
Physical inactivity as a risk factor of chronic disease burden in Australia


Added on  2021-06-15

9 Pages2224 Words136 Views
Nutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Running head: NURSINGNursingName of the student:Name of the University:Author’s note
Physical inactivity as a risk factor of chronic disease burden in Australia_1

1NURSINGResearch question: This report is focused on the prevalence of diabetes and obesity in Australia. Physicalinactivity is regarded as one of the risk factor of chronic disease burden in Australia. More thanhalf of Australian adults do not engage in adequate physical activity as per the recommendedguidelines and physical inactivity is linked to high percentage of disease burden for diabetes(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). Due to such link, exploring the impact ofexercise on reducing diabetes and obesity in Australia is considered important. The mainresearch question to explore the effect of exercise on diabetes and obesity prevalence in Australiais as follows:Do regular exercise (I) reduce the incidence of diabetes and obesity (O) compared to noexercise (C) in young children and adolescent in Australia (P)?Research topic: The research is concerned with the prevalence of diabetes and obesity in young childrenand adolescent in Australia. Diabetes is turning out to be an epidemic in Australia and it ispresenting biggest challenge to the health system of the country. The rate at which the incidenceof diabetes occurs in Australia is understood from the fact that about 1.2 million people aged 2years and above have been diagnosed with diabetes in Australia (The Department of Health,2017). Another challenge for the Australian health care system is the prevalence of diabetes inchildren and young people. Around 4000 new cases of type 2 diabetes was observed among 10-24 year old in 2011-2012 (The Department of Health, 2014). Obesity, poor diet and inadequatephysical activity is regarded as the main risk factor of diabetes in Australia. This can be said by
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2NURSINGthe review of obesity statistics in Australia. More than half of the Australian population hasabnormal body weight. 285 of Australian adults were obese in 2014-2015 and one in every fourAustralian children (2-17 years old) were obese or overweight (Australian Institute of Health andWelfare, 2015). The main aim of the research is to investigate about the impact of exercise in reducingthe prevalence of diabetes and obesity in children and young people in Australia. This isconsidered important because sedentary behavior increases risk of diabetes and exercise has thepotential to reduce the risk in vulnerable population (Rockette-Wagner et al., 2015). The topic ofdiabetes and obesity prevalence in children and adolescent is linked to the National Strategicframework for chronic diseases because the framework focuses on prevention and managementof chronic disease condition to provide healthy life to all Australians. Diabetes is listed as one ofthe chronic disease in the national framework and evaluating the effectiveness of exercise as anintervention for diabetes and obesity may help to promote health and reduce risk in children andadolescent population of Australia (health.gov.au., 2017). Physical exercise is part of life-styleintervention and it may help to reduce the burden of diabetes in Australia. Literature review: The review of research literature gave clear insight regarding the effectiveness of exerciseto reduce risk of diabetes and obesity in children and adolescent. Davis et al. (2012) investigatedabout the effect of aerobic exercise dose on insulin resistance and fatness in overweight children.The population group and the research objective is congruent t the research question. Byemploying randomized controlled trial as a study design, the research participants were randomlyassigned to low dose or high d11ose aerobic training group (intervention group) and control
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