
Environmental Planning and Management in Australia


Added on  2020-02-18

10 Pages3216 Words51 Views
Name 1Name SubjectProfessorInstitutionPropertyProper planning is essential for proper development of a society. It is true thateveryone should plan their various projects properly before their enactment. However, theplanning process can never be done without the intervention of a government. The blueprintof any town or city must always be provided by the government through the planning andregional development department. The blue print ensures that a nations city are as desired bythe government. Therefore, every building must be built according to the planning regulationsand act that is enacted by the legislature of Australia.In this discussion, we shall exploit the planning of a building in the Edensor Park thatis located in the City of Liverpool LGA, NSW. The assessment of the area is mandatorybefore the project can be started. This assessment process must be conducted by thegovernment. The assessment process is meant to ensure that the project or business advancesonly the requirements of the government of the land. The environmental impact of the projecttops the list of the critical issues to be analyzed. The environmental assessment is to ensurethat long and short term impacts are well understood and any mitigating factor put in place ingood time. For this business, the assessment team would be keen to ensure that there is properwaste disposal plan in place. The business would attract so many shoppers who woulddefinitely want to throw a few things that they buy or have in their possession. The aim is tomake the town green always and this is achieved by ensuring the waste disposal can and binsare situated at the right locations. Moreover, they are properly labeled to avoid mixing of
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Name 2things like polyethylene and food remains. It is a fact that waste disposal process involvesboth re-use and recycling thus need for proper disposal plan (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). The site is located along the Densor road. This a densely populated area within theCity with a high flow of people. This high population is an indication of the choice of a goodsite for the location of the business. This means that the investment would enjoy theadvantage of having constant customers flocking the business. It is well known that high flowof customers is an indication of a lucrative venture that would possibly bring in high returnsevery month or at the end of each fiscal year. A part from the flow of people, the otheropportunity that exists within this site is the capability to have a smooth flow of goods. Thismeans that it is possible to have online chain business and easily operate the business. Thesuccess of an online business is the ability to have the goods delivered at the right time. Thetransportation factor is best sorted by a good road network which is provided in the case bythe site location. The existing infrastructure in one-floor supermarket building with a window displayof the goods offered, this building provides a good marketing strategy for the building. Theestablishment of the building can still be exploited to offer more business opportunities.According to the government planners, an area like this can have a building erected with amaximum of two floors. The expansion of the building would be done with regards toincreasing the number of floors. Before this is done the government planning departmentmust come and assess the possibility of enacting the plan. The assessment would involve thelooking at the risk factors and the possibility of the building to stand firm for many years. Theplan is abolished in case it is found to be risky (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). This local is found to have constrained as well. For instance, the area is squeezed thuslack of enough packing space. The business is located next to the high way makes it seem
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Name 3obvious that most of the people who would be buying from the supermarket are motorist andpeople with cars who mainly come from the suburbs. This group of persons requires beingprovided with ample parking lot. This space needs to be provided to encourage thecontinuous flow of shoppers to the local. Somehow, there is need to increase the spaceavailable for parking. This area being a busy street make this very challenging since there isno idle land available for such a purpose. This constraint would hit hard on the business sinceit may limit some of the potential customers from shopping especially during peak hours andon busy days (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). The existing infrastructure as mentioned before is one floored building that is used asupermarket. This plan was at the inception but it needs improvement. The proposal of a newinfrastructure should be done with immediate effect. The new proposed building would havemore than one floors so as to expand the available shopping space. The new building musthave ample parking lot in the basement and the rooftop. Enough parking space would ensurethe flow of the shoppers is assured at all times. The shop front of the proposed buildingwould also be enhanced by having adverts that display the goods and services offered in thebuilding. All the round the shop would glass walls for visibility of the goods. This is just astrategy to attract shoppers. This is a business property and its success relies on the beautyand proper planning of the structure (Conacher and Conacher, 2000). The demographic of the area seems suitable for the location of the business in thebuilding. Generally, the area is densely populated. A dense population means that so manypeople would visit the business center every day. Of interest is the fact this is a town to meanthat most businesses would operate for 24 hours. The several homes next to the build wouldinfluence a lot of things concerning the building. First, it would mean that the buildingconstruction must strongly adhere to the environment conservation plans that are provided forby the government planners. For example, the site of the building must have some trees
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