For the Methodology assignment, you will discuss the methods you plan use to do your research. The methodology or methods section explains step by step what you to do and how you will go about doing it, it allows readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research. The Methodology Assignment will consist of at least 5 double spaced pages with at least 5 scholarly references. The methodology sections should generally be written in the past tense. This should include the following: The identification of databases you plan to use to search/locate articles; keywords (i.e., the terms that will be used to locate articles to include in your report); article inclusion criteria [specify the criteria used to select articles to include in the review/report (e.g., articles must be directly related to the topic; articles must be peer-reviewed; articles must be less than 10 years old; qualitative and/or quantitative studies, articles must be based on work be undertaken in the Un