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Totto Case Study: Corporate Competitive Environment and Strategic Formulation


Added on  2023/06/13

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This case study analyzes Totto's corporate competitive environment, strategic formulation, and impact of organizational culture, stakeholder influence, and social, ethical issues. It also discusses the tools and techniques of competitive environment, soft issues and relationship to successfully formulate corporate strategy, analysis of strategic objectives and resources planning, and dimensional strategic analysis.

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Totto case study

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Corporate competitive environment, holds huge business importance for strengthening rapid diversified business growth
towards new directions. Totto backpacks, accessories and clothing through 480 stores, of which one-half were located
in Colombia and one-half in 21 other countries. Totto has been taken as company for current file, where the report will
address soft issues and relationship in corporate strategy formulation extensively. Research in this study will also shed
light on impact of organisational culture, stakeholder influence and social, ethical issues faced by company for primitive
new extended growth competitively.
Corporate competitive environment
The corporate competitive environment, holds huge importance in recent time for Totto to enhance corporate
functional strength actively as per recent working scenarios. Recent analysis has been found to be effective for
strengthening untapped goals and determines new targets actively. Tottto company business environment, holds
huge role to generate technical vision oriented domains worked on as per international new business goals.
Tools and techniques of competitive environment
Tools and techniques of competitive environment, has been also extending to bring on wider practical
business enhanced on for strengthening untapped wider goals.
Totto has been also expanding practical usage of best tools and techniques, where competitive environment has
been also functionally evolving within recent time. Totto has new future trends and contingent action plan
formulated to bring on further extended new scope enhanced on, for gaining extended market oriented paradigms
(Hadiyati and, 2020).
Pestle, swot, vrio are some of the specific future oriented competitive environment where company has
been vitally heading to bring on extended new market pace for gaining practical optimistic position. Future trends
also evolves focus on determining new supply oriented services and generate extensive diversified business goals
for gaining new untapped market, which quests up scope for higher revenue. Company has been also vitally
strengthening best paradigms usage of company business models, where extended scope has been also witnessing
to bring on productive growth. Totto backpacks, accessories and clothing has been extended to bring on new 480
stores, of which one-half were located in Colombia and one-half in 21 other countries.
Soft issues and relationship to successfully formulate corporate strategy formulation
The soft issues and relationship analysis signifies that Totto faces significant rising competition from
overseas markets, challenges in remodelling goals which further has been found to be widely specific working
engagement worked on (Janamian, 2022). Relationship to successfully formulate new corporate strategies, signifies
that new advanced competitive goals for extended practical diversification. Also identification of soft issues, and
relationship to advance on scope towards extended corporate strategy formulation for evolving untapped growth.
International exposure has been increasing within varied directions, where new business grounds expansion is
failing to bring on wider productive channels for intrinsic business growth rapidly. There has been also specific
business decline being witnessed on for bringing on technical scope within new directions for brand (Masenya,
The sustaining competitive advantage factor also brings on focus to bring on rapid expertise, for
strengthening untapped long term technical targets for operative business growth. Totto had leading market share in
Colombia across 240 outlets in 38 countries, with 277 chains and 794 distributors which builds large extended
scope for strengthened accounted market parameters functionally. Soft issues and relations for extended successful
corporate strategy formulation analysis plays crucial role, where Totto aims to deal with new untapped goals for
gaining wider platforms diversification. By adhering to sustainable competitive advantage, new untapped positive
growth for adhering towards extended market place within industry. It can be also analysed that Totto further has
scope to improvise new technologies oriented expertise, strengthen up demand channels among customers for
pertaining towards extended growth goals functionally innovatively.
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Analysis of strategic objectives and resources planning in terms of
successful strategic assessment and decision making to generate
international benchmarks
Totto expands its footprint to cover dozen countries, where it aims to
bring on new extended developed marketing expansion towards new
parameters proactively. Totto significantly also has entered into
