
The Mind of the Maker: A Three-Step Process


Added on  2019-09-20

5 Pages846 Words397 Views
Running head: THE MIND OF THE MAKERBOOK REPORT[Document subtitle][DATE][COMPANY NAME][Company address]
The Mind of the Maker: A Three-Step Process_1

THE MIND OF THE MAKER1Summary“Mind of the maker” by Dorothy Sayers explains the statements of Catholic Church regradinggod’s nature. It is an explanation of the Catholic Church’s statements about the nature of God.Also, she intends to elucidate the Doctrine of Trinity by describing the God as creator of allthings.Three Aspects of the Creative MindThree aspects of creative mind are the three heavenly and divine persons: The Holy Spirit, theson and the father. Although, these divine persons are assumed to be distinct from each other, allthree of them are god. According to the doctrine of trinity, Christ should be his own son and ownfather. There is only one god in three different persons and they are not individual part of God,instead they are fully and equally god. The differences inside the Godhead are not the differencesof his soul or essence but are the unveiling of God’s undivided and one being into interpersonalrelationship between three divine persons.Their OriginThe three divine elements were viewed as codified doctrine. Trinity was defined as a god byTheophilus of Antioch in the aftermath of 2nd century. He defined the Trinity as God, his wordsas Logos and his wisdom as Sophia while discussing the initial days of creation. He clearlydefined trinity as Holi Spirit, Son and Father which interpreted the scriptural passages as relevantto affirm a dignity that is threefold (Bates, M. W. 2015). All the scholars have recognized thatthe Faiths and Creed were created in reaction to disagreement between the nature of Holy Spirit,Son and Father. In fourth century, Arius taught that Father was born and existed before the sonwho was not god but instead a variable creature who was offered the self-worth of becoming
The Mind of the Maker: A Three-Step Process_2

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