
London Review of Books


Added on  2022-08-22

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The Raid as Historical Novel
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Historical fiction refers to the literary genre where plot takes place within setting
which is located in past. The historical fiction are set in the past and it talks about the
manners along with the social conditions of the period which has been depicted (De Groot, p.
4). The American author William Faulkner wrote The Unvanquished that was set within
Yoknapatawpha County. It comprises of seven short stories that were published within The
Saturday Evening Post: Ambuscade, Retreat, Raid, The Unvanquished, Vendee, Drusilla and
An Odor of Verbena. This essay states that The Raid is a historical fiction and it comprises of
many characteristics that are the hallmarks of the historical fiction. This essay argues that The
Raid asserts claim pertaining to nationhood by portraying the subjugation of the blacks at the
time of American Civil War that makes it a historical work of fiction. This essay elucidates
that there exists an atmosphere of the fundamental strangeness in The Raid by depicting the
scene of the burned houses which is a dominant characteristics in relation to the historical
fiction. This essay discusses that the story necessitates the cultural awareness on the part of
the readers that is a trait of historical fiction.
A dominant characteristics of the historical fiction is that it articulates the concept of
the nationhood with the help of the past. The story unfolds at the time of the American Civil
War and the effects of the historical event are manifested in the characters present in The
Raid. Faulkner have communicated the ethos of the war and the horrors that are let loose in
the society by the mechanism of the war (Anderson, p. 8). Faulkner have shown destruction
and the confusion which accompany the war with the help of the series of incidents in the
work. The story articulates the trauma that the black people had to face in the society as they
had to wander aimlessly in countryside looking for River Jordan of the biblical tales and their
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efforts in reclaiming their position in the society. The blacks wanted to reclaim their rights on
the land and bring about an end to the discrimination in the society. The story shows the
evidence of the burned houses in land along with destroyed railroad tracks that bears
testimony to the grave dangers that are put in the society by the war. The bridges were blown
by the Yankees that caused the death of a large number of black people that the Yankees
were supposed to protect. The war wreaks havoc on the society and on the individual people
and it leaves bitter memories in the minds of the people.
The story shows the dissonance in between the past and the present that leaves an
effect of the disunity and the confusion on the society. It have been brought out with the help
of the following lines in the story:
“It was as if Ringo felt it too and that the railroad, the rushing locomotive which he hoped to
see symbolized it- the motion, the impulse to move which had already seethed to a head
among his people darker than themselves, reasonless, following and seeking a delusion, a
dream, a bright shape which they could not know since there was nothing in their heritage.”
(Cowley, p. 102).
Granny, Bayard along with Ringo set out for the Alabama within which the sister
Louisa resides. Denny took Bayard along with Ringo to that of railroad where they witness
railroad ties being dug up and which were burned within the heap. Steel rails had been pried
up and they were wrapped around the trees (De Groot, p. 8). The scene leaves an uncanny
impression on Ringo and his dream was shattered as he found that the rails were torn up. It
shows the difference in between the past and the present that stirs up Ringo as he had to
understand the futility of his present state of the country. It shows contrast in between child’s
view of the war and horrible destructive acts of the war. The childhood dream of the boys
pertaining to the world of the magic were destroyed after he witnessed the scene. Destruction
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