
The Rise of Environmental Security: A Study


Added on  2023-04-06

14 Pages3891 Words387 Views
Environmental SciencePolitical Science
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The Rise of Environmental Security: A Study_1

The need for environmental security increases as globalisation, in the present world,
reaches its peak which results in an increase in urbanisation and industrialisation leading to
scarcity of resources, such as energy resources, food and water. With global advancement,
there has been a modification of security threats as well. Apart from increase in natural
disasters due to imbalance in the ecosystem, major man-made disasters are also in the league,
for instance, production of latest biological weapons and toxins with the help of chemically-
synthesized biology. Over-industrialisation causes accumulation of nuclear wastes,
multiplication of hazardous untested chemical wastes from the factories that enters into the
food chain and disrupts it. It has been noticed that intrastate and interstate conflicts have been
increased with increase in environmental issues such as lack of natural and renewable as well
as non- renewable resources. A plethora of social conflicts throughout the world can be
associated with environmental hazards which have become difficult to be acknowledged and
handled by traditional military forces. There is an impending need for environmental security
in national, transnational and international standards and agendas for a sustainable survival in
the ever emerging global world. Environmental security can be termed ascertain policies
taken up to meet environmental causes for environmental recovery ensuring building of peace
and security within the international borders (Goldstone 2018 pg 84). With the publication of
IPCC’s Fourth assessment report 2007 which talked about causes and effects of climatic
change in the global context, the significance and importance of environmental security were
highlighted and thought about worldwide, by almost all the continents and countries
(Woodward et al. 2014 pg 1185). Environmental security strategies have been built by almost
all the countries according to their special needs, preferences and issues they face.
Environmental security has been considered to be one of the most important factors on
which international peace, well-being and amicable international relations are based
upon. It is speculated that the world might face acute crisis of resources and
The Rise of Environmental Security: A Study_2

biodiversity which can be one of the main reasons for global disputes and rupture of
civilization. Environmental security makes sure that the natural resources, which are
assets of the humans, are kept integrated and conserved so that such global casualties
can be avoided or dealt with. Repairing, protecting and propagating the environment
are the main policies of environmental security. The respective essay focuses on the causes
and reasons behind the rise of environmental security concept worldwide in details, its acts
and its significance in the context of global as well as local platforms. It mentions issues of
environmental security, certain strategies, plans and policies taken up to maintain sustainable
development across the globe.
Certain significant factors are important in learning why and how the concept of
environmental security came into the international standards of diplomacy for providing the
world with global justice. One of the most basic and customary reasons is the concept of
“Climate Change”. There have been a considerable number of researches conducted by the
scientists, environmentalists and researchers of the best universities and institutions across the
globe on “Climate change” and the results declared that climate change was a reality and a
truth and it has affected the environment and ecosystem obnoxiously (McDonald 2013 pg
43). Former Vice president of the United States of America, Al Gore and British Chief
Scientific Advisor Sir David King have mentioned and discussed and rhetorically analysed
about climate change, its causes and effects in the environment, ecosystem and human
civilisation (O'Neill and Smith 2014 pg 73). The resultant of global warming, which is
emission of greenhouse gases that affect the climate negatively possess certain ill-effects on
the environment; 1.Severe droughts or flood due to heavy storm surges that gives rise to
famines, destroys life and property and disrupts infrastructure; 2. A considerable rise of the
sea level leading to contamination of freshwater by the salted sea water is making it unfit for
consumption; 3. Temperature increase that leads to severe health issues such as sunstroke,
The Rise of Environmental Security: A Study_3

malaria and dengue (Downing 2013). The two major countries responsible for global
warming is assumed to be China and the United States. Several environmental security
policies have been formulated by the two countries to curb global warming and diminish
climatic change as much as possible. However, it is observed that, while China has taken
solemn resolutions to curb the growing global warming issues she is facing by taking
initiatives for diminishing emission of greenhouse gases and has become the leading country
in solar energy production, America is observed to be reluctant in brining any changes in
their environmental policies (Dalby 2014 pg 1). Certain environmental security policies
regarding the matter have already been taken into action, for instance, World Meteorological
Organisation and United Nation’s Environmental Programme inaugurated and established
“Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change” (IPCC) which works on the risk factors of
climatic change that might adversely affect human activities (Woodward et al. 2014 pg
The concept of human’s dependence on the ecosystem, resources and services
provided by the earth and the growing intolerance towards such services which, in turn, is
leading towards international conflict is one of the major concerns for the rise of
environmental security (O'Brien and Barnett 2013 pg 373). Since post- industrial revolution,
there has been a reasonable increase of entrepreneurship workplace culture globally that has
been significant in degradation of the environment. Such worldwide movement have posed a
threat to the “safe operating space for humanity” and made humans vulnerable to the
adversities of pollution and natural degradation. Therefore, there has been a demand for
environmental security reforms related to “sustainable development of an individual and a
nation” a social equity without harming the environment and ecosystem. The concept of
sustainability was first introduced by the Planetary Boundaries framework as one of the
components of environmental security policies (Lafferty and Eckerberg 2013).
The Rise of Environmental Security: A Study_4

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