
The International Criminal Court and Darfur: A Role in Justice


Added on  2019-10-08

5 Pages1001 Words211 Views
The role of theInternational CriminalCourt in DarfurABC[Pick the date]
The International Criminal Court and Darfur: A Role in Justice_1

The role of the International Criminal Court in Darfur 1In the past ten years, the International criminal Court has shown remarkable achievements. 108 States Parties are there presently and 12 arrest warrants have been issued by the Judges. Thus, four people have been in custody. The investigations have been opened in four of the cases that are, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Darfur in the Sudan, and the Central African Republic (Savelsberg, 2017). When an investigation is conducted by the Prosecutor of international Criminal Court during a conflict or after that, he faces the claims that the peace is shattered due to his actions. In such situations, there is just one goal that the competing public policy goals must get reconciled. For this, the starting point is the recognition that the leaders of the warring parties who are responsible for atrocities are viewing the prosecution by the ICC as one of the few credible threats. To ensure this, it is required by ICC that the convictions to demonstrate the credibility and effectiveness is demonstrated by the court and the prosecutions are getting trumped by the processes of peace. Thus, the value of the court as deterrent gets compromised. Thus, the role of International Criminal Court is very important.On March 4th, 2009, an arrest warrant was issued for President Omar al-Bashir by the pre-trial chamber of the International Criminal Court. He was the president of Sudan and he was charged with the crimes against humanity and his involvement in the war crimes. It was questioned that whether the prosecutor of the court has the authority to bring charges against any head of state i.e. whether there was any kind of immunity that the heads enjoyed from prosecution? But, this question was denied by the court which was established by the Romestatute and it was held that the prosecution by International Criminal Court applies to everyone,
The International Criminal Court and Darfur: A Role in Justice_2

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