being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 21 damage points. 65% chance
of landing a normal hit and dealing 7 damage points. Does 0 damage to Reapers.
3. Stab
a. After completing a puzzle in room 10 the sword will be available for the user to pick up
and equip. Once the sword is equipped, the user can perform stab which has a damage
power of 15 points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 10% chance
of a critical hit, which will do 45 damage points. 70% chance of landing and dealing 15
damage points. Does 0 damage to Reapers.
4. Shoot
a. After completing a puzzle in room 25 the gun will be available to the user to pick up and
equip. Once the gun is equipped, the user can perform shoot which has a damage power
of 25 points. 15% chance of missing. 0% chance of being blocked(cannot be blocked).
15% chance of a critical hit which will do 75 damage points. 70% chance of landing a
normal hit and doing 25 damage points. The gun uses bullets as ammo. The bullets must
be found. The gun has a 10 round magazine. It takes one turn to reload the gun. Does 0
damage to Reapers.
5. Laser blast
a. The laser gun is placed in a chest that will appear within a random room between 26 and
35 for the user to find and equip. Once the laser gun is equipped, user can perform laser
blast which has a damage power of 35. 10% chance of missing. 0% chance of being
blocked(cannot be blocked). 20% chance of a critical hit which will do 105 damage
points. Does 0 damage to Reapers.
6. Energy pull
a. After completing the puzzle in room 45 the energy gun will be available for the user to
pick up and equip. Once the energy gun is equipped, user can perform energy pull which
has a damage power of 50. 10% chance of missing. 0% chance of being blocked(cannot
be blocked). 25% chance of a critical hit which will do 150 damage points. Energy pull is
the only attack move that can damage reapers.
There will be a total of 10 monsters, ranging from least to most difficulty level. Some combat moves will
not work on all monsters. Monsters and their descriptions are listed below from least (1) to most (10)
difficult level:
1. Creeper
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a. Box-shaped monsters with green faces. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 2
damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which
will do 6 damage points. Has 15 health points.
2. Zombies
a. Walking dead that look to eat your brains. Will scratch and claw. 75% chance of landing a
normal hit and dealing 5 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5%
chance of a critical hit, which will do 15 damage points. Has 25 health points.
3. Dog Zombies
a. Dead Australian shepherds that run toward the user. One of two kinds of Dog Zombies and
will bite the user. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 7 damage points. 10% chance of
missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 21 damage points. Has
40 health points.
4. Mud-Locs
a. Mud covered monsters that glob all over the place. Will fling mud-balls at user. 75% chance
of landing a normal hit and dealing 10 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being
blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 30 damage points. They have 50 health points.
5. Goblin
a. Ugly monster that punches and kicks the user. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and
dealing 15 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a critical
hit, which will do 45 damage points. Has 65 health points.
6. Fire Dog Zombies
a. Dead hellish fire Doberman that run toward the user and bites and scratches them. 75%
chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 20 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of
being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 60 damage points. Has 75 health points.
7. Darkly Witch
a. Evil witch monster that shoot spells. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 25
damage points. 15% chance of missing. 0% chance of being blocked(cannot be blocked). 5% chance of a
critical hit, which will do 75 damage points. Has 85 health points.
8. Abominations
a. Big, ugly, stinky, ogre-like monsters that are very strong. 75% chance of landing a normal
hit and dealing 30 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10% chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a
critical hit, which will do 90 damage points. Has 100 health points.
9. Mayhem
a. Mayhem monsters look to cause absolute chaos and will rain down waves of fire upon the
user. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 35 damage points. 10% chance of missing. 10%
chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 105 damage points. Has 125 health
points. If user tries to kick or punch a Mayhem, they will cause 5 points of damage to themselves.
10. Reaper

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a. The Reaper appearance in Room 45-49 and can only be damaged using the energy pull
attack move. 75% chance of landing a normal hit and dealing 50 damage points. 10% chance of missing.
0% chance of being blocked. 5% chance of a critical hit, which will do 150 damage points. Has 200
health points. If user tries to kick or punch a Mayhem, they will cause 5 points of damage to themselves.
There will be a number of puzzles in the system. User should be allowed to input his course of action and
also input the command to fight off the monsters in each puzzle. The actor should initially have some
weapons on him, but should be able to pick some more powerful weapons along the way
Puzzle 1:
Ø Creeper Puzzle. The gate opens up when the actor gets within inches to the gate.
· Message from the monster: You should not have come here my friend:
· Response from the actor: I am not your friend. I am here to take the Princess back to her rightful
Puzzle 2:
Ø Zombies’ puzzle: The puzzle opens when the actor approaches the second gate.
· Message: “You have been warned. Now you are going to face the consequences for intruding our
· Response from the actor: “Bring it on. I’m not scared of you monsters. I’m here for the princess you
have taken hostage, and I’m not leaving without her”.
Puzzle 3:
Ø Dog zombie puzzle: After the user fights off the monsters in puzzle 3, puzzle 4 opens up.
