


Added on  2022-12-19

6 Pages1271 Words40 Views
Running head: TOPIC IN IT ETHICS
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Dilemma faced by programmers regarding the unethical and illegal activities
From the case study it is being analyzed that sometimes employees within an
organization are asked to perform unethical activities even when they are not willing to do so.
Thus the article stated that the programmers had a discussion within an organization regarding
the unethical activities they are asked to perform within the organization. There are several
issues that came up regarding the programmer. Among this issues one of the issue that was
reported is regarding an intern facing a challenge while prepare a website. The intern was asked
to create a website by copying the source code that as developed by someone else. Thus this type
of activities is basically regarded as unethical and also against the norms of the organization.
Moreover when the intern objected on this activity he was being stated that the aim of copying
the source code is only for the purpose of demonstrating the software towards the clients. This
situation is referred to one of the illegal activities that take place within the organization.
However copying someone else code is illegal and does not depends on the reason behind it.
Stealing someone’s’ else data for personal use is against the IT ethics. Whenever a code is being
developed by a programmer than it becomes his copyright and using that algorithm without their
concern is illegal and this like stealing their thinking. In addition to this the code developed by
every developer varies widely as this are based on thinking level of the programmers.
According to the company the logic used behind the argument is that the code that is
copied from someone else algorithm can be considered as original, despite there are chances that
the algorithm developed has been copied from someone else or from some open source code.
The logic behind stating this statement is that with the growing knowledge the website designing
codes are available in forum thus it cannot be considered as an authenticated data.

The ethical theory helps in analyzing the activities effectively and also checks whether
the organization is performing the activities effectively or not by following proper ethical rules.
As per the utilitarianism ethical theory an act is considered to be ethical whenever it produces
greatest goods towards the organization or a number of people. People associated with the
organization should be benefitted. However after analyzing the case that took place in this
organization it can be stated that the act of copying someone else’s code will be beneficial for the
organization but on a long term will have some repercussion. There is a high chance that the
company will face legal action in future if this situation gets revealed. This will impact the
reputation of the organization and will also impact the client’s future. Thus this kind of act has
the potential to impact the organization on long term and will impact everyone associated with
the organization.
The deontological theory of ethics states that if any action performed by an
individual needs to be assessed than it should be evaluated on the basis of rightness or wrongness
of that action. That is it should focus on the right implication rather than focusing on the outcome
of the action. Thus it can be stated that the morality of any activity needs to be judged based on
the nature of the action rather than focusing on the results that will come with the action.
However the act of copying someone else’s data cannot be justified with any argument. This act
will always remain illegal as there is a need to have proper permission from the owner code
before copying or manipulating the code for personal use. In addition to this the act of copying
someone code is not only illegal but is also against the ethics for an organization. Moreover there
is a high chance for the organization to face legal consequences at future. In case the
organization is able to hide this incident from others than it will become easy to manage the

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