
NSQHS Standards Application in Home and Hospital Care


Added on  2020-02-18

5 Pages1137 Words149 Views
1Running head: NURSINGNursingName of student:Name of university:Author note:
NSQHS Standards Application in Home and Hospital Care_1

2NURSINGThe National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards is a widelyaccepted Standard Guidelines which is the brainchild of the Australian Commission on Safetyand Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC). Partnership and consultation with technicalprofessionals, jurisdictions and stakeholders have led to the NSQHS standrads that includepatients and healthcare professionals alike (Daly et al., 2017). The aim of these standards isthe protection of the patients from potential harm and improvement of the quality of healthcare services provided. The present essay is based on the application of two of the tenNSQHS standards, “Standard 3- Preventing and Controlling Healthcare AssociatedInfections” and “Standard 10- Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls”, to a presented casestudy and the comparison of the application in the home as compared to hospitalenvironment. The patient in question is 61-year-old Mrs Brown who has been referred to aHospital in the Home (HITH) service after a Lap Cholecystectomy. The medicalcomplications include T2DM, OA and toe amputation. The ongoing care needs includeadministration of IVAB’s via a PICC line, monitoring wound area vital sign assessment andgeneral education.The standard 3 of NSQHS standards states that clinical professionals must implementaccurate systems for the prevention and management of healthcare associated infections andimpart knowledge of the same to others for achievement of desired outcomes. The intentionis to safeguard patients from suffering infections while receiving care(safetyandquality.gov.au, 2012). Mrs Brown is at risk of developing an infection at the PICCsite as well as the wound site, leading to the requirement of adhering to practices associatedwith infection prevention. Hand hygiene has been indicated to be the most prominent andeffective practice to eliminate infection chances. At hospitals, nurses are to use alcohol-basedgels or antiseptic-containing detergents or soaps for this purpose. At home, the same practiceis to be adhered to. Since the patient is been given care at her home, it is advisable that the
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