· Message: “You have tested our patience. This time around you are getting your throat slit”.
· Response from the actor: I’d like to see you try.
Puzzle 4:
Ø Mud-Locks puzzle: This puzzle is dark and illuminates when a foreign being enters.
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· Message: “You have guts showing up here. You are going to be torn into pieces and you will be fed
to the dogs”.
· Response from the actor: “Be my guest”.
Puzzle 5:
Ø Goblin Puzzle: The puzzle has some ugly monsters.
· Message: “Only monsters of our kind survive up in this place. You have met your demise”.
· Response from the actor: “Well, meet your new puzzle-mate”.
Puzzle 6:
Ø Fire Dog Zombies Puzzle: The puzzle filled with some ugly monsters hungry for blood.
· Message: No intruders allowed. You must’ve lost your way.
· Response from the actor: I am not lost. I’m here for the princess, and no one can stop me from the
Puzzle 7:
Ø Darkly witch Zombies puzzle: The evil witch zombies’ puzzle is hard to overcome.
· Message: If you think you are getting out of here alive, then you must be crazier
than we thought.
· Response from the actor: I think we are about to see who is crazier between you
guys and I.
Puzzle 8:
Ø Abominations’ puzzle: Ogre monsters in this puzzle will destroy anything that comes their way. The
actor has to be extra careful fighting the monsters.
· Message: You must be out of your mind coming here. This is the end of you.
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· Response: from the actor: You damn right, I’m out of my mind. But you are wrong also, because this
is the end of you instead.
Puzzle 9:
Ø Mayhem monsters’ puzzle: This puzzle poses another danger yet, because it rains down rains of fire.
The actor survives this puzzle, by wearing a special gear that is won by successfully completing puzzle 8,
but also has to fight to win the battle.
· Message: You must have went through a whole lot of trouble to get here. Say goodbye to your little
life as you know it, because this is it for you!
· Response from the actor: I will say goodbye to you. I didn’t come all the way here to be stopped by
no monsters. I won’t leave until I rescue the princess.
Puzzle 10:
Ø The Reapers’ puzzle: This is the last puzzle before the actor gets to the princess and rescues her.
· Message: Not you! How’s it possible that you made it all the way here. I’ll reap your heart out.
Response from the actor: Good luck with that.
Combat Structure
All puzzles should have the same attacking option for the user:
Ø User inputs:
v Input options 1: “Charge”
v Input option 2: “Attack”
· User inputs: “Charge”, the actor charges towards the monsters and stops when he gets closer to
§ Then the system should display a message asking the user: “What’s your next move”

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§ User inputs: “Attack”, the actor fights and kills the monsters in the specific puzzle he is in.
§ The system displays: “You have successfully completed the task. See you in the next puzzle.”
§ When the user successfully completes puzzle 10, the system displays message: “Congratulations! You
have saved the PRINCESS.”
§ If the actor inputs the same command twice, the system should display a message: “Not a valid option.
Try again”
§ If the user waits more than 60 seconds to input an option, the system displays a message: “You lost the
battle”, and takes the user to the previous puzzle. If the user is still in puzzle 1, then the game restarts.
For every puzzle that the user completes, the actor automatically, takes the arsenal available in that
particular puzzle and can be used in subsequent puzzles
Room 1: “The Default”
Description: “Welcome to the Default. The first room of
your painful journey. There is only one exit, no puzzles, no
monsters. Please type “forward” to go to the next room.”
Reactions: If user types “forward”, regardless of case,
user will go to next room. If user does not, they will receive
“Command not recognized…” and be allowed to type
another command.
Room 2: “The Silence”
Description: “Welcome to the Silence. Nothing is heard
here, I mean n.o.t.h.i.n.g. There are two exits, one to your
left and another forward. Pick your faith.
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Reactions: If user picks left, they will receive a random
puzzle to solve before moving on to the next room. If user
3. Design Constraints
Program must operate on a functional OS. Mac, Linux, and Windows OS all work for processing
program. A Java JVM must be present on the computer that the program is being used in order for all
Java files to run appropriately.
4. Software System Attributes
1. Reliability
The game should be built in a way that the all components of the software will work according to the
specified requirements.
2. Availability
The software should be made available for everyone desiring to play regardless the age, and should not
require the user to create an account.
3. Maintainability
Major maintenance will be attached to the database due to its high amount of data storage. Database must
be continuously maintain in order for program to function. Database stores major components of
program, thus must be ready when being called on.
5. Logical Database Requirements
The data of every completed stage by the user should be stored so the user does not have to restart from
the beginning when an interruption occurs.
Database will store room descriptions, monster locations, inventory storage and puzzle details. Each will
be used a designate database with respected names such as Room Database, Monster Database, Inventory
Database and Puzzle Database. Each database will be linked to Java files by connection from objects
stored within the Java files. Communication to database will only occur once these objects are created and
connected. There will be a dependence on the Room from the Monster and Puzzle. Monster and Puzzle
will only occur if the Room is initialized. All databases must retain present and live data due to the high
frequency of use that each will have.
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