In 'The Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin, Louise Mallard, serves the protagonist’s role with her complex, private and horribly unflinching desire for liberation and independence which was previously shadowed but takes the forefront with an apparently obvious display, following her being a recipient to the news of her husband’s death because he was involved in a Railroad accident. This piece was first published in the renowned women’s fashion magazine ‘Vogue’ on the 6th of December, 1984, with the previous title, ‘The Dream of an Hour’. This short story serves as a example, because it is a salient piece that inspired the women’s liberation movement fueled by the need for equality of all Genders. Needless to say, such a revolutionary writing was the cause of countless controversies in America, because of the highly carefree nature of the writing. It exuded the woman’s need to break free from the shackles of patriarchy and meaningless societal norms.