
Efficient Network Design for ReVelop's New Office


Added on  2019-09-16

6 Pages1766 Words371 Views
The purpose of this coursework task is to consolidate the fundamental concepts of network infrastructures, as stated in the learning outcomes below, in a practical way. By providing the opportunity for students to evidence their knowledge and abilities in network systems analysis and design for a given scenario.Formative peer feedback sessions will be provided during your normal timetabled practical sessions: Week Commencing 16th January 2017 – Group Confirmation deadline30th January 2017 – Logical Design deliverable 6th February 2017 – Physical Design deliverable13th February 2017 – Compare Logical and PhysicalMarks and Feedback:Thiswill be available 20 working days from the submission date stated above. This does not include those days that the University is closed over holiday periods.This coursework covers the unit Learning Outcomes as stated below:1. Recognize computer systems network terminology and use it appropriately, 2. Computer Networks: Topologies, and Components - The structure of networked PCs - architecture and basic layout, network servers, Networks Topologies - LAN, MAN and WAN5. Application Support Protocols - protocol suites, end-to-end transport protocol. Application support services, Session and presentation services, e-mail, File transfer, Remote login directory services Coursework DeliverablesGroup Report The submitted group coursework should be a single word-processed report not exceeding, 2000 words in length ±10%, sub-divided into the following sections indicated below corresponding approximately to the assessment headings. These should include diagrams of the designs and simulated examples evidencing the efficiencies of your design. The focus of the report is to present your groups understanding of network analysis as stated in the learning outcomes. Theoretically this is a tender put forward to gain a contract with ReVelop.Together with the main report each group member mustindividually produce two short reflective accounts not exceeding, 1000 words ±10% in total length (these reports need to be handed in together with the main report).Individual Report OneBy relating to the lab books that you have been developing over this year reflect on the lessons learnt in undertaking this coursework (approx. 500 Words). 1Network Fundamentals (U21262) | School of Computing
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Individual Report TwoReflect on the how the group managed the coursework and how well you all worked together. What roles within the group did member take on? Group work can be challenging and you need to all have good communication skills, but be honest in your reflection. Indicate the lessons you personally have learnt while working as a group (approx. 500 Words).The section headings required are:- Introduction Assumptions Made Issues influencing design Logical Design Physical Design Component and Costing ListReferences Two Individual Reflective reports (Approx.1000 Words in total, split as discussed above)The submission of the work should be both a hard copy (e.g. printer paper copy) and also electronically on CD/usb.PlagiarismThe main report must have proper citations and references throughout using the Harvard APA 6 referencing system see the University library Harvard APA FAQs. (http://referencing.port.ac.uk/)The plagiarism disciplinary policy will be invoked if ANY part of this work is found to be directly copied from the Internet printed / published work or another student. Which will result in marks being deducted for poor scholarship and possibly resulting in NO marks being be awarded for the entire assignment. AnonymityAll coursework should be anonymous; therefore you must ensure that students do NOT put their name on their work. Work should only be identified by putting the Student ID number in the document. Please see the Assessment and Examination Regulations for further information at: http://www.port.ac.uk/accesstoinformation/policies/academicregistry/filetodownload,163708,en.pdfCoursework Marking Scheme Your coursework for this unit is the production of the above specified report based on the detailed case study. The format is indicated in the ‘Coursework Deliverable’ section above. The emphasis is on the clarity of the ideas contained, so you can make use of bullet points and include any helpful graphics and diagrams as necessary. You should use evidence of the efficiencies of your design. Where there is insufficient detail in the case study you may make assumptions but you must include these in your report as a list of any assumptions you make.Introduction5 marksStatement of assumptions made10 marks2Network Fundamentals (U21262) | School of Computing
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Discussion of issues influencing design (the rationale behind your design decisions)10 marksDraft Logical design of Network (connectivity) to include evidence of efficiencies in your design 20 marksDraft Physical design of Network (location of components and cabling)20 marksComponent Specification (this should reflect the requirements of your actual design)10 marksIndividual reflective report Group reflectionLearning reflection20 marksQuality of the Report Presentation (e.g. layout, language, diagrams)Breadth of Information Resources used and correctness of citations5 marksNotes:Logical Design: is a conceptual, abstract design. You do not need to deal with the physical implementationdetails yet. This section will incorporate the topology and how the technology connects to make the whole communication system. Throughout this aspect of the design you need only ensure that you adhere to the network infrastructure specification as detailed by the company and any physical constraints imposed that will affect this stage of the design. This can be accomplished by using MS Visio or similar software.Within this part of the design you are required to test the loading and the throughput of the design to ensurethat you have not inadvertently created any bottlenecks within your network. This will prove to your client that your design is robust and the one to choose.Physical Design: Physical design is incorporating the logical design into the physical space. This has the focus of taking your logical design and then showing how it will fit into the actual physical location. This is where you consider the actual location of the componentsand the cable plans. Also consider the actual building constraints etc.Tender Specification: ReVelopReVelop is a software house currently based in London UK. They employ 250 staff with 150 staff working from their main offices. The other staff are remote workers who will need remote access to the corporate network. They provide a broad range of services to their clients. The key software development sections include:Custom Proprietary Software Applications, that take the process from inception through development and on to supporting projects for clients;Web Applications which include ecommerce, eLearning and EdTech, finance and manufacturing applications.Mobile Application Development of both hybrid and cross platform apps working on all major operating systems.Other departments within ReVelop include:Customer servicesMarketing and Sales3Network Fundamentals (U21262) | School of Computing
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