
Legal Solutions and Justification for Organisation


Added on  2020-07-23

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The legal framework andlegal solutions
Legal Solutions and Justification for Organisation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1P1 Explaining the different sources of law and English legal system. ......................................1P2 Explaining the role of government in making laws along with statutory and common law.2M1 Evaluate the effectiveness of legal system in terms of the diversity of its laws. ................3D1 Provide a coherent and critical evaluation of the legal system. ...........................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 Explaining the employment law and contract law and their impacts on business practises. 4M2 Differentiating and analysing the potential impacts of regulations and standards. .............5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P4 Suggest appropriate solutions for a business problem...........................................................5P5 Provide Justification for the appropriate legal solutions........................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P6 Recommend solution ............................................................................................................7CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONLaw is a regulatory system handled by the government to maintain the systematicenvironment in a country. Legal laws helps to make safety and calm environment, so thatgovernment protect the people interest from malpractices. Present report is based on legalframework and legal solutions. European Business School of Management (EBSM) is the mostpopular school of management in Europe. Government encouraging that EBSM to open newbranch of school in London as well. To implement this process, EBSM needs to adopt all lawsand regulations which will be discussed in this report. Furthermore, it will discuss about Englishregulation and different sources of laws and the role of government in law-making process.Moreover, it will also discuss about the employment and contract law which explains the legalobligations of employer towards the employees and its impact on business practices. Moreover,it will cover the legal solutions for a range of business solutions. TASK 1 P1 Explaining the different sources of law and English legal system. There are many legal laws and regulations that comes under English legal systems. Itconsists of common and civil law which helps in adopting systematic legal structure to carry onbusiness activities. In this process, judgement will be taken by all judges in the court. Thedecision of the Supreme Court and the highest civil appeal court of the United Kingdom is boundwith each other court (Appleman, Appleman and Holmes, 2016). Some of the laws andregulations derived from legislations and rest of all known as common law which is based onprevious courts. On the other side, English legal system regulated by many other countries aswell. All these laws are based on hierarchy basis. In UK, all decisions are taken by the SupremeCourt whereas the cases of civil law is first applied in the high court and then applied to thelower court. There are some sources of law which helps business to adopt systematic code ofconduct. Sources of LawIn English legal systems, there are many sources of law which makes environment freefrom corruption. This sources of law taken by the business organisation. If business fails toadopt all laws and code of practise, they have to face much trouble and issues by thegovernment. These laws protect business from uncertain events and set the standard of working.There are some sources are given below: 1
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European Union Law: This law is especially made for EU. European Union law consistof various laws and regulations. All these laws helps company to follow smooth functioning inthe company (Beatty, Samuelson and Abril, 2018). This all EU laws make sure that companyadopt fair practises in the working place or not. Along with that, all these regulations protect theinterest of employees and workers who are working in the organisations. No one tries to harmemployees in any ways, government take strict action against those organisations who are notserious about his own employees. EU government consists of contract and employment law toprotect the interest of employees. Employment law defines the relationship between employerand employee, it explains that employer has some obligations for employees to maintain healthyenvironment for its employees. Besides this, contract law states some standards for contractorbetween contractee. It makes some duties and responsibilities which are necessary for the partiesto adapt to make its contract valid.Jurisprudence: This is the law whose main aim is to develop the laws in more advancedmanner to enhance the protection and security level (Blanpain and Bisom-Rapp, 2014). Itcontains civil and human rights etc. plus provides guidance and direction through whichemployees and people protect their interest itself.Common Law: It is basically a significant law in English legal system. Common law isbasically made for the custom of English people. Case of common law is solved by the group oftribunals and by the judges. Statutory Law: This is the most significant law in UK parliament. Statutory law consistsof several laws such as contract, safety and health and insurance laws. This is become the sourcerevolution since the 17th century. These kinds of laws are already exist in the parliament. Thedecision taken by consideration of these laws only (Cameron, 2015). P2 Explaining the role of government in making laws along with statutory and common law.Government plays a very significant role in making laws and regulations for theorganisations. The government is the regulatory body which makes several laws on the basis ofcurrent violence. It ensures that organisation has adopted all laws to protect the interest ofemployees or people. Without the permission of government, one can pass the regulations ororder. Final decision is taken by the government in any decision making process. Governmentmodifies the needed changes on the basis of situation for welfare of people. This process helps inmaintaining positive and safe environment in the country and it is necessary for all organisations2
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