almost new 85 % of international sales, and reduced functional scope
to harness competitive market expansion (Lee and Moumbark, 2022).
Totto has been competitively focusing to bring forward extended new
productive functional efficacy, for generating international benchmark
within global benchmarks. The strategic business resources planning
further develops successful strategic assessment, for decision making
to enhance extended international working targets proactively.
Resource planning in terms of successful strategic assessment has
been engaging to bring on wider platforms enhanced on rapidly for
gaining competitive goals worked on. It can be also analysed that
Totto strategic assessment, and decision making has been proactively
expanding towards new untapped international benchmarks for
primitive working growth actively.
Impact of organisational culture, stakeholder influence and social, ethical issues.
Totto has been functionally focusing on organisational cultural aspects, stakeholder influences and social, ethical issues
by heading towards competent adherence towards parameters based on wider goals. The brand aims to adhere towards
extended stakeholder influence, and leveraging rise on towards primitive determined goals for connective functional rise
imperatively. Totto aims to develop stakeholder influence, by developing new quest oriented wider scale business goals
for gaining extensive profit levels worked on.
Dimensional strategic analysis:
Strategic analysis is further connected towards financial strength, relative market shares and extended market
oriented domains for gaining new extensive benchmarks. Three dimensional strategic analysis further will develop
primitive rise towards extended business parameters, for extended higher market reach extensively on wider
technical domains. Totto has been also strategically investing towards new primitive competent goals, primitively
bringing on higher competitive growth domains worked on (Fatonah and Haryanto, 2022). Financial strength: Totto financial business goals are extensively connected to bring on new revenue
paradigms worked on, where adherence to new long term international business plans holds huge
importance. The revenue aspects, of company signifies that finance strength enhance business expansion
further on extended new determined targets, for larger higher profits in revenue grounds. By extending on
new finance plans there has been further productive expanded growth worked on, for gaining new technical
scope worked on. Relative market share: Totto relative market share has been extended to primitively leverage new
innovative wider products range, services for extending larger scale market oriented products range goals. It
signifies that relative market share of Totto Is based on international market oriented goals for gaining new
customer oriented parameters worked on, and advance up scope for profitability goals actively. Totto
backpacks are placed back in stores, where rapid functional scope has been framing towards new business
goals and generate technical oriented paradigms. Relative market share extensively adheres for extended
new business enhancement diversely.
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Ethical issues, and significant sustainable business services
growth has been found to be optimistic where company has
new scope and also primitive rise to leverage on towards
extended new channels. Business within Totto, has been also
primitively rising to bring on untapped extended expansion
in bringing change and strategically enhance wider scale
functional growth actively within new directions (Arif,
Herwany and Febrian,., 2022).
The research in recent report has concluded business strategies of Totto has been found to be optimum towards
extended new plans formulation, and technical vision formulation for gaining new extended market place enhanced on
fundamentally. Report within recent study has summarized Totto new finance strength, higher market oriented range of
new products and services. The company has been vitally developing optimistic new decisions to vitally leverage new
untapped competitive goals, for gaining extended market domains worked on strategically for diverse business
Books and Journals
Arif, B., and, 2022. The effects of business environment and supply chain governance on business strategies
and company performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), pp.37-42.
Fatonah, S. and Haryanto, A., 2022. Exploring market orientation, product innovation and competitive advantage to
enhance the performance of SMEs under uncertain evens. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), pp.161-168.
Hadiyati, E., and, 2020 Competitive advantage and marketing performance in smes: how the role of
entrepreneurial and market orientation?.
Janamian, K., 2022. Implementing Cloud Information Systems for Organizational Agility and Competitive
Advantage: SaaS Migration. In Achieving Organizational Agility, Intelligence, and Resilience Through Information
Systems (pp. 39-71). IGI Global.
Lee, H. and Moumbark, T., 2022. Climate Change, Corruption, and Business Bribes in South Asia. Finance
Research Letters, p.102685.
Masenya, T. M., 2022. Integrating Talent and Knowledge Management Practices in the New Normal Business
Environment: Developing Future Leaders in Public Sector Organizations. In Navigating the New Normal of
Business With Enhanced Human Resource Management Strategies (pp. 113-144). IGI Global.

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