
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Research Paper 2022


Added on  2022-09-21

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The Picture Of Dorian Gray Research Paper 2022_1

The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde has a distinctive position in the history of
English literature and in the life of the author because of its dazzling yet grotesque plot and
the very apparent embodiment of the art for art's sake movement1. This still has a history of
stirring scandals in the Victorian moralistic Circles and it is because of this that Oscar Wilde
had to face legal charges. This story deals with everything flamboyant and hedonistic all the
while subtly dealing with the price that one has to pay for limitless hedonism. In this paper,
the very mysterious and strange transformation of the protagonist Dorian Gray is explored
along with the significance and the importance of the event on the entire novel.
To explore the transformation of the protagonist the painting and the theory behind it
must be understood. Dorian was incredibly handsome and young, he looked charming and
alluring and it was impossible not noticing him. This was the cause of the painter Basil
Hallward taking deep interest in him and creating a portrait just as beautiful as the subject it
portrayed. The connection between these two characters is Lord Henry Wotton, who was
quite the hedonist and believed in pursuing beauty over everything else. This fascinates
Dorian who sets out to explore his sensuality in quite hedonistic ways2. In his pursuit of
pleasure quite a number of unfortunate incidents happen like him courting Sybil, a young
actress in the slums who irrevocably falls in love with him but is soon refused, cruelly, by
Dorian. This act of heartlessness had put a sneer on the face of the portrait. Apparently while
being handed over the portrait Dorian realized that his youth and beauty would never last
forever because humans only fade over time so he sold his soul to the devil hoping that it is
the picture that bears the burden of his sins than him and it did bear the burden.
1 Wilde, Oscar. "The Picture of Dorian Gray. 1891." Complete Works of Oscar
Wilde (2003): 17-167.
2 Riquelme, John Paul. "Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic Gothic: Walter Pater, Dark
Enlightenment, and The Picture of Dorian Gray." MFS Modern Fiction Studies 46, no. 3
(2000): 609-631.
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Research Paper 2022_2

The theme of transformation in the novel is very evident. The metamorphosis of
Dorian can be metaphorically put forward as a reverse of the normal metamorphic process.
The beautiful butterfly had reduced to a caterpillar. A beautiful and pure person went on to
realise the pleasures of the world which were quite plenty and could not turn away from it.
Hedonism appears like an addiction and when one is afflicted with, changing monsoon waves
can be tremendously difficult, especially when someone has been so heavily influenced by
someone else. It is like Dorian had a new perspective of life, he realized the power beauty can
provide and was interested in ensuring that it lasts.
This transformation is also all very powerful social message about choices. Hedonism
or debauchery is one's own choice despite the questions of morality and good and evil
coming in between. Humans have been gifted with the ability to make a choice and to indulge
in a life of lust and depravities. This is how the author made the statement about the artists’
personal choice and freedom to express whatever he or she may be feeling because art cannot
be clubbed into submission through limits and barriers that are set by the society. Art is
nonconformity and freedom.
Youth is the eternal fountain of possibilities. It is when one is young that he or she
sets out to explore the world in its countless shades. Growth only makes things watch war
stagnant, as a result of exploration that is already been conducted. Dorian was convinced of
how youth tends to be able and important when it comes to a life of hedonism. Is beauty and
useful appearance is what earned him whatever his heart desired.
The transformation that occurs in the novel is a gradual change. This is evident one
Dorian regrets hurting Sibyl and hopes to make it up with her. This is because what he did to
her was a very unlike him and he was still retaining his older characteristics that could not
completely accept what has been done to her. When he comes to know that she had killed
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Research Paper 2022_3

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